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Hells teeth Evo, thats far out. I wonder how the whipper snappers get insurance in the first place. Affluent youths have access to far more horse power than when I was a kid. 37 bhp of aircooled west german rust was all I could put on the road and it was much the same as my mates with their metro's (I never stooped that low though). Unfortunately there are a lot of very responsible younguns on the road that have to suffer inflated premiums because of these reckless ********.



BTW, somebodys got to ask, how did you get on in the match?

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Guest cookoff013

yup, a friend of mine drives like an idiot. silly - silly speeds.

incidently he is always late for appointments and he`ll "make up time"


its not even an experience thing, because he`s passed advanced driving qualifications too.


its just poor decisions.


why cant he relax and cruse at the speed limit?

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and what about other drivers....!

I was waiting to turn right on a NSL straight road...good visablity ....Old bloke did this!!!!!!

So dont tar all young drivers with the same brush








Driving without due care and reckless driving whilst having the potential to cause the same damage are not the same thing. You don't often hear of old timers being involved in the same type of accidents that boy racers get involved in. How many times when you hear a car wheel spinning and revving its nuts off do you see a pensioner behind the wheel?

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Young men full of testosterone + limited ability + a driving education system/test that belongs in a bygone age will always result in a disproportionate number of them having crashes (I don't call them accidents as that implies inavoidability)

The biggest killer of girls aged 17-23 is their boyfriends driving.

Having spent a while in an orthopedic ward and watched a steady stream of young men with life changing injuries being processed there, I think part of a new drivers education should be to spend a few hours in such a ward or even A&E so they get the idea that they're not invincible or immortal and just how easily the human body comes apart when hit by car/tree/wall etc.


Best wishes to your mates, hope they get over it quickly.

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Awful, I am a young driver of just turned 20, drive a very quick car always have done since iI passed 3 years ago. And there is a time and a place for it all, wet conditions defonstely isn't one of them.


I know of at least four or five lads that have written cars of in their first year or two, that's the exact reason I surance is an absolute joke for us youngsters


Second car looks to be a Vauxhall astra to me, judging by the colour

Edited by craig hill
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I see a lot of this at work. I have two lads rapidly approaching driving age and it worries me. I'm always telling them about crashes I attend and the needless waste of life I see and if I ever see them in a car being driven erratically I will pull them over and embarrass them on the spot!

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I haven't learnt to drive yet but I've heard a few stories of people from college who shouldn't have been let near a car. Including one incident where someone drove at over 100mph and took a photo of the speedometer to prove it. There's also the boy racer type who just race down a local country road all the time, including a crash a few years ago.


The young drivers being dangerous drivers stereotype is a massive generalisation, but quite a few (but not most) young drivers really are stupid. The only good thing that could possibly come out of accidents like this is that maybe they've learnt a lesson and know not to drive like idiots next time. But it shouldn't take a crash to get them to drive properly.

i dont think the insurance statistics and premium costs point to a stereotype towards young drivers. I should say, young male drivers. The majority are ******* awful, girl drivers seem much more sensible. As you say, you havent learnt to drive yet so maybe i am more enlightened at 28 years on the road.

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my mates black car was a Passat estate but don't know what the other car was as it was wrecked and didn,t walk round the back to look but as you can see both cars written off,


still waiting on new of his MRI scan he,s doing fine,in a lot of pain still but at least all are alive that's the main thing,


leeds chimp I understand where your coming from mate but you only have to look at the statistics to see that younger drivers are in more accidents, certainly the 17 to 21 age group but I agree that we can all have accidents,


also none of the photo,s have been edited they are exactly how they came off my camera


edit;; also the police said if it wasn,t for the airbags going off he was certain all three would be dead,,thank god for airbags

Edited by evo
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Ey up EVO, I hope your mates make a full recovery mate, it looks like you were all lucky to get out of that alive,




Gents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares what make/model the cars involved were JEEEEEEESSSSSSUUUUUS H CHRIST, EVO has just had to watch his mates get cut from the wreckage of a car crash and is lucky it wasnt his car with him in it,!!!!!!!!!!




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I'm not sure if the photos have been edited (for legal reasons) but I can't tell what the cars are.


I had the black one down as a Ford Focus and the turquoise car - no idea.


Could someone be a love and enlighten me.



The turquoise car is a Hyundai Getz. :good:

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Gents !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who cares what make/model the cars involved were JEEEEEEESSSSSSUUUUUS H CHRIST, EVO has just had to watch his mates get cut from the wreckage of a car crash and is lucky it wasnt his car with him in it,!!!!!!!!!!


I was interested to know because both cars have been wrecked beyond easy identification.


Apologies for showing an interest and asking a question.


Incidentally, when did you become in charge of the forum question police? I'll be sure to check with you first in the future.

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im 23 and I've been driving since a few days of turning 17. I've had 8 crashes, one was my fault. I only took a wing mirror off while parking because there was idiots walking around my car while I was reversing. 6 times I have been hit while not moving, and the other time a woman decided to change lanes on a round about with out warning.


I know where you coming from about young drivers, guarantee 90% of young drivers crashes are speed related.


For the record, I've always had a land rover so getting up to 70 take a week to do so. Also I still drive the same one that's been involved in the crashes with no damage to it at all

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im 23 and I've been driving since a few days of turning 17. I've had 8 crashes, one was my fault. I only took a wing mirror off while parking because there was idiots walking around my car while I was reversing. 6 times I have been hit while not moving, and the other time a woman decided to change lanes on a round about with out warning.


I know where you coming from about young drivers, guarantee 90% of young drivers crashes are speed related.


For the record, I've always had a land rover so getting up to 70 take a week to do so. Also I still drive the same one that's been involved in the crashes with no damage to it at all

You must be the unluckiest man in the world

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im 23 and I've been driving since a few days of turning 17. I've had 8 crashes, one was my fault. I only took a wing mirror off while parking because there was idiots walking around my car while I was reversing. 6 times I have been hit while not moving, and the other time a woman decided to change lanes on a round about with out warning.


I know where you coming from about young drivers, guarantee 90% of young drivers crashes are speed related.


For the record, I've always had a land rover so getting up to 70 take a week to do so. Also I still drive the same one that's been involved in the crashes with no damage to it at all

Thats not a good driving record ,i'd hate to be paying your insurance premium :whistling:

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National Geographic ran an article a year or two ago about youngsters brains, it turns out at that age they are wired not to pick up on danger and consequently do stupid things. So for some they just can't help it.....




The military like them at 18/19 to train as fastjet pilots as they have no fear!


Hope your mates are ok.

Edited by Laird Lugton
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£331 a year. I wasn't at fault, my insurance aren't bothered as long as I didn't do it or I'm not claiming. I've always told them aswel because I no if I don't it will bite me in the **** one day

Thats a good insurance company you've got there, as far as i know even the mention of having a accident to a insurance company whether at fault or not goes against you as a claim.I had a engine fire 5 years ago and that was listed as a fault accident "WHAT"!. Thats why it's often better these days to sort a claim out without involving a insurance company.So having 8 incidents within such a short period of time i'm surprised they don't rate you as a very high risk, not that they were your fault .it's all about risk management.Thats what they base your premium on .Good luck. :good:

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