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My Perazzi Experience - photos to follow!


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I have returned from our 'Perazzi Experience' road trip to Italy :) I have to say, I was a little sceptical before I went, but would recommend it to anyone looking to buy a new Perazzi.


We arrived on Sunday night and stayed in a huge old palace (literally!!) which is now a hotel, just 1.4 miles from the Perazzi factory. My wife and I had spent the previous 7 days in Italy, so we arranged to meet Duncan Morris (our 'arranger' from Chris Potter Guns) at the hotel reception on the Monday at lunch time.


Sure enough, Duncan was bang on time. From this point onwards, our Experience began!! We drove to the Factory, and were immediately shown into the workshop. Here, we were introduced to Mauro Perazzi ('Mr Perazzi'!!!!!), a lovely lady called Bianca - who seemed to know everything bout everything!! She is also an international trap shooter.


She brought out the metalwork for my new gun, which was even better than I was expecting :wub: Mauro told me the colour case hardening process has been altered to make it less yellow and more in line with the old style 'best English' guns of old.






Next, I met Fabrizio, the man in charge of fitting my gun to me. He set up a try gun, making various alterations until everything was aligned. It felt weird being handed a closed gun and asked to point it at someone! When I broke the gun and showed it was empty before I began, they all looked a little bemused. They know it is empty, but I like to check myself. It appears the try gun, although it has a trigger, has no firing pins or internal workings - so they REALLY do know it is perfectly safe!!! :good:


Once Fabio was happy with the alignment, we went to the pattern plate room. In essence, this is a 50m enclosed tunnel, with a large revolving steel plate that moves backwards and forwards. The plate is brushed with a dark oil, which allows the shot patterns to be visible on impact. In the centre is a light source, which is the point of aim of the patterning. I actually felt quite nervous at this point - what if I miss, or fluff the shot or do something to look foolish??? So, gun is loaded, ear defenders on, target whizzes away to 32m. Mount the gun, aim, fire.......... gun down, target rotates, then fire again. Fabio looked very pleased with himself after the second shot. The target comes back to us and, sure enough, the patterning is pretty much perfect. Around a 65/35 split on centre; perfect for my shooting style.


So, phase 1 was complete!! We now knew my measurements for stock manufacture. Step 2 was now to choose a piece of walnut to make my stock from. It sounded easy, until the stock blank storage room door slid open and revealed a huge selection of blanks to choose from :drool:




I was lucky to have 3 other sets of eyes to help me choose - my lovely wife (who has an eye for pretty things, mostly shoes and diamonds actually), Bianca and Duncan. After a lengthy search, it was Bianca that found 'The One' I selected. Remembering this gun is actually only going to be used to shoot pigeons, she selected a lovely blank that is straight grained in the head stock (for good strength) but also has a lovely swirl pattern on the stock faces. Once oiled it will be magnificent.


So, phase 2 now complete!! Now, we moved to phase 3 - making my black into a gun stock. Now, the plan here is to create a stock that is within 2mm of my stock dimensions (leaving a little room for final finishing and any adjustments. The stock is manufactured on a CNC machine, then finished by hand. We watched the head stock being milled, then the stock went into the milling machine and was going to be ready when we returned the next day for a final patterning test.


So, we had the metalwork, stock sizes, wood choice and had also been offered a number of fore-end styles and grip shapes and styles. Mauro dropped by a number of times to check I was happy with everything. Believe me, all was good!!!! :good:


So, after wandering around the Perazzi showroom (they have some wonderful shotguns on display) and a tour of the factory, we left with Duncan, having arranged to return at 11am to see the new stock fitted to my metalwork. As part of the Experience, Duncan now became our guide and took us for a tour of the area, finishing up at a beautiful little village and restaurant on Lake Garda. We ate far too much, drank too much and probably scared the locals by trying too much to speak to people in Italian - although my wife did quite well. Embarrassing for me really as I work for an Italian oil company and mix with Italians every day :blush: All in all, it was a great afternoon and evening.


So, second day and we arranged to meet Duncan for breakfast at 9. Food was good and staff very friendly. Duncan has worked at Potters for several years and is both interesting and knowledgeable, and not just about guns! After breakfast, we left the hotel and Duncan took us to visit the Mille Miglia Museum in Brescia. Lots of old style fast cars and memorabilia. It wasn't a place I would have thought to visit, but it was great!


So, it was time to go back to Perazzi again :yahoo: Again we met Mauro and Bianca, who brought out my gun with my chased blank, now a stock attached to the metalwork. I was at a loss for words!!! It really looked amazing. I am too old to get impressed by much these days, but this really was a 'don't know what to say' moment!!!!! My wife tells me I was like an overexcited schoolboy at this point!! Having seen the photos, I think she was right!!


So, now assembled, we took my new gun to the pattern plate tunnel again. Ear defenders on, loaded up and ....... two shots, perfect spread again!!! The measurements were all checked and were identical tot he try gun. Two more shots; again the same results. I can now confidently kill anything sitting down at 32m :lol: (Thereis an option to shoot clays here, but the idea of the session is to fit the stock properly - if it fits and I miss, it can only be me!!!!


So, the gun looked great and fitted perfectly. After being allowed a few moments alone with my new 'friend', my gun was taken away again :( The stock will be finished off (final smoothing, chequering, oiled etc) and should be in the UK when I return from work next - some time in early April.


We chatted with Mauro some more, did a bit of shopping, went to lunch at a lovely little cafe bar with Duncan and then said our farewells. All in all, it really was a remarkable Perazzi Experience. I would recommend it to anyone.


Next steps for me now is to order a pair of side plate SCO MX12s and the same in 28 bore too. Having been a Beretta man all my life, I think my preferences have changed :friends:


Not sure how the photos will attach, but there are photos of my new metalwork, me and Mauro, chased stock blank, my pattern plate test fire and a few others. Many thanks to Perazzi and to Duncan from Chris Potters in Tunbridge Wells for making the trip so special.










Edited by Beretta06
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OMG!!!!! Its me!! With 'Mr Perazzi'!!! What a real gent he was. We were discussing pairs and he ran to his office to get his personal shotgun to show me!! Both really interesting and interested.




My new stock. After finishing and oiling I think it will be beautiful




Talking of beautiful.....




My lovely wife - the most supportive woman on the planet - even chose the engraving for my next pair of Perazzis!!

Edited by Beretta06
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