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Any one seen a massive jump in fleas this year? iv tryed everything! Iv had to detox the house twice and I still can't seem to kill them all! Any help? iv had to stop taking him shooting as I think that's where he is getting them all from. Any advice? I used front line! Is there Anything better then that? Thanks


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Talk to your vets about the new flea and tick tablets. Using them in my own dogs and very impressed. Doesn't matter of they swim or get wet. One meaty tablet every month or every 3 months depending on the make.

Sounds just the job, who are the makers and what names do they go by.

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A lad on here washes his dog in Vosene shampoo the green bottle, it kills them dead.


I'm using advocate on my dogs and not had a flea or tick yet this season, fingers crossed they don't at all.





I was using advocate every month, tried frontline and various others but nothing worked - the best I got was to slow the fleas down. I recently tried the vosine trick and it worked amazingly, they just wash off as easy as pie. I will shampoo every week for a month and see what happens but so far I'm converted.
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The thing with Frontline or Advocate is they kill the fleas. Frontline kills by excitation so you can see the flea being more active before it dies. It's common for a continuous source of infestation (home, car, somewhere you go on walks) means the dog picks up fleas regularly, just they are killed and no ongoing infestation can take hold.


If you treat the dog and not the environment you may see fleas for well over 6 months despite the spot on doing its job perfectly. All a shampoo will do is repel the flea into the environment - it won't die.


Nexgard is the flea and tick tablet we are stocking.

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You know I don't see fleas very much at all and I don't treat for them much. The big thing is not keeping dogs in the house and not having wood used in the Kennel. I cant use a lot of treatments as I keep Koi and this stuff is death to fish. I always struggled with them in town when my dogs were in the house.

Is a big factor the fact that I live remote of other dogs with only farm stock? I do get tick issues at certain times but not fleas

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There's a couple of issues. You need a source of infection - that can be other dogs, cats or even rabbits (all three share the cat flea, the dog flea is relatively rare). Going to places where many animals go increases the risk - so living in a town, on a shoot etc.


Also dogs can live quite well with a mild flea burden. With no treatment in place the fleas live in close contact with the skin and can be hard to find, even if you look for them. It's only when you add something into the mix that excites them that we often see the flea.


Dogs living outside in cold conditions will also halt the flea life cycle- not so in your centrally heated house.

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There's a couple of issues. You need a source of infection - that can be other dogs, cats or even rabbits (all three share the cat flea, the dog flea is relatively rare). Going to places where many animals go increases the risk - so living in a town, on a shoot etc.


Also dogs can live quite well with a mild flea burden. With no treatment in place the fleas live in close contact with the skin and can be hard to find, even if you look for them. It's only when you add something into the mix that excites them that we often see the flea.


Dogs living outside in cold conditions will also halt the flea life cycle- not so in your centrally heated house.


I think the last bit of that is a main reason I don't find it an issue. They jump off and on and live in the house do they not? therefore treating the dog is only half the battle. Always an issue when dogs were in the house

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  • 2 weeks later...

Talk to your vets about the new flea and tick tablets. Using them in my own dogs and very impressed. Doesn't matter of they swim or get wet. One meaty tablet every month or every 3 months depending on the make.


Ive got 1 of those for my dog not sure on the make of it and it was useless against ticks.

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Frontline Combo (as said, prescription from vet) has worked well for me over the years and this year is no different.


Interested in the tablet though, not letting them swim for 48 hours after the application of the frontline can be a pain.

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