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My ,my , how we grow up .


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Over the years I have owned many ,many guns .Rifles ,pistols and shotguns . I can remember a few years ago having about 30 guns about the house kept in cupboards and drawers and cabinets . This was before shot guns had to go into proper cabinets .

I was a bit of a collector ,but I also liked to shoot them all . Shooting all these guns did nothing for accurate shooting . I now own the least amount of guns that i have ever owned ,3 nice shotguns and two rifles .


I managed to break the addiction to shooting lots of different guns and to stop impulse buying . I suppose thats classed as growing up . I mostly shoot my beretta auto and my browning over and under ,I really do not have any need for any more guns ,I never thought that I would say that . I guess thats also growing up . It has taken me a long time to kick my habits .


Remember the old adage , beware of the man with only one gun ,he's proberbly a good shot .



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same here.......i used to collect and use classic pistols, and always had 2 rifles, 7.92mm mauser, and a .22 brno.................now im down to 2....12bore sxs and my very first shotgun...webley and scott .410...(not the delux model)...paid 13guineas something for it including purchase tax !

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Over the years I have owned many ,many guns .Rifles ,pistols and shotguns . I can remember a few years ago having about 30 guns about the house kept in cupboards and drawers and cabinets . This was before shot guns had to go into proper cabinets .

I was a bit of a collector ,but I also liked to shoot them all . Shooting all these guns did nothing for accurate shooting . I now own the least amount of guns that i have ever owned ,3 nice shotguns and two rifles .


I managed to break the addiction to shooting lots of different guns and to stop impulse buying . I suppose thats classed as growing up . I mostly shoot my beretta auto and my browning over and under ,I really do not have any need for any more guns ,I never thought that I would say that . I guess thats also growing up . It has taken me a long time to kick my habits .


Remember the old adage , beware of the man with only one gun ,he's proberbly a good shot .



You will not be needing your rifles either Mick since you have stopped knocking those Deer over at St, LOL :lol: . You will need to let me sort them for you :good:.

Edited by Blunderbust
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I think there's a chance that you've been shooting for as long as I've been around. After that sort of time I can see how views can change, you get settled and shooting will be seen in a different way.


I really can't see how it will happen to me, but I'm sure it will. I'm at the other end of the scale - I will buy a new gun at every chance I get! I get to know them and then get bored and move on. I don't know why? All the rifles I've had have shot well and done what I needed them to do.


How do you feel about shooting quarry these days? I've heard several older shots say that they've taken enough lives and at extremes they pack up shooting completely. I've never felt the need to shoot every lawful animal I come across, but I can't imagine wanting to stop shooting live quarry completely. They taste good for a start!

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Only use three shotguns now my clay gun a semi auto for Wildfowling and a 28bore for game, the sxs I cut down for my nephew to use on clays occationally. Both my ou clay and game guns shoot the same just one weighs less the semi auto is flatter shooting so does knock me off a bit.



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