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Problem with cz safety.


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Just brought a CZ .22lr second hand from Guntraders and had it send to my local RFD.I have to say the service was very good and I was very happy with the gun until today when when't out to try it. When the gun is loaded and the safety is on if you press the trigger it does not fire but when you pull the safety of the gun fires.(Everytime) Just wondering if anyone has had the same problem or not and is it easy to fix etc. I will contact the shop were I got the gun from but they are closed until Tuesday now so for now I wont say who they are.I don't want to give them bad name as like I said the service was very good and i hope they will sort it without any problem. The other thing buying a second hand gun were does it leave me with the shop.It was not mention to me that the safety was faulty so I guess is up to them to get it sort it.Any advice very much appreciated.

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The bolt is a pretty basic thing. Have you ever taken it apart to clean? Probably cheeper to get your local RFD to look at it, if you are not sure about stripping the bolt yourself. Maybe a defective pin spring or something like that. How many rounds you put through it yourself?

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You have mentioned that you have a cz 452 in bouth .17hmr and .22lr, as you have 2 rifles try using the bolt from the .17hmr, and see if you have the same problem. Will help you figure out if it is the trigger kit or the bolt at fault. I am just presuming it will be the same bolt for both 17hmr and .22lr as the likes on the cz 455 all you change is the barrel and magazine recess.

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Before looking at the bolt take the action out of the stock and examine the trigger spring. I bet a pound to a penny that some plum has cut coils off the spring to lighten the trigger. The spring should end flat both ends, if one end has a pointy bit it's been toyed with.


Mine was exactly the same, a trigger kit fixed the issue and safely adjusted the pull.

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Might be better to get your rfd to sort it then you will have a guarantee. I did and im an engineer. So many people mess with triggers and don't know what they are doing. Im not saying you dont but it only cost me £10 to get mine done,thats cheaoer than a spring kit.Your gun should have been checked before it was sold. Could be worth contacting the rfd you bought it off and get them to pay your rfd for the work. Good luck and happy shooting Albert.

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has it had a trigger job chances are its got a yo dave or brookes trigger kit and the seer tube is too thick....this will want removing as the sears arnt engaging enough.


if you are handy remove the trigger and polish the sears and edges so its like glass this will lighten the trigger and be safer.

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funny isn't it? Every time I say on here about bad trigger jobs being done on these guns and testing being done and normally suggested to be no more than an over gentle bump job about 20 idiots jump down my throat saying its easy and should be done on all CZ - well here is the result! CZ DIY kits are a serious accident waiting to happen purely because they are fitted by those that don't really understand triggers both RFD (non gun smith ones who think they are) and total amateurs. Very glad to hear you checked it out, at least I hope you did and it wasn't found accidently

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