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BBC1-Fox Wars.

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It was the narrator who mentioned the £200, and I believe the phrase was..it can cost up to £200 (or something like that)...perhaps someone who has it saved can dig out the exact quote! They also mentioned fox removal can be a time consuming process, there is nothing wrong with £200 a fox, my plumber charges £98 +Vat for the first half hour and £65 per hour after that, so that's £200 for 1.5 hours. Some foxes come easy, some take time!


As regards why he gets someone in, that's simple, he wants a professional not some weekend warrior! :good::lol:


Ain't I glad I have a friend who is a plumber. Not everyone who is a weekend warrior; many nights I am out to 3am lamping and up for work the next morning at 7am.

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Wouldn't mind helping out that hair dresser bird with her chickens in the back garden ! :D


PLUS +1 On that. :wub:


The young fox that was flea treated and nourished back to health. :angry:

They did say it was put back in the garden to see if it`s Mother would come back for it. :crazy:

The Mother did not come for it so they took it out in to the countryside and let it go. ???. :crazy:

Outstanding. And that fool banging a tin feeding them every night what a **** head. :balloon:

When will they wake up. When Babies are attack and killed or taken for food. :angry:

:shoot: :shoot: :shoot:Them all.

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It was fairly unbaised and did show the damage it done to that boys chickens. And all the pest controllers interviewed came across very well, infact came across far beter than the numpties feeding them.


My 1 complaint/thing i didn't like to see was right at the start a pest controller was using his scope mounted lamp for spotting, i hate seeing that (got handed a dvd once off very famous foxer/caller and he done it the whole film) done it once when i first got a scope mounted lamp but didn't like it, just not safe or atleast doesnae feel or look safe. Still use a scope mounted lamp but also have a sepeerate spotting lamp


That f ***wit who caught a young cub treated it for fleas and released it again, no vixen would ever come back to a cub that had been handled by humans or atleast no wild 1 would, u only have to walk within 10ft of den sometimes and there moving there cubs elsewhere


Ps on about the babies thing. Have u ever listened to some off those electronic callers and some off there distress calls some sound amazingly like a baby crying at times

Edited by scotslad
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just watched it and have to say the programme gave an account of just what foxes are like, have to be honest I thought the best bit was when the welsh woman was blaming the fox for pooing on her garden and it was the neighbours cat ,, the face on her watching the video was a classic :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol:

Edited by evo
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