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Boston Bomber killed?


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I'm not sure in which context you mean.


However, he will be tried on multiple murder counts etc and sentenced to Death (if they have it there) or multiple life sentences, whichever way you want to look at it he will never be allowed out of prison.


The term "plays out" to me is now how main stream americans view the sleeping beast at their feet, like as has happened here its people welcomed with open arms,in the hope of seeing them genuinly better themselves and be given freedom they could never dream of back in their origionating countries, only to see that welcome thrown back at them in an evil and murderous way.



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Really you read all of that into a burka? You truly are a man of insight :rolleyes:

Better to have insight even if its a bit cloudy rather than to choose not to see at all.



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There is no need to wear a crucifix in the christian religion but people do, are they extremists?

I think there's a big difference between a crucifix hanging round someones neck and a full burka


Wearing a full burka is like the authadox Jews its an extreme part of their religion and for them relgion tops anything else


And in the extreme muslim religion if your not one of them and share their views then its of with your head

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Islam : grammatically speaking, Islam should only refer to the religion or acts done in the name of that religion, never a person who practices that religion. Islamic community and Islamic art are correct, Islamic man is not.


Muslim should be used to describe all people of the Islamic faith but not the faith itself. You may say that you are interested in the religion of Muslims, but never in the Muslim religion.



The two men invlovled were born Christians. They may have converted to Islam but Muslim is NOT a religion, it is a group of people who share a following of Islam. There are 73 different Muslim groups. The ones we all relate to terror are the Salafis - even amongst the other Muslim groups they are viewed as crazy!!! Salafism has the most literal interpretation of the Koran, make ladies wear full burkas and appear brutal in their approach to other non believers.


I work with many Muslims and they are the nicest folk you could wish to meet. Let's not tar them all with the same brush.

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There is no need to wear a crucifix in the christian religion but people do, are they extremists?

No but a crucifix round your neck could not be classed as extreme. Having them all over your face tattooed on your face a crucifix face mask or a a actually crucifying your self would be though.


Walking round with peep holes is extreme and intimidating, not unlike a hoody the. Really plenty of folks hate them.


Just glad them bombers were caught and bought to justice in one way or another.



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Senator Lindsey Graham has called for his rights to be refused and to be tortured!!

Yes and American senators were apologists for IRA terrorists and did everything they could to help them. And were shouting human rights abuse every time one of them broke a nail. I suppose they look at terrorism differently now that its come to their door.

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Yes and American senators were apologists for IRA terrorists and did everything they could to help them. And were shouting human rights abuse every time one of them broke a nail. I suppose they look at terrorism differently now that its come to their door.


I hope they do because they helped fund the bombing of my pubs in Brum.

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It would appear that wearing the full burka and extremism is also a fact

Would have to agree the full burka is extreme, it is on the the very extremes of what a Muslim female has to wear. And I'm all for them being banned in public places.



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Ordnance and Paladin have hit the nail fair and square. Noraid swelled thier coffers very well stateside which is conveniently ignored by those chanting "usa, usa". All the time the IRA were considered freedom fighters by the dumb yanks that was ok. Now its visited upon them its a global war against terrorism. In any form, in any part of the world, the infliction of terror is insidious. Just hate the patronising way the USA act as if no one else has experience of it. A very backward country when it comes to its view of the world, them at the center and all others beneath them.

Apologies for going off topic but it boils my urine the way a small minority funded murder in this country justified by some tenuous link to Ireland.

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