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How to you tell if a neighbour is dealing in drugs?


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Look at what's happening in the U.S now.........many states have made the very positive step to allow Cannabis to be used for medical purposes. ( yes I know that federal law aint shifted yet )


If you don't think it works........try arguing that fact with the people who are helped massively by medicinal marijuana. The stuff is godsend for many thousands of MS sufferers.


Our own government has allowed it to be grown ( in Devon ) to produce a pain relief spray that is proven to be highly effective.


Look it up, it's branded as Sativex ( the name is derived from the Sativa strain of cannabis ) So the multi million pound company GWPharmeceutical can make mega bucks from this amazing plant.......but someone with MS will get knicked for smoking a joint? or making some space muffins? oh please, get real people, stop listening to the propaganda will you.


So many ignorant comments being put up on this thread. You should try to look at the results from actual research before gobbing off on a forum. You just make yourself look stupid.


I can't understand why this world would fail to grasp any possible chance to cure cancer.......many studies have shown that there are compounds in cannabis that are able to kill cancer cells and reduce tumour size.......especially in the brain area. Why has our government been hiding this fact from you ? work it out........do some research of your own and stop posting uneducated comments !!!!

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Similarly interesting how current or previous cannibis users who have no understanding of the pharmo-psychological effects of caniboids are happy to tell everyone how safe and harmless they are because "it never did them any harm".


A single use of cannibis can and does have serious psychological ramifications in some people...it cannot be argued that alcohol carries the same risk and alcohol in moderation has health benefits. Of course over use of alcohol is not a good thing either though.

Typical Anti cannabis rhetoric my friend. Let's discuss facts shall we? What are the percentages of people who suffering all these terrible affects ? I dare you to do some research into this, then post your findings.............you wont, because the facts would make your comment seem pathetic.


Alcohol is a poison. You can walk into any supermarket and buy enough plonk to kill yourself with. Moderation ? oh yeh. we really live in a society that promotes moderation.......when did you last go out mate ? 1950 ??

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The only really harmful thing with cannabis is the criminal element, remove that, legalise and the situation improves.


The population will always have a significant minority that will use drugs, irrespective of whether they are illegal or not, so removing the criminal element, their association and influence seems, to me, to be eminently sensible.

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Typical Anti cannabis rhetoric my friend. Let's discuss facts shall we? What are the percentages of people who suffering all these terrible affects ? I dare you to do some research into this, then post your findings.............you wont, because the facts would make your comment seem pathetic.


Alcohol is a poison. You can walk into any supermarket and buy enough plonk to kill yourself with. Moderation ? oh yeh. we really live in a society that promotes moderation.......when did you last go out mate ? 1950 ??

Nothing is going to change your mind, it doesn't matter how much research is available to destroy your argument. I have no doubt if you looked at the % of people who were made seriously ill by a very small amount of canabinoids vs the % of people who were made seriously ill by a glass of wine then it will not be my views in question.


You crack on and roll yourself whatever it is you call it...enjoy, and don't forget to keep a spare for your FEO.

Edited by oscarsdad
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Typical Anti cannabis rhetoric my friend. Let's discuss facts shall we? What are the percentages of people who suffering all these terrible affects ? I dare you to do some research into this, then post your findings.............you wont, because the facts would make your comment seem pathetic.


Alcohol is a poison. You can walk into any supermarket and buy enough plonk to kill yourself with. Moderation ? oh yeh. we really live in a society that promotes moderation.......when did you last go out mate ? 1950 ??

I would suggest you calm down dear boy, we are all entitled to our opinions.


I only know of the two daughters of a friend who are in full time care because of how they reacted. I also saw the fear and anguish on my mother's face after she was burgled shortly after my father died to feed a scumbag's habit.


All I care about is the fact that a large percentage of crime in west Yorkshire is drugs related to feed the habits of those individuals who cannot control themselves. Legalise it and you will still have the crime issue ( 75% according to Keith Hellawell a few years ago)


Alcohol is safe in small quantities, you know what's in it and where it's made. Don't get me wrong, in excess it's hideous. With drugs, If you legalise them it will need a pharmaceutical company to make it, they will be accused of making profits.... the whole thing just doesn't work.


If we look how bad things are with alcohol, what will it be like if we legalised drugs....


I don't know what the answer is. I only see the misery drugs create. Alcohol is the same when taken in excess.

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I support the decriminalization of drugs, in order to fight the crime that is committed to feed peoples habits and the scummy people who deal drugs to whoever has the money. This lad is not a user, he is a dealer, one of the people we would wish to fight.


Also, why is everybody assuming he is supplying soft drugs to responsible adults ? He could be selling crack to schoolkids at 3.30pm and e's to clubbers at night.


Let plod work it out.

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Some have not read the original post. ONLY school kids come and on foot and bicycle - no blacked out limos or dodgy BoomBoom Saxo's.


His mum is not on the scene. However, since I've been away (and returned today) his dad, who was often visiting the girlfriend has returned and moved in the girlfriend her furniture and other kid.


So the household is today very different from last week and the previous year or so. The lad does not have free reign of the house with no adults about.


The old folk in the road are keeping an eye on activities with the kids and are very likely to phone plod in the next few days.


I am not sure it is drugs hence my request for "give aways" or clues as to drugs or not.

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Nothing is going to change your mind, it doesn't matter how much research is available to destroy your argument. I have no doubt if you looked at the % of people who were made seriously ill by a very small amount of canabinoids vs the % of people who were made seriously ill by a glass of wine then it will not be my views in question.


You crack on and roll yourself whatever it is you call it...enjoy, and don't forget to keep a spare for your FEO.

Dude..........your assumption about me is unfounded !! ............I will take a blood test any day of the week !! Talisker Single malt is my tipple !!!


Anyways..................all the best. Great debate this.


Take care


ps. Sorry if my post was a tad abrasive, we are all entitled to our opinions............I should tone it down a bit sometimes. :good:



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Dude..........your assumption about me is unfounded !! ............I will take a blood test any day of the week !! Talisker Single malt is my tipple !!!


Anyways..................all the best. Great debate this.


Take care


ps. Sorry if my post was a tad abrasive, we are all entitled to our opinions............I should tone it down a bit sometimes. :good:



No worries mate...no offence taken and hopefully none caused by me either...and just for the record, you are wrong again...Bushmills is much nicer than Talisker lol!

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I would suggest you calm down dear boy, we are all entitled to our opinions.


I only know of the two daughters of a friend who are in full time care because of how they reacted. I also saw the fear and anguish on my mother's face after she was burgled shortly after my father died to feed a scumbag's habit.


All I care about is the fact that a large percentage of crime in west Yorkshire is drugs related to feed the habits of those individuals who cannot control themselves. Legalise it and you will still have the crime issue ( 75% according to Keith Hellawell a few years ago)


Alcohol is safe in small quantities, you know what's in it and where it's made. Don't get me wrong, in excess it's hideous. With drugs, If you legalise them it will need a pharmaceutical company to make it, they will be accused of making profits.... the whole thing just doesn't work.


If we look how bad things are with alcohol, what will it be like if we legalised drugs....


I don't know what the answer is. I only see the misery drugs create. Alcohol is the same when taken in excess.

All I will say is this: When they tried to ban the consumption of alcohol in the U.S.............what happened? It made the booze selling lark extremely profitable, but not for the likes of us.................hardened criminal gangs soon ran the show. And oh did the blood flow freely !!!!!!!!!!


Legalise it, you have at least some measure of control !! As it is at the moment, we have none whatsoever................WAR ON DRUGS ? we lost that many many years ago, education is the way forward for a better future. :ninja:


Peace dudes !!!!

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No worries mate...no offence taken and hopefully none caused by me either...and just for the record, you are wrong again...Bushmills is much nicer than Talisker lol!

Hee hee !! I love Bushmills ..........it punches well above it's weight in the battle for best whiskey !!!! Glenmorangie , Talisker, Glenlivet, Jura, all good, but for the money, Jamesons & Black Grouse are outstanding !!!!!


Bye for now gents !!! :ninja:

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Thousands of jobs :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling: - I am amazed that this has been properly quantified. Are these in the NHS or Police?


I presume "inject" was a pun. :lol::lol: :lol:

But the drugs would need manufacturing and distributing. Thought I should break down this a little more.


You'd need manufacturing facilities. You'd have to hire people with degrees to manage and process the entire thing. This would increase property sales and provide more professional jobs. You'd need storage facilities which would have to be secured, ergo a boost in careers within G4S. For those with few qualifications, the drugs would need delivering to chemists across the country. Give van drivers a thorough induction, and treat the drugs the same way security firms treat gold. The chemists would need additional security, so let's give work to security firms installing new hardware to keep out undesirables. You could privatise the entire thing and tax it through the eyeballs. You could pour money into research to create the finest drugs but what would be the point? There are Columbians who know it better than any who will produce it for pennies a day. Because of that you could hire additional border control, to stop substances coming into the country from abroad and driving the price down.


Indeed! It just flowed.


As a large number of hard drug users are spaced for most of the time, who will pay for their drugs, legal or otherwise?- Jo public again....


We're funding it now, in one way or another. Why not let the government vastly reduce our deficit?


A UN report said the global drug trade generated an estimated US$321.6 billion in 2003. That's ten years ago, account for inflation and an increasing population and you could increase that by 20% easily. Add in professional management and who knows what it would be worth.

Edited by deaquire
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