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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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as an ex doorman my self for many many years the other doornob not doorman just walking about did not help at all your strength and weakness is in each other the little guy might have got the better of the doorman :ninja: than what would :lol: doornob :lol: have done **** off down the cellar to change a barrel :lol: out the way in other words to many peanuts doing that job these days and the moneys **** i was getting more in the 80s than they are paying now :good:

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Bottom line the punter was off premises didn't look like anyone was in danger so there is no need for the ouncer to get involved in the first place, no matter wot a knob the boy is


But the polis are no angels either, i mind we split up a fairly big fight 1 gala night in a wee town i walked 1 lad to door (just a yound idiot really with too much drink and not very big), by time we got him there was calmed down and laughing and joking, within 2 mins 5 police had jumped on top off him for nothing 4 sat on him a nd 1 put cuffs on. Was a disgrace, if they seen us chuck theboy out with force like that our feet wouldn't off touched the ground.


Linny ur right the money is **** now, i couldnae believe how bad it was when i started again

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Bottom line the punter was off premises didn't look like anyone was in danger so there is no need for the ouncer to get involved in the first place, no matter wot a knob the boy is


But the polis are no angels either, i mind we split up a fairly big fight 1 gala night in a wee town i walked 1 lad to door (just a yound idiot really with too much drink and not very big), by time we got him there was calmed down and laughing and joking, within 2 mins 5 police had jumped on top off him for nothing 4 sat on him a nd 1 put cuffs on. Was a disgrace, if they seen us chuck theboy out with force like that our feet wouldn't off touched the ground.


Linny ur right the money is **** , i couldnae believe how bad it was when i started again

hence why i gave it upo....**** money now down from £12.50 to £9 ....and time away from family etc and having to put up with the stuff every night ...nah thanks

doesn't matter your lad or not however anyone can justify or agree with what this Neanderthal did is totally beyond me.

i can...the bloke went at the doorman and he tried to take him down many times......sometimes you have to do what is needed......are you saying he should have let it carry on and maybe get even worse injury??
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No matter how drunk or angry I've ever been I've never felt the need to pick a fight with a doorman, and yes in that clip that bloke chose that course of action.


If I ever have too much to drink and stand in the fast lane of the M25 and I get run over, don't blame the bloke driving the car - it's all on me for being a total moron.

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No matter how drunk or angry I've ever been I've never felt the need to pick a fight with a doorman, and yes in that clip that bloke chose that course of action.


If I ever have too much to drink and stand in the fast lane of the M25 and I get run over, don't blame the bloke driving the car - it's all on me for being a total moron.

spot on...you see the bloke go for it :good:

I must have missed that part of the footage.......

is at the beginning ..the doorman walks backwards and the bloke goes towards him....you see the doorman try and get him in quite a few put down and restraint moves but was not able to ...while the boke is still throwing punches and connecting

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hence why i gave it upo....**** money now down from £12.50 to £9 ....and time away from family etc and having to put up with the stuff every night ...nah thanks


i can...the bloke went at the doorman and he tried to take him down many times......sometimes you have to do what is needed......are you saying he should have let it carry on and maybe get even worse injury??

he did not at anytime throw the 1st punch he might have run to the doorman and stopped a couple of times , but it was the doorman that run over to him and struck the lad 1st , the doorman wasn't composed and was unprofessional , he wants jailing for his actions ! Edited by delburt0
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he did not at anytime throw the 1st punch he might have run to the doorman and stopped a couple of times , but it was the doorman that run over to him and struck the lad 1st , the doorman wasn't composed and was unprofessional , he wants jailing for his actions !


he made a pre emptive strike against him ..we dont know what happened before the camera started rolling tho

and why have the police not taken any action then????

The numpty was well out of order but the so called doorman allowed himself to be drawn into a situation on a public pavement outside the premises.What does that say for his professionalism?

partly agree but again we dont know what happened before the camera

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Must admit it didn't look to me like the boy was really going to hit the bouncer, just jumping about pretending he was a big man, if u left him for 2 mins he would off got bored and walked away. Its all puffed up chest stuff showing off, usually his mates pull them away prety quickly when that happens althou not sure if u had mates there to save hiim.


There was no need for the bouncer to get involved in the first place but if u do u really have to go in hard the boy should have been on the floor far earlier and no with a move like that, could very easily of killed or crippled the boy


And after he done it (rightly or wrongly) he should be checking to see boys ok, i would say recover position but after a landing like that possibly not if any neck/spine damage, if that boys wasn't so drunk and relaxed he could of been severly hurt

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If I ever have too much to drink and stand in the fast lane of the M25 and I get run over, don't blame the bloke driving the car - it's all on me for being a total moron.

But doorman are not like a fast moving car, they have time to think and react.


If you were stood infront of a stationary car gobbing off at the driver, telling him to run you over........ Do you think he would??

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He should have his licence revoked at the very least, what a moron! He is supposed to keep things peacefull and prevent violence not perform it on people , out of control idiot



that's why he is a doorman, when I was younger and used to visit the local friday night cowboy saloons of church street, I saw many a bouncer spoiling for a fight and some dreadful things done to drunks who were in no state to defend themselves? thrown down stairs or punched in the face without warning etc seems nothing has changed, still a bunch of steroid taking angry idiots.




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partly agree but again we dont know what happened before the camera

True,but as a professional that still doesn't excuse what took place on the pavement outside the premises.The numpty could well have been insulting the doorman all night for all we know and has been ejected from the premises for this reason,but that STILL doesn't justify nor excuse what took place outside the premises on the pavement.That makes it personal rather than professional.

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that's why he is a doorman, when I was younger and used to visit the local friday night cowboy saloons of church street, I saw many a bouncer spoiling for a fight and some dreadful things done to drunks who were in no state to defend themselves? thrown down stairs or punched in the face without warning etc seems nothing has changed, still a bunch of steroid taking angry idiots.




oh come on....dont tar the whole lot due to 30 secs of footage that does not show the full story

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he made a pre emptive strike against him ..we dont know what happened before the camera started rolling tho

and why have the police not taken any action then????

The police have only just started to investigate this as the 30yr old that got knocked out has only just been traced, he must have got up after the kickin and wombled off home.


partly agree but again we dont know what happened before the camera

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oh come on....dont tar the whole lot due to 30 secs of footage that does not show the full story


All the people who've actually been bouncers on here say they're supposed to show restraint. Clearly they're professional enough to know how to deal with a situation like this.

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just done a bit of digging on this ....


happened at Idols in Newcastle......the lad was ejected for fighting, hit doorstaff from behind then the camera started rolling ..watching it again it does look like the D/S is trying to take him down but then gets a grip for the slam .....

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just done a bit of digging on this ....


happened at Idols in Newcastle......the lad was ejected for fighting, hit doorstaff from behind then the camera started rolling ..watching it again it does look like the D/S is trying to take him down but then gets a grip for the slam .....



You missed this bit


City Centre Neighbourhood Inspector Caroline Ord said: "This was a serious incident of violence which will not be tolerated by Northumbria Police. "

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