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Under the moon


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Ive had a look at my time table and this saturday is a 7.70 ish at 6.30 am and a full moon.


has anyone had much luck under a moon?


i was thinking of heading out at 4am or earlier and waiting the tide out.


obviously if there is too much cloud it wont be worth it.



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Yeh had some great flights under the moon.


The october full moon can be a good one depending where abouts you are in the country. You want a bit of cloud cover so you can see the birds white fluffy cloud is good.


i think 4 am may be a bit late to go out, you could end up messing up the morning flight as its a bit close to sunrise, i have found you end up pushing the birds off as you walk out and they can take a while to come back in mild conditions. you may be better to go out well before that but then it depends on how keen you are to sit out all night.


if you know of a place on the marsh which will hold some pools of water were you can put a few decoys in, it may be worth a go.


Good Luck.

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Weather looks poor for this end unfortunately, got Thursday,Friday,Monday off work, I normally go for evening flight then go to the houseboat and head back out around 10:30 I love it nothing better than shooting geese or ducks under the moon something very magical about given the right cloud cover and conditions.


I save holidays to have them around the moon everybody thinks I'm a werewolf or vampire like creature or something like that lol.....

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I went outnon the early season at about 3.30am and was in position by 4am and had shots at pintail and teal, beforebthe sun was showing. So I thought bit might be worth a bash under the moon.


Thinm I'm going to have a go, cloud permitting.


Theres a heavy fog this mron. Wish I was out there now. I had a good skeen of pinks cone over, a little tobfar out, but this fog may just oush them down.

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Moon flighting is good for both Duck and geese. BUT there must be a reason for them to move or its just likely to be a very long wait this is normally going to be feeding / drinking opportunities or tide, I like to do a few every season. I don't like shooting evening flight much with a bright moon anyway as I find the Duck tend to move late and unpredictably and I should not want to sit out on a flash all night waiting their eventual arrival, 2hrs after sunset on a dark moon on eve and you get as much sport a lot quicker imo.

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I always like a dark night with no moon and at least you know the fowl will flight at dawn or dusk. I have spent many, many moonlit nights over the past 40 years and not seen a bird. Some due to the sky blowing clear of cloud and you could not see the birds against the starlit sky, others due to thick cloud making the birds invisable , but most have been due to the birds not moving and flighting the next dawn instead. There have been a few good pink foot flights , but many more blanks and the only time I ever got in amoungst moon flighting wigeon it was in a gale with sub zero temperatures and I was too cold to hit much , ended with 2 duck for a box of cartridges. It just seems that on the marshes ( both coastal and inland ) I shoot the birds do not use the moon much.

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Im going to give a try and see how it goes.

I'm going to get over the sea wall for 2.30 am ish and sit out the tide.


My hope is that if the birds aren't flying under the moon the tide should push them off.


Just hope the cloud cover returns. Clear skys here today.

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Went out last night in favourable conditions. Seen a few if skeins of geese way off and very high while waiting for my mate.


Got onto marsh into position to wait for the flight and nothing the clouds cleared as it got dark, seen one duck flit past behind and that was it.


Plenty of Curlews and Lapwings about, waterfowl nowhere to be seen.


Still better than sat in front of the telly.




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