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freedom of speech


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I know we all enjoy a good debate,heated exchange of words over our sport,news,daily topics.But are we allowed to really say whats on our mind ,what we really think?I think most forums are over censored/policed.I love PW and have learnt loads,and been amused,and touched by all the interesting posts ,but do feel topics at times are over moderated!I dont want PW to end up like lesser fieldsport forums (naming no names)(i know thats not allowed)But a little more freedom of tongue?RIP Maggie

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I know we all enjoy a good debate,heated exchange of words over our sport,news,daily topics.But are we allowed to really say whats on our mind ,what we really think?I think most forums are over censored/policed.I love PW and have learnt loads,and been amused,and touched by all the interesting posts ,but do feel topics at times are over moderated!I dont want PW to end up like lesser fieldsport forums (naming no names)(i know thats not allowed)But a little more freedom of tongue?RIP Maggie

i think its the swearing they really hate, and also it aint a bad idea to watch what you say, as recent events have proved with people getting sued for libel.

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I have a personal rule to always say the first thing that comes into my mind, as most people only say the second thing they think. that's why people think ime quite nutty!

it may also be the same reason I was put on the PW naughty step for 6 months....

me too! :lol:

naughty step indeed :lol::lol:

by the way, i hate thatcher!

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Of course there is freedom of speech,

And no doubt, Someone will be along in due course to tell you exactly what youre free to say.


But in all seriousness,

In order for people to be free to express themselves,

There has to be some form of basic structure that everyone works to,

Otherwise it just becomes a free for all and can degenerate into the sort of squabbles you see some topics turn into.



Edited by TaxiDriver
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Funny thing freedom of speech, its usually the exact same people who are demanding it that are also demanding the removal of that hook handed cleric preacher for .................Exercising his right to freedom of speech!

I don't like want he says either but he has as much right to spout whatever tripe he wants as we do

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Funny thing freedom of speech, its usually the exact same people who are demanding it that are also demanding the removal of that hook handed cleric preacher for .................Exercising his right to freedom of speech!

I don't like want he says either but he has as much right to spout whatever tripe he wants as we do

But he doesn't does he? He has more rights than we do. If I got myself a podium and starting spouting off that all Muslims should be killed and we should rape their women etc etc and all of the other vile rubbish he spouts, I would be off for a holiday at her majesty's pleasure quicker than you can say inshallah...

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Funny thing freedom of speech, its usually the exact same people who are demanding it that are also demanding the removal of that hook handed cleric preacher for .................Exercising his right to freedom of speech!

I don't like want he says either but he has as much right to spout whatever tripe he wants as we do


Inciting violence against other people does not count as free speech. Nor does attempting to set up an extremist training camp.

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I know we all enjoy a good debate,heated exchange of words over our sport,news,daily topics.But are we allowed to really say whats on our mind ,what we really think?I think most forums are over censored/policed.I love PW and have learnt loads,and been amused,and touched by all the interesting posts ,but do feel topics at times are over moderated!I dont want PW to end up like lesser fieldsport forums (naming no names)(i know thats not allowed)But a little more freedom of tongue?RIP Maggie

personally i think people should think twice before posting some of the more extreme statements on a open forum in a day and age where its possible someone could produce a piece of paper with something said 18 months or even years previously , you never know when it could bite you in the *** in some way so better safe than sorry ,

Edited by overandunder2012
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