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Letter to Daily Mail


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So a couple of people kindly found the email address for the Daily Mail, I thought it wouldn't harm to send them a polite letter.


I've drafted one up and wondered if anybody would have a read of it to suggest any changes or to simply say "no, that's not a good idea". I also wasn't sure if I should post it on here or not.

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You have not indicated the content of your proposed letter. If it is something that you are prepared to put your name to, knowing that it may go Nationwide if published, then by all means send it. Remember that there may be repercussions. There are lots of Loonies out there.

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I would be careful about to the hive you poke. They are not going to change their mind, as they have no mind to change. The story is done and writing to them may make it wake back up in a manner that cannot be predicted. BASC and others have done the excellent job of talking positively and professionally. Shooting has not come out badly from the story so I'd say save your 40p stamp.

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It's on my computer at work but will send it the guys who have requested it tomorrow morning. It's very polite and aims to highlight the positives that shooting achieves through land management etc etc and simply asks them to consider a different point of view when they next write about shooting and generalise us all. I don't expect it to make any difference, but if we all sit by when something happens we disagree with, what does that make us? Additionally, if one person can change, or even make that person consider what you are saying, then you've made a difference.

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I've sent a copy to most of you that have shown an interest, thank you. In fairness there are no real names on there as of yet so if any of you that have a bit more influence on here want to repost it to get more of a response then I'm ok with that.


Oh, could you post replies on here rather than privately? I think it would better for more opinion - completely open to criticism. The more professional it seems the more chance there is of it being heard.


Thanks :D

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Can you post it on here so we can all have a read? Its a shame to waste it on the Mail, so few people will see it. I prefer to address my correspondence to the Telegraph. It is a distinguished circle, the Telegraph letter writers club :smartass:, and if your letter is properly barking you might get it included in the annual anthology of unpublished letters printed by Telegraph Books so the whole nation can have a laugh - an honour I have yet to receive, but I'm working on it.

Be careful what you say to the Mail, your'll end up getting the blame for Princess Diana death or some such thing. Apparently, that is still news.

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They whole way the paper works is by producing headlines that make you buy the paper. They are not writing anything in there because of their own beliefs, they just want to get you off your sofa with an open wallet and a enraged face. The quality and accuracy of fact in that article is exactly the same as every other article in the paper, but because you are more knowledgeable about this subject, you've spotted in out.

The best way would be to inform people of this fact, and don't buy the daily mail (or any other papers owned by a certain Australian Billionaire)

Edited by Bleeh
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