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legal or not?


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OK, you are out shooting pigeon and you see one rise from the rape/corn/whatever.

You track him until hes still closeish but above the barn/farm.

Concentrating really hard you pop one at him, however, a pheasant (out of season) you did not see is flying in the opposite direction.

You manage to kill both with one shot.

It's a 1,000 to one shot! You did not intend to kill the pheasant but you did!


Is this an accident or illeagal?



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OK, you are out shooting pigeon and you see one rise from the rape/corn/whatever.

You track him until hes still closeish but above the barn/farm.

Concentrating really hard you pop one at him, however, a pheasant (out of season) you did not see is flying in the opposite direction.

You manage to kill both with one shot.

It's a 1,000 to one shot! You did not intend to kill the pheasant but you did!


Is this an accident or illeagal?



Both, But i would,nt worry about it too much, **** happens you know
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I think the odds you are quoting of 1000 to 1 are a bit low.

I have shot tens of thousand cartridges and this has never happened to me. :)

A long time ago I was zeroing a rifle and as I pulled the trigger I heard an odd impact sound and looked up to see a cloud of small feathers drifting away halfway down range, and no hole in the target. Never found the bird that got in the way but the odds of that happening must be very small indeed.

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If I shot a marsh harrier or other rare bird out on evening flight would it be illegal? Heck yeah! It don't matter if it was accidental or not although you may offer it in mitigation - its the same as if you shoot anything you shouldn't. The idea is to not have these accidents, the circumstances decribed sound extremely unlikely though and if it were my land and game I think I might remove your permision

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Falling shot maybe, but imagine how you would feel if you were waking up opening your curtains to someone pointing a shotgun towards your house and firing one off.


Accidents do happen as said, this time he was lucky it was a pheasant and not the chimney pot! No pigeon is worth shooting over a house for.

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OK, time to put this one to bed.

I did not do this, it was a hypothetical question.

Let's take the farm/barn out of the equation as well.

It would appear that whilst illeagal it was also an accident so the local magistrate would probably dismiss the case once he heard the facts.

I never have and never will, knowingly, shoot game out of season.

Thanks for your helpful replies



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