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identifying snipe


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Hi, was just wondering how to identify common snipe as the other week i flushed a small snipe sized bird, it got up about ten yards away and flew away fast zigzagging like a woodcock then when it got about 70 yards away it started to curve upwards until it was almost vertical, i beleive it was a common snipe but wasn't sure! Thoughts?

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Jack snipe fly differently to common snipe when they take off. I used to be able to tell the difference when I shot some land with snipe on it, but can't remember now. I expect if you google it you'll find out the difference. It is quite obvious when you flush them which is which.

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Jack snipe fly differently to common snipe when they take off. I used to be able to tell the difference when I shot some land with snipe on it, but can't remember now. I expect if you google it you'll find out the difference. It is quite obvious when you flush them which is which.

They do and it sounds like the bird the OP describes was a Common! It is however worth knowing what and how a Jack looks like and flys like!

Gets up late, flys low and drops quickly. Absolutely beautiful birds!

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Common snipe make an unmistakable repeated 'zipping' sound when they take off, jinking all over the place (normally staying low for the first 40 yards of flight) and you'll rarely see them land again. Jack snipe are silent and normally don't flush until you're right on top of them, then get up and land 50-100 yards ahead. Also they are tiny little birds, much smaller than the common variety.

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I usually use the same technique for deciding which is which- When I miss and destroy a small area of copse then its most likely a woodcock-If its a small patch of Reed bed that gets the full blast then the bird disappearing into the distance was most likely a Snipe.

Edited by bruno22rf
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The common almost always makes a 'scuap' type sound when it flushes, like others have said tends to fly different. Thats generally wot i use no sound i don't shoot but sometimes they will flush silent. Sure if u search the net or BASC pages might be a better quarry id guide mibee even with a recording off the noise

Hopefully got this right way round, but i think commons tend to zig zag side to side while jack tend to zig zag up and down.


There is a fair size difference between the 2 but remember distance will also make a difference to size ie common further away way look like a closer jack and vice versa.


To be honest it really is experience more than anything else, once u've seen a few u can usuallty tell, but any doubt just leave it, usaully common far outnumber jack on most 'snipey' places

Edited by scotslad
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