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American Pit Bulls


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My wife's workmate has a staffy and, like most it seems, is daft as a brush and shows nothing but affection to one and all. I still just don't see the point in running the risk of owning a dog that will bite down hard and tend to fight/ignore all reasoning/instructiion to 'leave' if it so decides. I've witnessed a couple of attacks, both seemed implausible in that the staffy in one incident and a pit bull in the other were not 'threatened' by the other dog atall. To see a pit bull grab a scotty by the neck and ignore various shouting/screaming/bucket of cold water (from a fishmongers stall in a crowded market) etc wasn't nice, if anything it seemed to exite him even more. Luckily the dog eventually let go and seemed quite pleased with himself, like nothing had happened....the owner of the pit bull was visibly shocked as he nearly got lynched........i'm sure he would of had his dog scarpered! God knows what damage a lightweight attack like that would of done to a child. People know what risks are involved with certain breeds and you can't change instinct, you may be able to train it to be 'nice' but deep down............


I may be wrong but all these fatal or serious attacks seem to be carried out by a small group of breeds, the breeds that tend not to be able to lose that instict to fight/gaurd/kill etc, you can't engineer that out of an animal.

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when something goes wrong you always hear ban this ban that :/ what about the stupid pr... who left the dog out?? would anyone leave their rifle out on the wall for half the day then go look for it? ban stupid people who dont have the brains to look after things that can cause damage(cars,dogs,guns ect ect) oh right you cant.

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when something goes wrong you always hear ban this ban that :/ what about the stupid pr... who left the dog out?? would anyone leave their rifle out on the wall for half the day then go look for it? ban stupid people who dont have the brains to look after things that can cause damage(cars,dogs,guns ect ect) oh right you cant.


Agree, but nobody would go and shoot with a gun that can, for no apparent reason, go off.

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when something goes wrong you always hear ban this ban that :/ what about the stupid pr... who left the dog out?? would anyone leave their rifle out on the wall for half the day then go look for it? ban stupid people who dont have the brains to look after things that can cause damage(cars,dogs,guns ect ect) oh right you cant.


Agree, but nobody would go and shoot with a gun that can, for no apparent reason, go off.


Touché Ziplex :o

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Mungler / Baldrick. I own two Japanese Akitas. The "big pup" is ten stone. Whilst taking them a walk in St Ives last year, a Labrador sprinted 200 yards up the beach to attack my dog. My dogs were on a lead. I don't let them off unless I am certain we are alone. My Akita reacted to the attack and defended itself. The owner run up and berated me about the damage to his Labrador. He gave no excuse for the attack, nor the fact that his dog was unleashed. He just made the foolish assumption that his dog would never attack. I used to have German Shepherds - a Collie attacked my bitch and then bit me when I separated them. I trust no dog whatsoever with children or even adults. When people say "my dog wouldn't bite anyone", I have to smile. Any dog is capable of snapping, given the provocation. Problem is that you can't read a dog's mind to know what causes them to snap. This incident is a tragedy and if the owner has a banned breed, then I trust he will suffer the consequences. However, I see little point in rash generalisations about Staffies, English Bull Terriers, Rottweillers, Akitas, German Shepherds etc. When walking my dogs over a twenty year period, a number of smaller dogs have lunged at them - Poodles, Jack Russells, German Shepherds, Staffies, West Highland Terriers and more. So please - judge the individual dog and owner, not a complete breed.

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Yes it's tradgic about the young girls death . An my thoughts go out to her family .A horrific death , and an unnecessary loss of life !



So discuss



**** it ... lets ban anybody with an income under 15 K a year and an iq of under 115 from living , maybe we will be able to stop drug abuse .

Lets stop folks owning guns full stop , then atleast nobody will get shot by one .


Lets ban people crossing roads , then Nobody will get run over .


*Voice of an idiot*


But after most of the above comments atleast i'm with fellow's of the same opinions


Sieg Heil !!!!!



Can you smell anything :o Or feel anything .


Yes it's tradgic about the young girls death . An my thoughts go out to her family .



all the best yis yp :/

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Done abit of reading on this. When the dangerous dogs act was introduced in 1991 the government did/does not recognise pitt bulls as a pure breed and therefore does not call it such. It invented the pitt bull 'type' to include them in a ban but thus opened up the bad wording and the act created confusion and loop holes to what was banned and what was not.


According to the BBC and the police is was indeed a pitt bull terrier which was banned under the DDA 1991.

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its very sad that a young child died .


but hey this will always happen its life


one of my best mates got chewed to bits very badly head and face by a golden lab that turned on him

should we ban them as well i think not


i think maybe someone that has a good understanding of dogs should teach the dangers of

danderous and strong dogs to the owners before they can purchase one, and this should be made manditory


an idea no


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No need to ban any dog chaps it is just the owners.


I have 4 dogs that are soft as putty except for working conditions and I would never, never, let them alone with a child or anyone they wern't submisive to or knew well.


If a child is run down by a car the driver is prosecuted not the car and the manufactuer is allowed to produce more cars.


I believe you can legally own a 'bull' if it is muzzled, neutered and registered.


My thoughts go out to the family they must be besides themselves at the moment with greif.






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Pit Bull terrier-type dogs (including the oh-so cuddly 'But It's A Staffie!') should all be banned. Only chavs and plebs who like to bathe in the reflected glory of the dog's impressive musculature own such utterly pointless and evil dogs. They serve no purpose in new Labour's crime-free society - they are superfluous, except for use as a weapon.


My boss's Golden Retriever pup was killed by a Stafffie last month, whilst it was playing around on a beach. My colleague suffered deeply unpleasant injuries trying to separate the two. A policeman friend of mine could spend all day recounting the dog-related injuries and incidents that have involved Staffies and Pit Bull-type dogs.


I'm a dog person, but I am very pro an amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act. Shoot the dogs, and shoot anyone who owns one or aspires to own one. Both breed of two-legged and four-legged vermin are surplus to requirement........


Why don't you keep your worthless opinions to yourself? People like you that know ****** all about the breeds make me sick.

I am also not a chav or a pleb you cheeky plonker so don't generalise.

Posting comments such as "Shoot the dogs, and shoot anyone who owns one or aspires to own one" just shows what a complete and utter **** you are.

I have owned and bred English Bull Terriers for almost 25 years and have never had a problem with them.

This makes me considerably more entitled to an opinion than you.

A dog is what you make it.

My Father always had German Shepherds when I was a kid. the only dog that ever bit him was a bloody Chiahuahua in a Pub.

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Pit Bull terrier-type dogs (including the oh-so cuddly 'But It's A Staffie!') should all be banned. Only chavs and plebs who like to bathe in the reflected glory of the dog's impressive musculature own such utterly pointless and evil dogs. They serve no purpose in new Labour's crime-free society - they are superfluous, except for use as a weapon.


My boss's Golden Retriever pup was killed by a Stafffie last month, whilst it was playing around on a beach. My colleague suffered deeply unpleasant injuries trying to separate the two. A policeman friend of mine could spend all day recounting the dog-related injuries and incidents that have involved Staffies and Pit Bull-type dogs.


I'm a dog person, but I am very pro an amendment to the Dangerous Dogs Act. Shoot the dogs, and shoot anyone who owns one or aspires to own one. Both breed of two-legged and four-legged vermin are surplus to requirement........


Why don't you keep your worthless opinions to yourself? People like you that know ****** all about the breeds make me sick.

I am also not a chav or a pleb you cheeky plonker so don't generalise.

Posting comments such as "Shoot the dogs, and shoot anyone who owns one or aspires to own one" just shows what a complete and utter **** you are.

I have owned and bred English Bull Terriers for almost 25 years and have never had a problem with them.

This makes me considerably more entitled to an opinion than you.

A dog is what you make it.

My Father always had German Shepherds when I was a kid. the only dog that ever bit him was a bloody Chiahuahua in a Pub.

i have to agree with hoditdod


you cant go banning everything that could kill or injure

as we would have next to nothing !!!

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Why when dogs are specifically bred over many generations for their killing ability would any one want to keep one as a pet and atempt to reverse the dogs natural instincts? Seems a bit daft to me.


On the subject of banning things, we could simply ban life, as its outcome is always terminal!!



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Personally I agree these dogs shouldn't be allowed. At the height of the 90's when the initial scare was in the public eye my dad who is a vet looked after a lot of Pitbulls that were housed in a quarantine kennels by the police on "death row" none of them was suitable as pets. These dogs were seized from homes after problems and you'd be surprised the number that were trained for fighting, equipment used was treadmills and all sorts to get them fit. He had the misfortune of having to put a lot down and believe me it wasn't simple. The reason that it has been called a Pit Bull type is that without DNA analysis you can't tell what its been cross bred with.

The dog that killed the young girl was used to playing with her and for some reason the switch got flicked that turned its natural killing instinct on hence it did what it did. Its the same reason the police shot it in that no one wanted to get close enough to catch it. There is no reason to have a dog like it in a family environment as much as you should never trust dogs with young children anyway. This case was tragic and hopefully won't have too many implications for normal dog owners!

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Another thing that i have noticed of late, that i did not come across much back in the 90's, when i had lurchers, is that, it seems to be the fashion these days, to cross greyhounds, with pit bulls, the bull x, it seems, makes a deadly fox dog? :/


Any opinions on this?


Must add here, i have nothing against bull x's, i have a few freinds who have this x and they have had them for a number of years, with no problems, but personally, i would not have one myself, having a young lad about the place ect.



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I feel I need to add my opinion though wont make a difference to the general consensus that they should be banned. I dont own a dog and never have so I don't know if this makes my opinion irrelevant but not biased towards dogs.


Feel that to ban a British breed of dog such as the English Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire terrier is just wrong as where does it need to stop? You will have to ban every breed that was ever bred for fighting like the Boxer etc. What will it achieve? Any dog can be trained to fight and if someone is intent on having a dog to fight then they will find one or just train one up that wasn't effected by the law. Persons who disregard the law will disregard it and not change their minds when something is banned. A ban only effects law abiders.


Don't know why but this reminds me of the pistol ban. Yes someone has already said, you wouldn't have a pistol if it would just go off but what I will say that firstly I don't believe these dogs will just 'go off' but need aggravated or ill treated or mis trained then that could apply to any dog. They were bred for fighting: so what? A glock is designed to kill human beings, so going by this reasoning pistols should have been banned because it has been designed to do something that your not going to use it for. Everyone knows that a pistol can be used for shooting targets - harmless fun. So can a dog such as a Staffordshire terrier be used for harmless fun. Its what you make of it.


Thats just my opinion.

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Simmer down, opinions are what they are.


I would take a wild guess that YP also has bull terriers of some description and whilst some might consider that makes his opinions biased, although I thought his post was quite thought provoking.


No I won't calm down. Baldrick's comments were insulting


Only chavs and plebs who like to bathe in the reflected glory of the dog's impressive musculature own such utterly pointless and evil dogs.

Shoot the dogs, and shoot anyone who owns one or aspires to own one. Both breed of two-legged and four-legged vermin are surplus to requirement........


What right has he got to come out with **** like that?


OK so his Boss's Pup got killed by a Staffie. The fact that the guy got bitten when he tried to get the dogs apart is irrelevant, as that is a risk you take when you try to break up any dogfight, irrespective of the breed types.


Baldrick's knee-jerk type comments are on a par with the idiocy of Government Ministers.


"Oh dear, some silly ****** called Michael Ryan has popped a few locals off in Hungerford. I know, we will reduce all pump actions and semi-auto shotguns to three shots. That will make the world a safer place"


"A mentally deranged bloke called Hamilton (who has serious tendencies towards kiddie fiddling) has run amok with a load of handguns and slaughtered half a classroom full of kids. Instead of prosecuting the Firearms department responsible for allowing him to keep his FAC after several complaints about him, we will just ban Handguns instead"


When I was a kid, my Grannies Corgi got run over by a Thames Trader flat-bed truck. I don't remember an outcry to ban them.


Baldrick takes an early lead in the **** of the year post 2007 awards. :/ :o :o







I feel I need to add my opinion though wont make a difference to the general consensus that they should be banned. I dont own a dog and never have so I don't know if this makes my opinion irrelevant but not biased towards dogs.


Feel that to ban a British breed of dog such as the English Bull Terrier and the Staffordshire terrier is just wrong as where does it need to stop? You will have to ban every breed that was ever bred for fighting like the Boxer etc. What will it achieve? Any dog can be trained to fight and if someone is intent on having a dog to fight then they will find one or just train one up that wasn't effected by the law. Persons who disregard the law will disregard it and not change their minds when something is banned. A ban only effects law abiders.


Don't know why but this reminds me of the pistol ban. Yes someone has already said, you wouldn't have a pistol if it would just go off but what I will say that firstly I don't believe these dogs will just 'go off' but need aggravated or ill treated or mis trained then that could apply to any dog. They were bred for fighting: so what? A glock is designed to kill human beings, so going by this reasoning pistols should have been banned because it has been designed to do something that your not going to use it for. Everyone knows that a pistol can be used for shooting targets - harmless fun. So can a dog such as a Staffordshire terrier be used for harmless fun. Its what you make of it.


Thats just my opinion.


Well said I C :D

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Hod, it's just my opinion, and yes, maybe it is inflammatory, but it is just an opinion. Just like your opinion that I am a grade-A ****.


Do you honestly expect to read consistently balanced and objective arguments on a forum? I don't. That's why I enjoy this forum. A blend of views.......


Thank you for nominating me for '**** Of The Year 2007' though. I'm delighted, particularly at this early stage of the competition.

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A friend of mine had a staffie cross. It was in the back of her car with the window down and we were talking by the side of the car. A little girl cycled past on her bike and the stabilisers were making a noise (this was the only thing we could put it down to) suddenly the dog was out of the window and on the little girl Luckily it did not bite her but it had a broken canine that left a largish scratch on her arm. The little girl was obviously terrified.

We all went to the hospital, I went because my friend was incredibly upset and she was afraid of the reaction of the parents. The mother was (understandably) ballistic but the father was philisophical and understanding.


The outcome was that the dog was destroyed.


I am a dog person but whilst I was one of the few people the staffie actually liked I would have been nervous of owning it, and indeed having seen it dragging an engine hoist up the driveway, complete with engine attached because it was pleased to see me I can see the "danger".


The breed of dog is not important but the way it is brought up. However I feel you need to have a dog that fits your lifestyle or ability. Akitas, Staffies, Rotweilers and such are ok if owned by people that can understand and handle them. Trying to breed dangerous dogs is stupid.

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