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What would a Ukip Britain look like?


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Chris·tian (kribreve.gifsprime.gifchschwa.gifn)


1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

2. Relating to or derived from Jesus or Jesus's teachings.

3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Jesus; Christlike.

4. Relating to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents.

5. Showing a loving concern for others; humane.



1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.

2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.


As an adjective 4&5 do not require any belief in god... as a noun no 2 does not require a belief in god if we take the teachings of jesus as a set of rules and a moral code, which is exactly what they are... I'm sure Jesus existed, I'm sure he was a great public speaker and I'm sure he had plenty of sheep in his flock.... there you go... I believe in Jesus Christ... and I live my life based on the rule book created by (allegedly) his teachings as a moral code... I choose to ignore the bits that refer to the omnipotent superbeing.. Don't see any mention of the word god in that definition?


Now back to my question... do you believe EVERYTHING the bible tells you?

Edited by Vipa
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... if we take the teachings of jesus as a set of rules and a moral code, which is exactly what they are... I'm sure Jesus existed, I'm sure he was a great public speaker and I'm sure he had plenty of sheep in his flock.... there you go... I believe in Jesus Christ... and I live my life based on the rule book created by (allegedly) his teachings as a moral code... I choose to ignore the bits that refer to the omnipotent superbeing.. Don't see any mention of the word god in that definition?


Yet you missed out the two most important haven`t you? Mt 22:35-41.

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No, as in the Bible it states that "There is no God" which is untrue and is exactly the sort of reasoning that you will trot out about young earth, days of creation or some such other topic which would take this off topic as I could write a thesis on these topics. If you want you can PM your questions or start a new topic, to which I will add as and when I have time between essays, presentations, work and life.

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No, as in the Bible it states that "There is no God" which is untrue and is exactly the sort of reasoning that you will trot out about young earth, days of creation or some such other topic which would take this off topic as I could write a thesis on these topics. If you want you can PM your questions or start a new topic, to which I will add as and when I have time between essays, presentations, work and life.


Not at all Henry.... It just frustrates me that YOU are allowed to pick and choose which bits of the bible to take on board but others are not!

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I t

well you learn something useful every day it seems, dont that beat all lol it would be interesting to have a anonymous whose going to vote for who poll one day


I think reading through this thread... UKIP would appear to be ahead in the PW straw poll by quite a margin!

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Psalm 14:1 The foolsays in his heart, ‘There is no God.’


But that's not a teaching of the bible, that's a dig and a derogatory critiscism leveled at those who 'dare' not to believe..


If you think that says there is no god then you have misinterpreted it completely!

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a reminder of one of the rules you subscribe to;


"It is not permitted for members to steer a thread away from its topic of conversation. If you wish to change the subject matter, start a new topic entirely. If you post something that you later wish to be removed, it is your responsibility to edit it. The process of editing is just as simple as the process of posting".

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a reminder of one of the rules you subscribe to;


"It is not permitted for members to steer a thread away from its topic of conversation. If you wish to change the subject matter, start a new topic entirely. If you post something that you later wish to be removed, it is your responsibility to edit it. The process of editing is just as simple as the process of posting".



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Need to add:


No secret justice

Absolute right to jury trials

No ID cards

Sack all Police Officers with a criminal record

Make all NHS staff take an oath of duty of care and instant dismissal for breach thereof

Jail all MP's who fiddled their expenses

Recall option for sacking MP's between elections.

No MP to serve more than two terms

and so on...


and they forgot repeal the Hunting Act.

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so your saying he is not the messiah just a very naughty boy?



and his mother was a slapper, pregnant without having sex ??? what a load of codswallop, and people believe this fairystory, it makes me laugh when i see them on a sunday walking in the church,, ""another hour of being brainwashed for them then"" sad but true,


in the seventies i was taught in school we came from apes ??? even that has now been proved wrong, a lot of the bible has been proved wrong also just like liebour and the cons, full of total LIES

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and his mother was a slapper, pregnant without having sex ??? what a load of codswallop, and people believe this fairystory, it makes me laugh when i see them on a sunday walking in the church,, ""another hour of being brainwashed for them then"" sad but true,


in the seventies i was taught in school we came from apes ??? even that has now been proved wrong, a lot of the bible has been proved wrong also just like liebour and the cons, full of total LIES


Care to elaborate, on a new topic of course?

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Afraid your reply doesn't really make sense to me. What do you mean by just 'no'?


You asked..


"I think more effort should be put into using wave platforms and river turbines as a resource. We are not short of water and it never stops moving.

Can be done so its un-noticeable or at least blends into the landscape."


The answer is that no it can't.


There isn't enough power in river flow.


Tidal is guaranteed twice a day but what do you do in between? There aren't many more suitable sites for hydro in the UK unless we start flooding occupied land.


Hard to comprehend generation density, try me, I'm educated and there is a hell of a lot of moving water in the seas and rivers that could be tapped. Not saying it would be a replacement, but sure small villages and towns with nearby rivers could provide all the power they needed and move off the grid.


There's been a tidal power generator installed at Strangford Lough since 2008....




If you look at a map of the UK you'll see this is one of the most suitable places for tidal power generation, it's a large tidal body of water with a narrow inlet/outlet.


This generates 1.2 MW of electricity.


Peak UK demand is about 60 GW, ie you'd need 5000 Strangford installations (in fact more when you take into account the inefficiency of conversion twice during storage).


As I said it's hard to get your head round the power that a coal or gas fired power station can actually generate.



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You asked..


"I think more effort should be put into using wave platforms and river turbines as a resource. We are not short of water and it never stops moving.

Can be done so its un-noticeable or at least blends into the landscape."


The answer is that no it can't.


There isn't enough power in river flow.


Tidal is guaranteed twice a day but what do you do in between? There aren't many more suitable sites for hydro in the UK unless we start flooding occupied land.




There's been a tidal power generator installed at Strangford Lough since 2008....




If you look at a map of the UK you'll see this is one of the most suitable places for tidal power generation, it's a large tidal body of water with a narrow inlet/outlet.


This generates 1.2 MW of electricity.


Peak UK demand is about 60 GW, ie you'd need 5000 Strangford installations (in fact more when you take into account the inefficiency of conversion twice during storage).


As I said it's hard to get your head round the power that a coal or gas fired power station can actually generate.




Instead of thinking of just one source of power eg 5000 strangford needed. Couple that with wind power offshore wind farms, solar power, small hydro power stations for towns near rivers. It all adds up. People are looking at all or nothing. Coal power isn't the answer for the uk we don't have high grade coal any more really coupled with the cost of reintroducing mining we would just import coal. Like someone else said once the demand heightens for coal so will the price. The point was ukip are wanting to stop funding for wind power and use coal. With out the support of the government people won't advance the technology used in renewable energy as nowhere to sell the final product on to.

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I am genuinley shocked by the level of Ukip support generated in this post and the lack of any real discussion on the reality of voting Ukip into power.


I too beleive that the current parties are a waste of space and have seriously blurred the boundaries of their policies in an attempt to steal votes from the other parties, which has disengaged the public and caused further dis-trust in the parties true agendas. However this is just the evolution of a very old policitical game and I am sure we will see (as the pendulum swings back) that they will adjust their positions. Therefore I am unhappy also like everyone and would like to give the parties a bit of shock treatment, but voting for Ukip is an extreme form of protest, and you should be careful what you wish for as;

- looking at their policies relating to the armed forces you could possibly be lead to beleive they were building the foundations for a communist state. Question - how many communist states permit their comrades to hold guns under licences unless they are in the armed forces?

- All leaders will tell you what you want to hear until they are in power, and you will find out the REAL meaning of their intentions

- Ukip have no historic base or evidence to prove their abilty to improve or even run this country - if elected. Voting for them and you are voting for an unknown untested rule of power which is radical (to say the least). Look at Lib dems. Untested and unproven - voted into power by default and what have they produced?


If I owned a company that was sinking would I put an untested extreemist at the helm to pull it out of the flames or perhaps a more steady hand with a known track record?


The United Kingdom needs a steady hand not a great big size 11 boot stamping around. Also because Ukip have never been in power we dont really know what they will do but everyone out there appears to be thinking - "hey they have never done anything wrong lets give them a go". This is the basis for a very dangerous method of vote selection and in return you will receive an unknown party with an unknown agenda and ability to govern us during a very dangerous time in the countries history.


It concerns me that people are stating on the one hand how and what a mess all the policiticians have got us into. Well, no one is perfect and no one on the planet makes the correct decision 100% of the time. But this mess is global, and not limited to the UK. And it will take time to correct itself.


I am afraid that money makes the world go round. This is a fact you should ignor at your peril. Therefore the day that Ukip secure power will be the day that all international investors/banks/intitutions will review their association with the UK and perhaps feel that this is not the type of country they should base their investment/employment in given its new and very radical governed state.


I dont think any goverment voted in power today will have the magic pill to make all this pain go away overnight. But do I want to roll the dice by opting for an unknown party with extreeme views and postions bringing the country back from the edge? No I dont think so.


Deep breath. Steps down of soap box.

Edited by rainman_l
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