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I very nearly lost Jasper today.


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Jasper is my 17 week old sprocker puppy who is now much loved in this household.


Today I brought logs in from the woodshed using one of those hessian shopping bags obtained from supermarkets. I placed the empty bag on the top of his cage in my office and ten minutes later when I returned he was completely silent and still which was unusual. On closer inspection I would see that he had pulled through the bars of the cage one of the bags handles and he had put his neck through it and gone round and round so the handle twisted on his kneck throttling him. The twist was so tight I could not undo it and I had to get a knife and cut through it.


Without being too dramatic I imagine that he was only minutes from death as he could not breathe.


To lighten the atmosphere in the house I have suggested to my other half that there will be no long lasting brain damage to Jasper as I had seen no signs of a brain to damage.

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Blimey I bet your heart was pounding,

I had a terrier and it got a washing line which was hanging down wrapped around his tongue,I thought it he was quiet and looked out of the kitchen window,he was up on his back legs with his tongue all twisted up and with his full weight onit,it stick out about eight inches.it was that tight I had to lift him up and wedge the sharp point of the scissors to cut it.

He was exhausted because he must have been fighting with it for ages,another ten minutes and he would have snuffed it he had already given up.

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pleased all is well mate, we have 2 springer pups, about a month back one had tried chewing bars on crate and got bottom jaw stuck,squeeling out was terrible, i had to jump in crate to stop him trying to pull away, was a mad 5 minutes i can tell you, then a week later the bitch got her paw stuck when she was coming out, so in i went again, bloody crates can be dangerous at time but never thought about them dragging stuff through from the top.... will make sure ours is always clear, all the best steve

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Blimey I bet your heart was pounding,

I had a terrier and it got a washing line which was hanging down wrapped around his tongue,I thought it he was quiet and looked out of the kitchen window,he was up on his back legs with his tongue all twisted up and with his full weight onit,it stick out about eight inches.it was that tight I had to lift him up and wedge the sharp point of the scissors to cut it.

He was exhausted because he must have been fighting with it for ages,another ten minutes and he would have snuffed it he had already given up.


How is he now? After the incident took place?

It's such a sham when playful dogs get let's call it "bitten"

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Went to visit a neighbour yesterday & let the dogs run around his garden, which he assured me was secure.

A while later, called the dogs to check on them and eventually, the unreliable one appeared but my good boy didn't. We found him treading water in the pond, thank goodness he's a good swimmer and has more stamina than any dog I know...

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