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De stressed nicely.


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After a dreadful week at work. "I walked out Thursday, returning Friday" the weekend couldn't come round fast enough.


I couldn't get out until dinner and was supposed to be away stalking this weekend, had to cancel due to money concerns from leaving my job, by the time I had agreed to come back the damage was done and my weekend away finished.


Got to the perm which is the smallest but by far my favourite in every way had a chat and went hunting the greys. Only seen two in 4 hours but what a glorious few hours in the little spinney, I sat for what seemed for eternity watching and listening pigeons coming landing right above me. Tree creepers going about there business and the goldfinch working there pine cones.


Various flocks of small birds passed me by unnoticed at times being so close I could of touched them, then the tell tale crash of a grey moving from one tree to another awoke me from my trance. I watched him make his way slowly through the trees until he settled for a bark about 30 yards away a fatal mistake.


The shot entered just in front of the front leg and never left, some 20ftlb of energy still left in the pellet he hardly twitched.


Sorry a bit long winded.





Were the pellet came to rest the opposite side of the body, damage was catastrophic.



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People often seem to forget the calming influence on a persons head that fieldsports can have. Shooting, Fishing, and OK maybe a bit sad but i dont care, but gardening all do it for me! Good on you mate.



Same mate sometimes just need to escape.



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