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Brno / cz 581...................yep i bought one


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After getting my FAC and putting a cz 17hmr in my cabinet I had a hankering for a 22lr...And it just so happens that whilst in my local gun shop for air rifle pellets the conversasion got round to 22 FAC and the chap in the shop said "we have a cheap 22lr semi auto just come in". OK how cheap £150 on the label hmmmm so after picking up a tin of pellets and a scope for another air rifle I got the Brno for £100......


Chuffed is not the word OK it old and it was filthy but it fired and sort of cycled so this morning I stripped the Brno to find years of muck and hardened lube.....but no corrosion inside just a few small spots on the out side of the barrel...all degreased and a light lube job done and back together and of to my permission for a re zero 100 rounds and two jams well pleased.


The gun does have iron sights on which I like emensly as it is pre set for 50 yards and 70 yards and is changed but flipping the sight up...so £100 for the gun with scope and mounts sling and Parker hale moderator...I might even strip the wood at some point..









Edited by BSA-airgunner
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A great find, I have the CZ511 which is basically the same gun and I love it


You can't get parts easily for them any more so hang on to those sights and the magazines as they are like gold dust and fetch good money when they come to the market.


If you want a manual pm me your email and i'll send one across

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you'll find places that say they have them but they will indeed be out of stock, wont ship to uk or the like.


I found a mag by contacting a guy selling a rifle with two mags and offered to buy the second, think I got mine for £20.


Alternatively get to know your RFD well, my guy said the next 511 that comes up at auction (they sell for silly cheap money sometimes) he'll grab it for me, I'm going to have the mag, internals, spares, stock etc and the rest goes to scrap.... I think he said the last one he saw at auction went for £25.


sorted :)

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