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Lambs Sweet Breads Are they what I think they are ?

Pole Star

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Some years back I owned an old house in Bloxham in Oxfordshire & while nosing in the attic & I came across a little book called Nelsons Home Comforts published in 1893 along with all sorts of other bits ie the usual WWII gas mask ,empty 45 cases a US army knife, mag for Thompson ect .

Any way back to the little book which had a number of useful recipes but there was one which puzzled me which is Lambs Sweetbreads ?

some told me this is a recipe for lamb's testicles :w00t: TRUE OR FALSE ? , it says in the book they make an admirable breakfast dish !.


Apart from the suspect recipe there are a number of basic & simple recipes that are worth a go .

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Have just came across two other odd recipes in the same little book & I wont go into too much detail as I some how don't think anyone will try them ?

one is for Brain Fritters & it says " If the recipe is closely followed they are light delicate , crisp, delicate morsels that melt in your mouth !. :hmm:"


Since BSE I thought all brain & spinal cord was taken away & incinerated ? .


ps also a recipe for boiled Ox brain !!!.

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to quote the BBC food site...


These delicate, creamy morsels are the favoured offal of many a chef and gastronome. Sweetbreads are subject to much confusion, and are often mistakenly believed to be the testicles of an animal. In fact, they’re two separate glands - the thymus gland (from the throat) and the pancreas gland (from the heart or stomach) that are taken from calves or lambs.




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so can you please tell me what is the correct term for lambs ******** i have for the past 30 years sold them in my butchers shop and called them sweetbreads . will i now have to put a new ticket in the window ???? ???

I am beginning to think I should never have started this ! :blush:

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so can you please tell me what is the correct term for lambs ******** i have for the past 30 years sold them in my butchers shop and called them sweetbreads . will i now have to put a new ticket in the window ???? ???

think you had better change the ticket in your shop window



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