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Evolution/natural selection. Yes or no?


Evolution. Wright or wrong  

139 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you broadly believe that evolution through natural selection created complex life (humans) on Earth?

    • Yes. Darwinism is about right
    • No. God designed every living thing separately
    • No, God made Adam 4,500 years ago from clay
    • No. Non human intelligent lifeforms had a hand.

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henry d ,


i comes across my friend that you are in with the religeous order in some way ??? but can i just ask you one simple question ;;


if there is a god ? then why o why does he make so many children suffer in pain, die of hunger, live without any love in their lives before dying at an early age,they have not brought any harm to anyone, yes i for one am seeing this first hand so can you please tell me why god allows for this to happen instead of him punishing others whom have done wrong


also scully,,my thoughts are with you buddy, stay strong :good:

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henry d ,


i comes across my friend that you are in with the religeous order in some way ??? but can i just ask you one simple question ;;


if there is a god ? then why o why does he make so many children suffer in pain, die of hunger, live without any love in their lives before dying at an early age,they have not brought any harm to anyone, yes i for one am seeing this first hand so can you please tell me why god allows for this to happen instead of him punishing others whom have done wrong


also scully,,my thoughts are with you buddy, stay strong :good:

Population control.

Theres them who belive

And them who dont.

And no amount of arguing will make the other change there mind.

Edited by cockercas
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henry d ,


i comes across my friend that you are in with the religeous order in some way ??? but can i just ask you one simple question ;;


if there is a god ? then why o why does he make so many children suffer in pain, die of hunger, live without any love in their lives before dying at an early age,they have not brought any harm to anyone, yes i for one am seeing this first hand so can you please tell me why god allows for this to happen instead of him punishing others whom have done wrong


also scully,,my thoughts are with you buddy, stay strong :good:


The answer will no doubt be something along the lines of testing the faith of the faithful!

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through my love of amateur film making , i love watching films about the middle ages and kings and queens of England etc etc ..just watched the Tudors, blimey that would be enough to put anyone off religion, :lol: great series though


I firmly believe we have devoloped from ape... dad was Ginger and resembled an orangutang... where as mothers side were more Lemur like, the wife loves my tail :lol:

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Is that what the bible tells you happened Henry?


Yes along with archaeological finds and other records to back it up.


henry d ,


i comes across my friend that you are in with the religeous order in some way ??? but can i just ask you one simple question ;;


No not in this thread, PM me or start another.

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This is a good post guys, well done its very interesting reading this is, but I,m with VIPA and evo etc, vipas post about who created the creators etc is bang on we will never know,


I think it is just faith ( religion that is) something to take comfort in ,in hard and painful times in our lives , if it works for you well each to there own , but I,m out. We make our own luck and futures by our own actions, not some higher being etc,


This is a good post with some good replies, PW as it should be,





Edited by flynny
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If you have a creator who created everything, how could they possibly have been created?




Who created god, Buddha etc and so on and so forth blah, blah blah,


As posted earlier , each to there own, I have posted my personal opinion,





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Yes along with archaeological finds and other records to back it up.




No not in this thread, PM me or start another.


henry d,,


why do you when confronted or are asked a question always step aside from any question asked and say " PM me or start another thread ??? we are talking about how evolution began and surely you could not discuss this without god and religeon being involved, i personally dont know how it all started and if i did i would be a little richer than i already am :smartass:


i do not feel any need to start another thread when the question i asked is involved with this topic, neither do i feel i should PM yourself, i was merely asking you a question that i am unsure of and as you seem very well educated about religion , thought you would of answered it.


this thread was started because you asked myself to expand on what i had said, so NO i,m not starting another thread or pm<ing you,


surely the question i asked is not hard to explain coming from a man of your knowledge

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If you have a creator who created everything, how could they possibly have been created?


I didn't say creator, I said designer... everything can take on any meaning you want Henry.. you are seeing things in very blinkered terms. Everything on our planet, everything in our galaxy, everything in our universe, everything in other universes...

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Yes along with archaeological finds and other records to back it up.





So again... your point of reference is a 2000 year old book of short stories written by a few blokes accross a few centuries. Said book was written at a time when, amongst other things, the earth was flat, earth was at the centre of the universe and the coming of a comet was seen as an omen of doom...


And you take this book literaly? That makes no sense at all!


I respect others beliefs and, whilst it doesn't float my boat, I can understand why someone would believe in an omnipotant superbeing who created everything, apparently because he had nothing better to do one week! What I can't get my head round is why anyone would take a 2000 year old book at it's word.


There is absolutely ZERO evidence that ANYTHING written in the bible is true and on that point, I refer you back to Russel's Teapot

Edited by Vipa
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Population control.

Theres them who belive

And them who dont.

And no amount of arguing will make the other change there mind.

Yup spot on i believe religion was created to control the masses, i really really can't be convinced that there is some kind of supreme being overseeing everything that happens because as some one said above why would children suffer pain and famine? is this because their parents have upset this supreme being then if so why does famine effect so many??

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.....There is absolutely ZERO evidence that ANYTHING written in the bible is true and on that point, I refer you back to Russel's Teapot


You blatantly missed out that archaeology has proven many of the historically correct stories, Cyrus cylinder etc.


I didn't say creator, I said designer... everything can take on any meaning you want Henry.. you are seeing things in very blinkered terms. Everything on our planet, everything in our galaxy, everything in our universe, everything in other universes...
I was not replying to you.


i really really can't be convinced that there is some kind of supreme being overseeing everything that happens because as some one said above why would children suffer pain and famine?
I do not believe in that god either.
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You blatantly missed out that archaeology has proven many of the historically correct stories, Cyrus cylinder etc.


I was not replying to you.


I do not believe in that god either.


not knocking your Beliefs Henry each to there own i have often thought long and hard about religion and even have a GCSE in it (was an easy class and some of the fit girls took that subject he he) i just really can't see it having any substance other than a means of controlling the masses, for me i would be more inclined to believe that we are not alone in the universe and that other distant planets are inhabited by other beings maybe these even created humans and colonised earth with us????? :good:

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You blatantly missed out that archaeology has proven many of the historically correct stories, Cyrus cylinder etc.



Archaeological evidence proves nothing with regards to religion... what it may do is give a better understanding of anthropology and population migration... please tell me how archaeology proves that they were over-run by Syrians 'because they disobeyed God so many times?'


not knocking your Beliefs Henry each to there own i have often thought long and hard about religion and even have a GCSE in it (was an easy class and some of the fit girls took that subject he he) i just really can't see it having any substance other than a means of controlling the masses, for me i would be more inclined to believe that we are not alone in the universe and that other distant planets are inhabited by other beings maybe these even created humans and colonised earth with us? ???? :good:

Prometheus... not a bad movie :-)

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Archaeological evidence proves nothing with regards to religion... what it may do is give a better understanding of anthropology and population migration... please tell me how archaeology proves that they were over-run by Syrians 'because they disobeyed God so many times?'



Prometheus... not a bad movie :-)

never seen Prometheus any good?? might be one for a wet afternoon while i have no vehicle as wifey has my car and hers is off in for an MOT later

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