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non payment from client, advice needed


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Got the money... After ringing the other contractor, who also didn't know the guy I asked for his address as my PC crashed while doing the invoice and I lost all the clients details... He was happy to give me the address and asked if I had worked for the guy before which I replied no, any how the chap said I haven't been paid yet have you, I said no but mentioned that I didn't see there being a problem. A few hours later I got a text from the client saying invoice paid in full.... Happy days...

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You really need to relax a bit more with regards to money if you're going to be self employed or you'll just come across as aggressive and people wont use you again. Agree terms before hand but still give them at least a week to pay, it usually comes thru in the end.



As your company grows you will have to relax. I have clients that give me a lot of work but since day one I have had to wait 45/60 days for payment. Equally private clients can be just as slow but the vast vast majority will.

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I've been building all my life,and only had one bad one! give it some more time i expect it will turn out fine.(don't go in all guns blazing yet.)

But if payment isn't forthcoming remind him that all the materials you used are still yours until paid for in full. You are within you rights to get them back. Not many people would like the mess left after you got them back (not very carefully).

My one bad one was a huge natural stone wall that took weeks to do, the bloke wouldn't pay although he was loaded, said 'take me to court it'll take years to get your money' I let it drop, but strangely enough the wall got wiped out by a digger one night some weeks later. :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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But if payment isn't forthcoming remind him that all the materials you used are still yours until paid for in full. You are within you rights to get them back. Not many people would like the mess left after you got them back (not very carefully).


I have a feeling this is actually a grey area once they are installed. I would certainly check this before acting on it.

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My one bad one was a huge natural stone wall that took weeks to do, the bloke wouldn't pay although he was loaded, said 'take me to court it'll take years to get your money' I let it drop, but strangely enough the wall got wiped out by a digger one night some weeks later. :whistling::whistling::whistling:


Oh, the satisfaction!!!!!!

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You should state in your quote the time scale you wish to be paid, on big projects it's not uncommon for payment to take months. If you have it on paper and they have been made aware of payment terms then ultimately you can take them to court with a much better standing. For a piece of paper what would take you 5 minutes to fill in it could potentially save you thousands. You could incorporate other information on the form, job description, job number, etc etc. More information to cover your backside. It will also help you keep track of things, look more professional etc..

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When i used to run a construction company we would issue a final invoice on completion but it did say "please pay in full within 14 days of final invoice".



This is what I do, and make sure that the report and invoice get emailed out together.


That way they can't say the invoice didn't get through :good:

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