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need to watch these game fair traders.

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Was at a well known reloaders stand yesterday at the cla. Bought some bullets and powder, lady worked out the price on a calculator and then seid it would be X amount. Paid and left.


Today I had to work out the prices as some bits where not for me so I went to the bag, no receipt.

Went to traders web site and worked it out from there, only to find I had a price difference of £10. Its only £10 some might say but its still a very poor show. Reloading bits cost enough as it is.

Not going to go to them no more. 😠

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all the stands get ripped off big time for pitches, no bargains to be had at any shows anymore, go to them to check out what they offer and buy in store or on line, bit sad really as it reduces the incentive for the stands to attend shows unless you state when you buy that your interest is from the show, its turning out that between pitch costs, labour time that its not really cost efficient for most of them to turn up

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all the stands get ripped off big time for pitches, no bargains to be had at any shows anymore, go to them to check out what they offer and buy in store or on line, bit sad really as it reduces the incentive for the stands to attend shows unless you state when you buy that your interest is from the show, its turning out that between pitch costs, labour time that its not really cost efficient for most of them to turn up

Bit hard to order online as it was powder and bullets

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So you saved 30 quid on postage!

not really as the ticket and fuel eat that saving

buy sum carts of me and ill knock you a tenner of the 40 gramx£340 per 1000 better ill do you them at 320 thanks George www. propercartridges.com

I was going to. But not at that price.lol

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I never buy from trade stalls after being ripped off. £150,pity really as the majority are probably genuine but some a just trying to get rid of faulty or returned goods

I never buy from trade stalls after being ripped off. £150,pity really as the majority are probably genuine but some a just trying to get rid of faulty or returned goods

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Use to use reloading solutions all the time but you phone before you leave to ask if they have the stock. Get there only to be told they just told the last one. There stock has been as bad as everyone else so I normally use Daunstey guns as if its on their site then its on the shelf. Not a bad bunch in there either

So the only reason you went to the show was to buy the powder? You could have saved a lot of money and just paid the postage!

yes, I just went to the show for powder....


....Muppet lol

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Hi mate, hows it going, I'm guessing its *** but in all fairness to them they do get incredibly busy on the stand, they gave me gamekings instead of prohunters last year and I pre ordered em in advance, change them no worries though I did have the receipt.

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What is it with people!? They get "ripped off", (even if by a tenner) but then they seem to have some misguided loyalty to the people who ripped them off!??

If you're not prepared to name the people who ripped you off, then why bother posting?

If it was me, I would feel I had a duty to the other forum users so they weren't ripped off to!


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What is it with people!? They get "ripped off", (even if by a tenner) but then they seem to have some misguided loyalty to the people who ripped them off!??

If you're not prepared to name the people who ripped you off, then why bother posting?

If it was me, I would feel I had a duty to the other forum users so they weren't ripped off to!




Ha! I did name them but the mods removed the post...lmao. :P

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its only £10,not a lot nower days,


Mossy, you are right it is only a tenner but it is £10 of a guys hard earned. I had the same situation from a well known supplier who did me out of £12. Having spent over £500 the month before with the dealer I saw how the system worked and new fine that he just typed into the computer the item description and part number and the price for the items was automatically added to the bill and eventually once it was all logged in the correct price came out as the end effect. I then returned the following month to get a further couple of items that I needed and paid as per normal but was not present when the bill was worked out. A couple of days later I was on the guys web site and found that he had over charged me for an item by £12 which at the time I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt and called him explaining the situation. He agreed and offered a refund or a reduction on my next purchase, which I thought was fair enough and agreed on the deduction of the overcharge being made on my next purchase (which I am sure would have been in the very near future). However I received a receipt for the purchase that I had made which he had obviously put in the mail before I had called him to point out my complaint. Yep the price on the receipt that I got was marked down as the higher price that I had been originally charged. Due to the fact that I was aware of how the computerised billing and accounting system that he was using worked, it was very obvious to me that the bill had been adjusted manually to account for the which I now believe to be an intentional overcharge.


Due to this situation, I now travel some times quite long distances to get reloading items that I need and have probably spent well over a further £1000 on such items, which if the situation had not occurred would have almost certainly been paid to the same dealer. I always stick by the once bitten philosophy.

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