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Best motor recovery company


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Seems a bit messy paying a recovery firm that autoaid send out top dollar and then having to claim it back from them, its just insurance..its not a recovery firm at the end of the day how any people have a spare £500 + if you have to get towed a couple of hundred miles ??? Thinking about it with the odds they are playing with there just like bookies :)


I take your point, but I've never had to pay more than about £80 IIRC, and I was recovered about 150 miles once. Also, as I said, they don't always charge you, sometimes they charge Autoaid directly - about 50:50 in my experience. They work well for me. Oh, and never had to wait more than an hour for them either.

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3 hours 20 minutes for the AA to turn up, 3 weeks ago!


Told an hour when I made the initial call at 8pm, a sub-contractor sent me a text a little before 9pm saying they would be with me at 10:05pm, phoned AA and complained, was told nothing else they could do. At 10:20pm still no show, so called AA back and really complained and asked to speak to supervisor/manager, finally got an AA patrol o me at 11:20pm. The most galling thing was that I was only 2 miles from home.


I will be looking at an alternative come renewal time.


Anyone no what Green Flag are like? The are running at ad campaign on TV at the moment. 50% off your next renewal cost if they fail to arrive within the hour.



Hello, there are a number of points raised in your post that we would very much like to discuss with you. Please could you email into us with your full name, address and membership number. Our address is chat@theaa.com and title your email Reference FOR48821.

We look forward to hearing from you.

The AA

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I broke down on a motorcycle a couple of years back and called the AA. Despite telling them that I needed to get home by 8:00 pm (it was about 5 o'clock when I called them) because of drugs that I need to take following a transplant they didn't even turn up till 9:30. The engineer had almost no experience with motorcycles (turned out to be an air lock in the fuel line) and had to eventually call for a recovery truck-I got home after midnight and was admitted into hospital the next morning for intravenous drug therapy. I use the RAC now and have had no problems- I buy petrol from Tesco and the club card points pay for the top level of cover-you only need about £60 in points to get nearly £200 worth of cover.

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Blimey, this is a bit big brother!



Hello, there are a number of points raised in your post that we would very much like to discuss with you. Please could you email into us with your full name, address and membership number. Our address is chat@theaa.com and title your email Reference FOR48821.
We look forward to hearing from you.
The AA

Isn't it just.


/\ thats weird!


ive got to say ive had experience of the RAC and have found them excellent very quick and always got a car running that I swore was for the skip. Greenflag also seem excellent prompt and dont mess you about.

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We have green flag threw direct line never had a problem they say we will be with you within the hour and ten ,twenty minutes later they are there , cant fix it at the side of the road where do you want towed to sir . the fact its the driver and no the car thats covered is great as well as we swap cars

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