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£32000 for sitting on your fat ***


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There are too many people on this world now and not enough resources. Food and money included! There is not enough work to go round and thus more and more people are straining and draining the resources of those who do work and pay taxes by expecting to be kept in luxury. I worked for over 40 yrs and never made this kind of money in a year and one job I had involved delegated authority to sign away millions of pounds a year in grants. Paid my taxes all that time and still do and I am now sick of supporting scum who won't work or want to steal off others for that is what this is.


And on the tax front there are more and more evading and avoiding and so the coffers of treasuries around the world are not being filled bar by those like us who cannot avoid or evade, morally or otherwise.


The governments of the world need to address this over population problem and quick before man completely screws everything up. Therefore there needs to be strict birth control right around the world whatever a nations or religious beliefs are. There also needs to be a sensible and strictly controlled euthanasia programme to allow those who want to go to go and I include myself in that given my failing and painful health.


David Attenborough pointed out some time ago that when he was born in the early 20's there were some 2 billion people on the Earth. Now there are 7 billion and rising. 5 billion more in less than a century of mainly feckless and useless drains on resources.

china tried it, but i dont think its worked.

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its the theifs running the banks and politicans of all nations thats has brought us to this situation dont forget that and the reason they get away with it is ?


Any _evidence_ for this?


Very easy scapegpats the bankers.



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a disgusting play on the very darkest side of humanity, Those poor **** in Auschwitz and those on benefit seen as requiring the same solution? you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself.




Agreed, i am one for free speech but if this carries on, lock the thread please. IF it was said tongue in cheek it was still sick.

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Any _evidence_ for this?


Very easy scapegpats the bankers.




its the theifs running the banks and politicans of all nations thats has brought us to this situation dont forget that and the reason they get away with it is ?

Sable, the muppets out there that chose to spend and spend knowing they had no way of paying it back plus those that saw their houses as cash cows also take a fair part of the blame. A lot of the population ran at the cheap cash like moths to the flame.. In my view, all three parts share the blame..

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Are you standing for election? I wish you were but if you did you would lose based on the above manifest.

I do a lot of business with the Chinese. They are managing their over population issue to the tune of heavy fines if you have more than one child. In the western world I have had questions put to me about the morality of trading with China and my answer is always the same. They are facing up to the problem and dealing with it.


Edited by Whitebridges
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i wonder what you guys think we should do with the fatties, alcoholics and smokers amongst us as they cost the NHS in this country way way way more than a few women with kids on benefits ?


Would you argue against the idea that it is grossly wasteful to spend an awful lot of money on diseases that are largely preventable (and mostly self inflicted)? Ask a doctor who, during ward rounds, sees diabetics with 2-3 bottles of coke and a tin box of chocolates next to them and the 500 lb walrus on the bed smiling. The same doctor has to explain to someone else there is no known cure for their terminal condition.


Spend money where it matters. Spend money on research. Do not waste them on those who brought all sorts of trouble on themselves and take away resources from those genuinely ill.

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...Spend money where it matters. Spend money on research. Do not waste them on those who brought all sorts of trouble on themselves and take away resources from those genuinely ill.


So in every case you can 100% say that they brought it on themselves?

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So in every case you can 100% say that they brought it on themselves?


No, not at all. You misunderstood me. I was bringing an example of how a ridiculous amount of money is wasted on diseases that are preventable and self inflicted. Diabetes is one of them, and believe me, if it is not the number 1 killer these days, it will be very, very soon.

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Type I or II. You make a sweeping generalisation. Diabetes in total makes up 10% of the NHS spend. One of the biggest frontline costs and the most resource hungry is the drunks that fill up A & E most weekends.


As for research, what do you prioritise?. Where does all the money raised by the various charities go.


Lastly, what about the Hippocratic oath? that does not differentiate.


Luckily when my own mother was being treated for Lung & Bowel cancer, the small fact that she had smoked most of her life never came up.


Do you drink?

Edited by keg
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Type I or II. You make a sweeping generalisation. Diabetes in total makes up 10% of the NHS spend. One of the biggest frontline costs and the most resource hungry is the drunks that fill up A & E most weekends.


As for research, what do you prioritise?. Where does all the money raised by the various charities go.


Lastly, what about the Hippocratic oath? that does not differentiate.


Luckily when my own mother was being treated for Lung & Bowel cancer, the small fact that she had smoked most of her life never came up.


Do you drink?

You are right. I should have been much more specific. I was referring to type 2 diabetics who could not care less about doing anything to help their condition and expect medication to sort them out. Lung cancer can be (and quite often is) unrelated to smoking, and down to hereditary factors. I do enjoy a bit of drink every now and then. And you are right about the drunkards in A&E. You will often find that the idiot who drunk a small lake of alcohol and decided to climb on the bus shelter and swing off the lamp post resulting in his falling and needing stitches tends to wait a bit longer...

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Then i suggest you research a little deeper sir, a number of type II cases are now coming through due to genetic conditions and other factors. Of course those who can help themselves should but sometimes it's not that easy and the whole point of our system is that it does not pick and choose.


That said, if you focussed on helping curing those with terminal conditions, how do you know their previous actions have not triggered their current condition. Secondly, how do you prioritise those conditions, should it be childhood cancers or heart complaints for example.


A whole new thread.


Goodnight all.

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Then i suggest you research a little deeper sir, a number of type II cases are now coming through due to genetic conditions and other factors. Of course those who can help themselves should but sometimes it's not that easy and the whole point of our system is that it does not pick and choose.


I am aware of the research, thank you very much. I made myself crystal clear. I am referring to those who, not only live a life style that causes their condition, but continue to lead the same life after the disease is here to stay. I have absolutely no sympathy for them. None whatsoever.

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Very difficult topic those who should get treatment on the nhs,by all accounts any sporting injury is by personal choice,and proving certain illness's are definatly caused by a persons choice is difficult,a corralation can be made but a definate link difficult,dont get me wrong i understand that there should be more education on health matters etc but the nhs cannot start not treating people through someones percived ideas of lifestyle choices

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Very difficult topic those who should get treatment on the nhs,by all accounts any sporting injury is by personal choice,and proving certain illness's are definatly caused by a persons choice is difficult,a corralation can be made but a definate link difficult,dont get me wrong i understand that there should be more education on health matters etc but the nhs cannot start not treating people through someones percived ideas of lifestyle choices

That's a perceptive post - well worth thinking about.

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I have absolutely no sympathy for these woman at all but no-one has questioned the dubious **** who have impregnated them or suggested sterilising them - I'll do it for free and before you say she got herself pregnant - he does have a choice, he can wear a condom. The authorities should do more to bring these men into line. stop her benefits apart from supplying children's food, she'll shop him and they should then live up to their responsibilities or face me the State castrator.

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I would agree Sian, illness is one thing, but both parties can take precautions when it comes to contraceptives, and family planning is still free IIRC. Sadly the children lose out and they are the innocent parties in this.

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I am aware of the research, thank you very much. I made myself crystal clear. I am referring to those who, not only live a life style that causes their condition, but continue to lead the same life after the disease is here to stay. I have absolutely no sympathy for them. None whatsoever.

Whilst in principle I agree with you, in practise it is not as black and white as that. For many years my view was exactly the same as yours,it should be common sense to eat healthily, cook properly

and get exercise however, I was lucky enough to be brought up by a normal mum and dad who did exactly that.


Unfortunately,on some of the estate that I have visited it is cheaper to buy takeaways than good healthy fruit and veg. In certain cases, there are no fruit and veg shops within travelling distances.

Even in my current where I spend a lot of time on the motorway, it can be hard to find a healthy snack.


I am almost Tee Total and a non-smoker live a healthy life but am careful how and what I criticise before I have walked in their shoes.

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Good point Ack Ack, my old mum paid a lot in cig tax, started at 13 stopped when she was diagnosed with the big C at 76.


Other than me and my brother coming into this world, no hospital or doc needed.


Interestingly enough today in the Yorkshire Post, an article commented on the fact that the HBA1c test used to work out if people have type II Diabetes may be giving wrong data and many people who are on medication should not be on it.


Am I right in thinking that GP practises get more funding if they can prove they have more patients on BP & Diabetes drugs?

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