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Sky lanterns

Sha Bu Le

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I cannot understand either, why it seems to be acceptable to release hundreds or thousands of helium filled balloons, that will all drop over the countryside, when a grandmother can be prosecuted for her grandchild dropping a crisp... :sad1:

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I hate the things the local Chinese seems to have bouts of setting them off I've picked loads of them up of my permissions in the days after.


I seems to remember something along the lines of it being illegal to let an untended flame aloft, it was at school and the idea for a science project involved using a hot air balloon similar to a sky lantern.

If this is the case then it should be enforced if not it should be brought in, as already stated if the people setting them off had to pay for the damage maybe we could get rid of this scourge.

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I am in two minds… on a personal level… i would ban them, but a few years ago, my neighbours lost their son in Afghanistan …..for what ever reason, they had a moment on the beach..setting off loads of these lanterns….

me being a kayak fisherman, has a weird thing about weather ….

i knew it was a northerly wind and the things would be flying out to sea…so i pre warned the coastguard :)

the lanterns floating off was a beautiful site..and the neighbours, seemed to get something out of it..almost like a goodbye to their son ..


but i do understand the negative view on them


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How about this then if they all had a metal numbered tag on them so that it could be traced back to the person who bought it them if it came down and set light to something causing thousands of pounds worth of damage a bill could then be sent to the person responsible then perhaps they would not be so keen on letting them fly off when they get a repair bill for £50.000 or more.

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It seems simple - if you know about the countryside they should be banned if you are a townie, they 'look nice'. The ancients used to throw objects in to water as offerings and into holes in the earth like 'swallow holes'. The practice is pointless, but in making the person who is giving the offering feel better, it should not endanger other persons or property. It really is a practice that cause death or serious injury. Conclusion obvious.

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Any members have any negative experiences or thoughts on these.




I'm Partner of a Boat yard and we and other mariners in our area have had a bit of trouble with them landing on boats and either setting fire to the sails or burning the decks.


They do look pretty flying around but they are a pain and most people who buy they don't seem to think about what happens when they are out of sight.

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We have them blowing around here at different times of year. Even had them come down in the campsite in the middle of August, could get very messy. Local coast guards like to be informed when people are letting them go but most don't bother, so there is always the call about a flair being seen out to sea. Waste of time, money and potentially very dangerous.


Ban them.

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Thanks for all of you responses fellas/fellesess.


Overwhelming view is to ban them and quite right too. Suggest we leave it now except to say is this something that David of BASC and the CA should be taking up with whatever authority is appropriate (if its not already happening).




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Im not a fan tbh.... so it wouldnt bother me in the slightest.


but I would be pretty peeved if fireworks got banned. Sure, you can go through the palaver of going to an organised display but personally I hate that kind of thing. Extortionate parking, food and drink prices, hundreds of screaming kids and parents and hours spent queuing to get in or out.


much easier to make hotdogs and hot choc and safely light a few fireworks at home.


im quite partial to the 'display in a box' type ones. Light the fuse, walk away and watch 3-5 minutes of amazing chemistry at work.

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Thanks for all of you responses fellas/fellesess.


Overwhelming view is to ban them and quite right too. Suggest we leave it now except to say is this something that David of BASC and the CA should be taking up with whatever authority is appropriate (if its not already happening).




its upto the goverment to decide if they pose a big enough risk


Bit like the do when there's calls to ban shooting

Edited by castletyne
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