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GodDamn Townies

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I have finally managed to be able to get out for a walk this weekend :lol: So after 8 weeks of being laid up Trix and I decided to take a walk down the old track line that parrallels my Parents farm. .......After two weeks of steady rain you do not want to try to walk those fields.....Just get even with the second hay field, which is behind the front 10 acres of woods and the ******** have driven their quads down the rail bank, cutting out two 4 inch walnut trees and then taken cutters to an 8 strand page fence and cut their way into the hay field.


Walk alittle further and find where they decided to rip two four foot gates off so they can get into the woods on the other side of the creek. I had to install these gates last year when this same **** went on. I then find two different does that had been shot and left, and a dead beagle.


I went to the Police station to file a report for damage and so their would be yet another record ....think I am up around 26 now....of damage incase the livestock get out, and the ******* station is now closed on weekends....what nothing illegel happens on Saturday or Sunday now.


I am so sick and tired of the GodDamn townies that have absolutley no respect for peoples property and just think they can ride their ******* quads wherever and when ever they feel like it. I can tell you right now the next plonker that has to walk out because he has four flat tires will not find his quad when he gets back.


And the worst part is it is not just kids, I have stopped grown ups on our property that then proceed to tell me that it is their trail so they can ride it if they like.


Absolute ####s!!!!


Rant Over, and appologies for the language.



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I know a few things i would be thinking about doing but not going to say nothing on the forum :good:


We have the Kids locally tearing up a Field with Mini Motos and Quads and only recently the police have cracked down and confiscate the bikes when caught and if it's the 2nd time i beleive they get destroyed.


Trouble is most of their parents are on Benefit and just buy another to replace the one taken :P


Rather than just take their bikes i think it's time to feel the collar of the parent for supplying the bike in the first place KNOWING what their kids are doing. B)



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On the track, dig a small channel goin across it and put in it a piece or 2x4 wood with nails going up through it. Then cover it so about and inch - inch and half of the nail is poking through. that would stop 'em pretty quickly, and I doubt they'd come back!

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Guest jonrms



Tell me when you want me to come over....

I need a reason to go home... I will stay at my aunts in buffalo....

then visit you...





I can even use my 9mm.... which I cant believe is still boxed and unused at home!!!! :good:


Oh well..... its a great pistol....



Anyway..... the law is on your side..... ie they tresspassed... put a sign up if not already done. lol

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I know a few things i would be thinking about doing but not going to say nothing on the forum :good:


We have the Kids locally tearing up a Field with Mini Motos and Quads and only recently the police have cracked down and confiscate the bikes when caught and if it's the 2nd time i beleive they get destroyed.


Trouble is most of their parents are on Benefit and just buy another to replace the one taken :lol:


Rather than just take their bikes i think it's time to feel the collar of the parent for supplying the bike in the first place KNOWING what their kids are doing. :P




I had the same problem as you LG. They were out most nights, screwing up my roost shooting and stalking, I crept passed the field unnoticed most times, but they saw me once or twice and gave me some lip. \




So I ****** in the orange juice bottle they leave in the field for drinks B)



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We get the same all you can do is keep reporting it traps for them are not a good idea as you'll only get sued. However installing ditches with steep sides works for some of them as does planting plenty of really spiny hedge plants which are difficult for them to cut down. Gates etc need to have metal posts and hinges done so they can't be lifted off. You just need to make it as hard as possible for them as they take no notice of anything else

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I'd dig some "drainage channels" across some of the fields. It's not your fault that you haven't got round to laying the perforated pipe yet is it?. No harm in that. If it was me I'd also lay some rusty but strong barbed wire about 18" off the ground secured at both ends too. Oops, you forgot all about that old fence that had fallen over last year :good:

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