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Weed Killer, result


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+1. Brilliant stuff. :good: I think it's still available from Amazon in liquid form. The powder version had an anti fire depressant added because of it's explosive qualities.

this was the best stuff i ever used , we used to get it from wilko's :)

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If you look at the composition of round up from wilkos and alike and look at the active ingredient it is not as strongly concentrated as proper industrial stuff hence it has a different mapp number I believe hence no pa1 needed to handle it or pa6 to apply it with knapsack still daft if you ask me though as any one can spray it any where even worse is slug pellets from wilkos still metaldehyde or how ever it is spelt reading their container it says harmfull in quantity for pets but have heard of things dying after eating a few only

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Best weedkiller for block paving ??? .... we have dogs, so it must be dog friendly .. any product suggestions !!


To be honest, if l knew then as l do now, l would have had concrete pour on the drive. I thought it was a relatively maintanance free option, nothing is further from the truth. Worn out two power washers doing the bloodyy thing .. cheers

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Best weedkiller for block paving ??? .... we have dogs, so it must be dog friendly .. any product suggestions !!


To be honest, if l knew then as l do now, l would have had concrete pour on the drive. I thought it was a relatively maintanance free option, nothing is further from the truth. Worn out two power washers doing the bloodyy thing .. cheers



Glyphosate-containing products are acutely toxic to animals, including humans The surfactant used in common glyphosate product (Roundup) is more acutely toxic than glyphosate itself [and] the combination of the two is yet more toxic.


On paper, Roundup (glyophosate) is safe for animals/humans because it inhibits the shikimic acid metabolic pathway that is absent in animals/humans

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It will require a formal certification process shortly to use a knife and fork.

I've used pesticides carefully for years, gromoxone, roundup, etc., etc.

Bit like DSC1, as long as you arent doing it for anyone other than yourself, what's the issue ?

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As explained in the brackets :) . Even farmers over 50 who have used pesticides all their lives safely now have to be qualified , my father is not happy about this

Nor will I be next year when it comes into effect on 26th November 2015. In fact, I shall ignore it as I do with all other EU and government driven certificate clap trap !!


Before long we will all need a certificate for a bit of tuping.

Edited by CharlieT
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