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Airgun licensing bill


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So who is up for paying £20 to take an airgun to scotland when its free to take a shotgun or rifle?




99. The Bill provides for a system of visitor permits for those who wish to visit Scotland with their own air weapons, or to shoot in Scotland, for example on private land or at an organised event. This will draw on the well-established system of visitor permits for firearms and shotguns under the current firearms legislation. The applicant for such a permit will be required to pay a fee at the point of application. The exact level of fees has not yet been set: the current fee for a firearms visitor permit is set at £12, whereas the estimates of processing costs set out above suggest that a fee of around £20 may better reflect the actual costs of dealing with an application. In any event, a fee set at or close to this level would represent a small addition to the costs of a visit to Scotland, particularly where that visit includes significant travel and accommodation costs. The Scottish Government considers that such additional costs are not material and would be unlikely to lead to any significant impact on tourism in Scotland.
Edited by HDAV
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I hope there is a huge surge in FAC applications north of the boarder rather than mass disposal of air guns

Will we need a FAC to keep an air gun if we have a shot gun certificate ? Or will it be a separate ticket for an air gun?

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Will we need a FAC to keep an air gun if we have a shot gun certificate ? Or will it be a separate ticket for an air gun?

As far as I'm aware you can still hold your air gun on 'good grace' until your SGC expires, at which time you'll have to apply for it's licence when you renew your SGC.

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Will we need a FAC to keep an air gun if we have a shot gun certificate ? Or will it be a separate ticket for an air gun?


...& it'll be an Air Weapons Certificate - A.W.C. not an F.A.C.



I've not yet understood the AWC format...

Will it be like S.2 & open to buy whatever you want, or closed like an FAC where pre-approval will be needed for each purchase?

Looks like it may be the latter....in which case the SNP plans to abolish S.2 will be a step closer once this p.o.s. has been rubber stamped by the Partie elite "Golden Pheasants" in Holyrood

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is the bits you need to read, anyone in scotland who has questions about the Bill you should contact your MSP as soon as possible for clarification, clever idea tacking it onto a general licensing bill with alcohol and taxis....

IT will be subject to conditions.........ala sect 10

Section 10 – Variation of air weapon certificate
36. This section allows the Chief Constable to vary any of the details on an air weapon certificate after it has been granted or renewed, including adding, amending or removing conditions on the certificate (except the mandatory conditions required by section 6, and, if applicable, section 7). The Chief Constable may vary a certificate at any time, but is obliged to notify the certificate holder of the changes made.
37. Subsection (2)(a) separately allows the holder of an air weapon certificate to request that the Chief Constable make such a variation, for example to provide an updated contact address, or to request the removal or amendment of an outdated condition. Decisions whether to grant such variations are made at the Chief Constable‟s discretion.
38. Subsection (3) specifies that conditions attached by the Chief Constable must not be inconsistent with or undermine the effect of any of the mandatory conditions (as required by section 6(1)), or any other condition attached as a requirement of this Part (for example, the conditions for 14-17 year olds required by section 7(3)).

Also the responsibility to notify seems a bit different......



ALso includes moderators!!!! LMFA0



1 Meaning of “air weapon”

(1) This section defines the expression “air weapon” for the purposes of this Part.
(2) The expression generally has the same meaning as that given in section 1(3)(b) of the Firearms Act 1968 (“the 1968 Act”). 10
(3) In addition, the expression includes—
(a) the component parts of an air weapon (within the meaning of section 1(3)(b) of the 1968 Act), and
(b) any accessory to such a weapon designed or adapted to diminish the noise caused by discharging the weapon. 15
(4) But the expression does not include—
(a) an air weapon (within the meaning of section 1(3)(b) of the 1968 Act)—
(i) which is not capable of discharging a missile with kinetic energy of more than one joule as measured at the muzzle of the weapon, or
(ii) that is designed to be used only when submerged in water, or 20
(b) the component parts of an air weapon described in paragraph (a)(i) or (ii).
(5) Other words and expressions used in this Part are defined in section 40.


SO will include Paintball markers

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See, this is what you get when folk get all chippy about 'plummy folks in England making decisions on our governance and future' etc. etc. utterly missing the point that they have their own representatives there already as it is a UK parliament, not an English one.


You reap what you sow in terms of devolved government.

Edited by mick miller
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Which would suggest that should they get independence the same will apply to shotguns and rifles perhaps?


Not quite...

They've made no secret of their plans to ban rifles and shotguns in private hands...with the possible exception of gamekeepers & a few estate rifles.

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Well the Atlantic Salmond's campaign is all about securing a long term job for Salmond - it's got nothing to do with securing the best for the Scots.


Salmond and Wee Jimmy (her of the 'haircut') can be all smug and dish out the blame but of course they have no track record to be taken to task on themselves. Once they can raise taxes they'll be just as unpopular as any other party and Scotland will have been ruined by them.


I'd just love to know which Englishman so upset Salmond when he was in the Scottish Office that he made it his life's work to get back at them?


He bangs on about he democratic right to choose but let's not forget he was a main player in the SNP's break away '79 Group (have you seen the posters!!) - those well known champions of democracy.

Leopard....spots????? Oh aye...NOT!

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Well the Atlantic Salmond's campaign is all about securing a long term job for Salmond - it's got nothing to do with securing the best for the Scots.


Salmond and Wee Jimmy (her of the 'haircut') can be all smug and dish out the blame but of course they have no track record to be taken to task on themselves. Once they can raise taxes they'll be just as unpopular as any other party and Scotland will have been ruined by them.


I'd just love to know which Englishman so upset Salmond when he was in the Scottish Office that he made it his life's work to get back at them?


He bangs on about he democratic right to choose but let's not forget he was a main player in the SNP's break away '79 Group (have you seen the posters!!) - those well known champions of democracy.

Leopard....spots? ???? Oh aye...NOT!


Wee Jimmy?!?!?


Surely, ya cannot be talking about that icon of femininity, Mary-Doll frae Musselburgh? A face that ate a thousand chips...

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Wee Jimmy?!?!?


Surely, ya cannot be talking about that icon of femininity, Mary-Doll frae Musselburgh? A face that ate a thousand chips...

Love it "A face that ate a thousand chips..." :lol:



I see a huge resemblance to Wee Jimmie Krankie...or am I just getting old and jaded.

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Here in N Ireland all guns go on an FAC. Its a pain but as ive shotguns and a .22lr it was just a variation to add an air rifle. Id love to be able to walk in and walk out with an air gun. And gun dealers dont really advertise they sell guns either.

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Here in N Ireland all guns go on an FAC. Its a pain but as ive shotguns and a .22lr it was just a variation to add an air rifle. Id love to be able to walk in and walk out with an air gun. And gun dealers dont really advertise they sell guns either.


Aye, very true....but your laws also allow pistols still....I'd love to still be pistol shooting & would gladly trade my rights to buy an airgun sans licence for the right to legally own pistols again


Sadly, with few exceptions, gun laws tend to always become more restrictive not more relaxed

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