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Ok best lamp to mount on a shotgun?

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No rifles allowed on my permission millions of foxes can I lamp with a shotgun? If so which gun mounted lamp? I'll be on my own hence gun mounted and will be shooting a 12g OU with 50gm 3" no 1s or similar perhaps a cheaper cart will do?

Cheers happy NY

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Iv got an ledray 100 with pressure switch I'm more than happy with, very lightweight and plenty of light, colour filters are available. Not quite sure what mount would enable you to mount it to an O/U though, I'm sure someone will have done it before. Cartridge wise, your choice will be more than ample, just try patterning them if possible to give you an idea of the ideal range to get charlies into.

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While there is no doubt u can shoot foxes with a shotgun and lamp, it is probably far from ideal to really make a dent in the population.

U could probably increase ur chances by baiting an area althou it means a fox coming within range so wind direction will be critical, possibly a high seat may help, but possibly ur asking a lot for a fox to come that close


Have u thought about snareing or setting a fox cage trap, if ur in scotland need to do a course and be registered with the police for setting snares (althou i think i'm right in saying thoose collarum type snares are classed as traps not snares so no licence, best to check with basc/sga thou)means being there every 24hrs but if u bait an area hopefully u should catch quickier

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Before I got the rifles I used (and still do) a Light force 140 Scope mounted, but you can get a shotgun barrel clamp that they clip into. I suspect the Light force is somewhat old hat and newer LED lamps are lighter and more powerful etc, but you should be able to pick up a cheap 140 second hand, and at shotgun range you don't need anything super powerful.

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There's little led torches now which will knock the pants of a light force, last longer battery wise and weigh but a few ounce

And there cheap as chips



At shotgun range please do remember you won't need it that bright or the foxes will run so very quick

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Mmm some really helpful stuff guys thanks. I'm pretty sure snaring will be off too as the farmer is very cautious because of walkers on his land. I'm allowed to shoot but not feed pheasants a as said no rifles. Also it's a wild bird only do no birds are to be put down so I figure fox control will be crucial :) I'm sure I could feed the foxes what's the best bait? Also I'm interested do I need a weak lamp so as not to scare the foxes? If so suggestions?

Thanks again ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Utectok. Any look with the shotgun and the foxs? I use a Clulite cb2 with the scopemount on it which fits onto the underneath of the single barrel, semi auto or the over and under. Just remember when you are getting a lamp for shotgun less is more in terms of light always keep the wind in your face and when calling and the fox is coming to you, you start to walk towards the fox close the distance between you and him when he stops you stop and move the lamp to the left and right slowly but keeping his eyes in focus. if he starts to put his nose to the ground you move closer and hopefully sixty yrds bang. It takes a bit of practice but I think it is one of my favorite ways to get a fox other than a snare. all the best.

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No rifles allowed on my permission millions of foxes can I lamp with a shotgun? If so which gun mounted lamp? I'll be on my own hence gun mounted and will be shooting a 12g OU with 50gm 3" no 1s or similar perhaps a cheaper cart will do?

Cheers happy NY



Just use a hand held, point it sideways using your left hand (in the case of a right handed shot) and just lay the guns forearm on the back of your left wrist . I do this all the time, a great plus is you can angle the lamp skywards to just illuminate the eyes when calling it in and back on it again in a trice, you need to get them in close and its rare they come in well with a gazillion candles pointing directly in their face! At best a light mounted on a shotgun is unwieldy and its just not required- try a practice shot and see what I mean. You don't need 50grm with say no.1 lead especially not if its a lightweight double

Edited by kent
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Check out the 'horsehoof' bait under the DIY section. This is a very potent strong smelling liquid that works well to attract foxes to a chosen site. It originated from America where it is used for attracted Coyotes and Bobcat's.


PM me if you want more details.

Is it better than a hole in the ground filled with various dead stuff and guts?

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Can you carry a hole full of guts around?

Why? does this bottled stuff only work when its moving? Do you hold it out the truck window and start calling, then move on and try another spot if it don't work? or do you dribble it out in bits from the woods as a trail into an ambush point like "While E Coyote" might for Road Runner?
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Hello Utectok. Any look with the shotgun and the foxs? I use a Clulite cb2 with the scopemount on it which fits onto the underneath of the single barrel, semi auto or the over and under. Just remember when you are getting a lamp for shotgun less is more in terms of light always keep the wind in your face and when calling and the fox is coming to you, you start to walk towards the fox close the distance between you and him when he stops you stop and move the lamp to the left and right slowly but keeping his eyes in focus. if he starts to put his nose to the ground you move closer and hopefully sixty yrds bang. It takes a bit of practice but I think it is one of my favorite ways to get a fox other than a snare. all the best.


This is top stuff thanks ;)
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A hole in the ground is just that, very efficient but limited, hhb can add an extra dimension

Go on elaborate, I am listening. What exactly can it do other that a pit cannot? At the end of the day I have more confidence in a Fox coming to a half rabbit dumped in a field (pit or no) than any bottle of lord knows what sent from the USA.

Is the other dimension you get a Divorce if you open it out of curiosity and spill some in the house?

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Go on elaborate, I am listening. What exactly can it do other that a pit cannot? At the end of the day I have more confidence in a Fox coming to a half rabbit dumped in a field (pit or no) than any bottle of lord knows what sent from the USA.

Is the other dimension you get a Divorce if you open it out of curiosity and spill some in the house?


You NEVER bring HHB into the house. Mainly because divorce would be the least of your worries.


However, HHB isn't 'some bottle sent from the USA'. You make it up yourself. And I'll vouch for it, it works for bringing foxes to shotgun range.

My preference for a fox shotgun shell is BB 42g - usually Alphamax

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