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Evolution/natural selection. Yes or no?


Evolution. Wright or wrong  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you broadly believe that evolution through natural selection created complex life (humans) on Earth?

    • Yes. Darwinism is about right
    • No. God designed every living thing separately
    • No, God made Adam 4,500 years ago from clay
    • No. Non human intelligent lifeforms had a hand.

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Following on from another thread, I though I'd ask what people think about evolution. Did we evolve from apes of are we related to Adam?


I'm not asking about the origin of life, just how intelligent life appeared.


Just interested to know what percentage believe in Darwinism, creationism or intelligent design.

Edited by FalconFN
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Why not just call this the 'wind up Henry D thread' ?


pointless and destined to get locked

Tbf if he has a problem with it he dosnt have to comment.

Why should a thread be locked just because 1 or 2 people disagree.

Henryd belives in god

I dont

But if henryd wanted to start a topic about what happens when you die, do you go to heven or not, i wouldnt be offended.

He has his veiw i have mine.


But whats with a big church wedding when you have only been in church a handfull of times in your life?



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it has now been proved that the man we are today (homosapian) has not been found on this earth longer than 6,000 years,


yes skulls and skeletons have been found resembling modern man but they have been proved that they are not the same,


however ape skulls have been found which are even older and they have not changed in any way, so they are now saying that it is impossible for man to have evolved from apes, also their are different varieties of ape and none of those skulls have shown any change over the 1000,s of years, we are two totally different types


now regards the bible and how we evolved ie, adam and eve well lets be honest i am a bit to mature and wise to believe that they ever existed and where gods creation, it is all a man made fabrication , but if it makes people feel happy to believe in god then get on with it,


when i was younger at school we where taught that we came from apes and even had posters on the wall starting from a crustation and then growing legs ,then crawling , then an ape and then into man today,,what a total load of tosh,


lets not forget not so long ago people thought the world was flat this has also been proved to be wrong,, I THINK

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We had one at work, I called him the oxygen thief.

We worked at this womans house.

She had a 19yr old fit daughter, if brains was **** she wouldnt have enough to make a smell. ( i had to put her mc donalds toy together after she had spent an hour trying)

The daughter and apprentice drank at the same pub so we banned him from talking to her incase they produced offspring.

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it has now been proved that the man we are today (homosapian) has not been found on this earth longer than 6,000 years,


yes skulls and skeletons have been found resembling modern man but they have been proved that they are not the same,





Fossils of modern man, aka homo sapien have been dated at 200,000 years old in Ethiopia. Ironic name BTW :D

Edited by Breastman
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Fossils of modern man, aka homo sapien have been dated at 200,000 years old in Ethiopia. Ironic name BTW :D


well show the world it,,modern man has not and i quote HAS NOT been found on this earth older than 6,000 years, other skeletons have been found yes but not modern man so i,m sorry you are wrong

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well show the world it,,modern man has not and i quote HAS NOT been found on this earth older than 6,000 years, other skeletons have been found yes but not modern man so i,m sorry you are wrong


So where's you evidence denying the fossil record which a 10 second Googling/flick through a natural history book claims to exist??

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Why not just call this the 'wind up Henry D thread' ?


pointless and destined to get locked

Most definately not intended to wind up anyone, least of all Henry D as he seems a reasonable chap and I respect whatever beliefs he holds, but I am interested in seeing what others think. I doubt there are many creationists on here but is I'd be interested if there are.

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well show the world it,,modern man has not and i quote HAS NOT been found on this earth older than 6,000 years, other skeletons have been found yes but not modern man so i,m sorry you are wrong


Did you get that info from a David Icke Publication ?


God 0

Aliens 0

Darwin 1

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Why not just call this the 'wind up Henry D thread' ?


pointless and destined to get locked

Most definately not intended to wind up anyone, least of all Henry D as he seems a reasonable chap and I respect whatever beliefs he holds, but I am interested in seeing what others think. I doubt there are many creationists on here but is I'd be interested if there are.

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I think that the world was going along nicely following Darwin's theory until one day some Aliens arrived bringing people or modifying apes in some way and that was the beginning of the end like a virus we will spread out and kill the world and then it will be ready to start all over again ( for Aliens you could say Mice = 42 ) :whistling:

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it has now been proved that the man we are today (homosapian) has not been found on this earth longer than 6,000 years,


yes skulls and skeletons have been found resembling modern man but they have been proved that they are not the same,


however ape skulls have been found which are even older and they have not changed in any way, so they are now saying that it is impossible for man to have evolved from apes, also their are different varieties of ape and none of those skulls have shown any change over the 1000,s of years, we are two totally different types


now regards the bible and how we evolved ie, adam and eve well lets be honest i am a bit to mature and wise to believe that they ever existed and where gods creation, it is all a man made fabrication , but if it makes people feel happy to believe in god then get on with it,


when i was younger at school we where taught that we came from apes and even had posters on the wall starting from a crustation and then growing legs ,then crawling , then an ape and then into man today,,what a total load of tosh,


lets not forget not so long ago people thought the world was flat this has also been proved to be wrong,, I THINK

So........to answer the question, where do you believe we came from?


Personally I think you misunderstand natural selection as all species don't evolve all the time, there has to be some environmental pressure for natural selection to have any profound effect. Many creatures are the same as they were millions of years ago as they have no reason to 'change' but many are products of changing food, climate or predator pressures and have evolved to survive.

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I think that the world was going along nicely following Darwin's theory until one day some Aliens arrived bringing people or modifying apes in some way and that was the beginning of the end like a virus we will spread out and kill the world and then it will be ready to start all over again ( for Aliens you could say Mice = 42 ) :whistling:


6x9 :yes:

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