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No no one does say anything about shooting big bags of pigeons. But there numbers don't seem to be affected by shooting such bags. Wild ducks and geese are though.


I use a pogo stick for a lot of my shooting as well as a traditional side by side for wildfowling. Just because people look down at these guns don't mean you intend to kill 3 bird every time. It is not possible for every one to use a traditional gun for wildfowling due to costs of buying one and loading it with non toxic as a lot don't allow for the use of steel.


I did not say I look down on pogo sticks mate some people use them for different reasons & I had a 5 shot Franchi myself once but found it awkward but effective & I had some good pigeon shooting with it in the mountains of El Salvador in the late 70s but I sold it to one of the Coffey growers .

I you want to see idiots with pogo sticks have a trip to the Solway & see for your self or take a peek at the people from the boot shaped country using then in concentrated anti air craft fire fashion on wild fowl . Lets not go there coz I am sick of them because I believe in being a conservationist & making sure there are birds for those who come after us , now am I wrong ?.


ps the cull boys have done a good job so far in thinning out some of the local greylags but that is a job for local guns

Edited by Pole Star
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+1, I am a relative newcomer to wildfowling and when i speak to the older generations and they remember the days of flighting curlew etc i start to wonder what will change and what my kids will be able to do.


Look back further still & there was much more on the quarry list but slowly they are gone from it , even if numbers recover will they be put back on ? I doubt it & the RSPB would fight it tooth & nail .

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I also have a s/auto..had it for the last 30 years,softer on my old shoulder...But I will not shoot large numbers,and I am not having a go at anybody..its Just me!

Would not go on a cull even if they paid me..worked on the F&M outbreak 2001..also in the meat industry last 40 years.


The problem with geese here Wayne is not just an agricultural one its also a water quality one & on one of the lochs where our water supply comes from they have had to increase the amount of what ever its is the water board put in it due to the larger numbers of geese on the loch , & the Orkney Trout Fishing Asso are also complaining about lochs full of geese droppings .

Remember 20 or so years ago there were no resident geese in Orkney .


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As I said before where I fowl its only picking up because there was no birds left to shoot.


My dads says when he first got his fac they shot just about every fowl species in a days shooting now you would be lucky to shoot mallard, teal, widgeon, greylad geese, canada geese and pintail in a season never mind a day.


Also the only way to get duck shooting is to feed a pond which im against if you want to wildfowl do it properly on the shore!!!

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I just cannot see where mandatory bag limits will stop anyone who is hell bent on shooting a shed load from doing so , its totally impossible to enforce it in the vast majority of cases .


I suppose to make it illegal to feed flight ponds would work in reducing numbers but again how can it be enforced ?


Talking of feeding flight ponds , I always thought it illegal to "bait" wild birds so why does this not fall withing that part of the law ?? , not a pop at those who do feed but something I dont understand,how can it be illegal to bait a field for pigeon but not a pond for duck ???

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That said, they do rely on chopped maize for some of their shooting.



I'm not going to get into the rest of the discussion as bag limits, ethics, population numbers, etc are a slippery slope for bad discussion. I will however refute one comment specifically quoted above. In the US, it is illegal to bait waterfowl, so feeding would not be allowed. Where hunters are shooting ducks and geese over maize it is maize stubble which has been grown as crops for either humans or cows (or ethanol). That is the same as shooting stubbles here or any other farmland. And yes, the yanks are quite successful in doing it.






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The problem with geese here Wayne is not just an agricultural one its also a water quality one & on one of the lochs where our water supply comes from they have had to increase the amount of what ever its is the water board put in it due to the larger numbers of geese on the loch , & the Orkney Trout Fishing Asso are also complaining about lochs full of geese droppings .

Remember 20 or so years ago there were no resident geese in Orkney .



I understand. .but l have seen enough culling to last me a lifetime.


All the best



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I did not say I look down on pogo sticks mate some people use them for different reasons & I had a 5 shot Franchi myself once but found it awkward but effective & I had some good pigeon shooting with it in the mountains of El Salvador in the late 70s but I sold it to one of the Coffey growers .

I you want to see idiots with pogo sticks have a trip to the Solway & see for your self or take a peek at the people from the boot shaped country using then in concentrated anti air craft fire fashion on wild fowl . Lets not go there coz I am sick of them because I believe in being a conservationist & making sure there are birds for those who come after us , now am I wrong ?.


ps the cull boys have done a good job so far in thinning out some of the local greylags but that is a job for local gun


I was not meaning you as an individual saying you looked down on pogo users. btw I have seen plenty of idiots on the Solway over the years I have been going there, what I was saying was a lot of people label those who do use them with the same brush. that's all.

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When you say..........'a silly amount of duck and geese...', how many exactly do you mean?


well if you look at the earlier messages about 25-30 geese being shot I am talking of at least double that and on the duck front I don't even want to go there considering it was the 1st of the season and a large number of these ducks and geese would be hardly flying. This was all on the morning flight and what really got to me was they went out again in the evening flight..

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well if you look at the earlier messages about 25-30 geese being shot I am talking of at least double that and on the duck front I don't even want to go there considering it was the 1st of the season and a large number of these ducks and geese would be hardly flying. This was all on the morning flight and what really got to me was they went out again in the evening flight..

it was 21 geese between 3 guns so 7 each... but i can't see where it says they shot a great amount of ducks ??? or even they went out again at night flight ......


so is the rest word of mouth ...or do you know something we don't


plus i see there's a picture on fb with over 40 geese shot by 2 guns up in orkney on the first morning

Edited by washwildfowler
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well if you look at the earlier messages about 25-30 geese being shot I am talking of at least double that and on the duck front I don't even want to go there considering it was the 1st of the season and a large number of these ducks and geese would be hardly flying. This was all on the morning flight and what really got to me was they went out again in the evening flight..



And how do you know all of this?

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it was 21 geese between 3 guns so 7 each... but i can't see where it says they shot a great amount of ducks ??? or even they went out again at night flight ......


so is the rest word of mouth ...or do you know something we don't


plus i see there's a picture on fb with over 40 geese shot by 2 guns up in orkney on the first morning

I was referring to my original post I not that one



And how do you know all of this?

I am not going to post names of individual on a forum.

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Was very upset to hear that a local duck shooting syndicate shot a silly amount of duck and geese on the 1st and went back again in the evening to do the same. In my opinion this kind of shooting cannot keep going on. As it will have a major effect on wild duck and goose populations. (It has already started to, where I am)


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On way to enforce it is to make an organisation of wardens who go round and make sure no one is illegally shooting oversized bag limits, or you could do a season permit scheme which gives you your season limit??


Just an idea to throw around inside your head. Of couse this should be a volentary and free to join.


Any ideas throw them out there all should be considered to preserve are wonderful sport!


All the best strangford wildfowler.

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plus i see there's a picture on fb with over 40 geese shot by 2 guns up in orkney on the first morning

Please don't mix this up with people shooting big bags of wild duck, it's a different thing all together. In Orkney and here in Shetland the resident geese are out of control and causing serious problems for the farmers and left unchecked I am not sure how it will all end. I don't want to be part of a cull but when it is on my door step and I care so passionately about my sport I would rather be involved and see that it is done right than to sit back and have them get in cowboys blasting at anything and everything that moves, leaving wounded birds behind them and scaring the carp out of whats left so that no one can get near them. Just now before the migrants come in we will be hitting the home geese hard, I wont be sharing any pics or details about it on here or anywhere else as it just draws bad press from people who can't accept that it needs to be done.

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Please don't mix this up with people shooting big bags of wild duck, it's a different thing all together. In Orkney and here in Shetland the resident geese are out of control and causing serious problems for the farmers and left unchecked I am not sure how it will all end. I don't want to be part of a cull but when it is on my door step and I care so passionately about my sport I would rather be involved and see that it is done right than to sit back and have them get in cowboys blasting at anything and everything that moves, leaving wounded birds behind them and scaring the carp out of whats left so that no one can get near them. Just now before the migrants come in we will be hitting the home geese hard, I wont be sharing any pics or details about it on here or anywhere else as it just draws bad press from people who can't accept that it needs to be done.

i agree... but i still don't think this topic is needed on a open forum .. we all have our own views on things and some of us will agree to disagree ..there is a very big population of feral geese in our area also... now there is a lot of farmers and local businesses starting to complain about the fouling and damage being done by the geese ...there was talks of having a big cull out of season but after myself and 3 other local shooters have approached the farmers and business owners and had a meeting on how it could effect young goslings by shooting the parents out of season and it drawing bad press to the area ...we asked them to leave it till the shooting season started they agreed.


so we now have a agreed amount that they would like to be shot ...and that will be reviewed each year ....

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