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Renting out property.advise needed


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Plenty of sites to download tenancy agreements. I think the ones I use are "pimms" but they are all very much of a muchness.

Dont forget the new terms for the deposit/bond. Its a bit of a pain in the forst instance but much better should there be an issue at yhe end of the tenancy.

Biggest bit of advice I can give is to get as much info as possible on the prospective tenants, it doesnt mean you are safe from aholes but its easy for them to hide problems and dispute with previous landlords if you are not thorough with your homework.


And yes I do speak from (bitter) experience. I have been renting property for over 10 years and have had more than my share of bad tenants.



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I am about to rent out a property ,the first time for eight years. I have a number of ASSURED SHORTHOLD TENANCY AGREEMENTS, that I bought from a Legal Stationers years back ,are they still legal to use?

Any more advise would be most welcome thanks.

Take my advice and use a letting agent...you will save yourself a whole load of heartache and money in the future...I can guarantee it !

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You are about to enter a regulatory nightmare.


For the first year use an agent / get help and feel the ropes.


Apart from all the safety certification and checks the usual tripping point is 1. Placing the tenants deposit in a scheme 2. Making sure (and being able to prove) delivery of the prescribed tenancy deposit protection information.


Using old paperwork is madness and a common way of digging a big hole.

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if you do decide to do it yourself, make sure that when you use a deposit scheme that you print off all the extra information that is supplied with it. There was a recent case where the landlord had used a scheme correctly but had not supplied the accompanying info brochure/leaflet with the deposit details. He had to pay 6 months rent compensation to the tennants, even though the info was freely available online!!

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