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Pigeon Question

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About a week ago I was out walking the dog going down a track and there in the middle was a large pigeon alive but all puffed up and it had flies on it the dog just looked at it and walked past I would have liked to have dispatched it but the last time I tried with a black bird its head came off made me feel quite bad so I left it.


Two days ago I was out and there was another one all puffed up I walked past it only a foot away and it did not budge the I saw another one on the floor when I got close to that one it flew on to the roof of a building but only about five yards the other one followed it when I went over to it.


Today I am out again and there is another one just sat in the middle of the track when the dog got close to it it moved about two yards but then let us walk past it the first could have been shot and wounded that would account for the flies but what is the problem with the others any ideas.

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I would have thought on a forum called Pigeon Watch people would no something about Pigeons but with only two replies it would seem that you are spending more time polishing your guns that actually going out using them :no:

You had the answer on the first post, whats the point of us all posting agreeing with LC.

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I would have thought on a forum called Pigeon Watch people would no something about Pigeons but with only two replies it would seem that you are spending more time polishing your guns that actually going out using them :no:

Well you have made almost 2500 posts on here and are having to ask , not only that you dont even seem man enough to be able to simply dispatch a suffering bird !!

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Well you have made almost 2500 posts on here and are having to ask , not only that you dont even seem man enough to be able to simply dispatch a suffering bird !!

I agree. Shame on him. On more than one occasion I've pulled the truck off the road to kill a wounded/sick pigeon.

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They get canker from dirty bird feeders/tables and would probably be dribbling too.


They were probably ****** on berrys or fallen apples. Have a look what's around in the fields at mo. Could of be acorns also bit I find the ****** theory more appealing lol.



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