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Large Cats

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Sorry not able to post up pictures on the Ferel Cat Thread in Country Sports....



Hey Guys, I thought this was a Pigeon shooting forum..??


I defy anybody to tell the difference between a domestic moggy and a UK feral cat at 200 yards in long grass at 2am in the morning.


How would you like it if your prize Persian wandered in for breakfast one morning with a .243 slug up it's rear end..??





Not usually a big problem over here Cat :oops:







:unsure: :o ???


In all seriousness though Cat, I know what cats belong to my farm, and I know what cats belong to the neighbours farms and as far as I am concerned if you dont fit one of those catagories than it is a diseased rabies carrying varmit and it will be shot. Over here we can not take the chance with rabies or toxoplasmosis getting into a barn.


The Cat above was taken by a Houndsman I know in Drayton Valley Alberta. He was issued a permit on this cat after it had repeadedly been feeding on a herd of beef cattle.





one more so you can get an idea of the size of this particular cat.





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What a pity it was shot


I dont understand the circumstance or reason it needed to be killed, but such a beautiful creature is Surly worthy of a place on this earth? I understand the need to keep numbers down if livestock are being taken, would this be the reason? :unsure:

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What a pity it was shot


I dont understand the circumstance or reason it needed to be killed, but such a beautiful creature is Surly worthy of a place on this earth? I understand the need to keep numbers down if livestock are being taken, would this be the reason? :oops:


That particular Cat had a habit of feeding on a herd of beef cattle and was harvested because of it. :unsure:


Like all things from pigeons and rabbits to deer and lions, management of numbers is essential. :o




And HAPPY BIRTHDAY you OLD Sea Turtle ???

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What a pity it was shot


I dont understand the circumstance or reason it needed to be killed, but such a beautiful creature is Surly worthy of a place on this earth? I understand the need to keep numbers down if livestock are being taken, would this be the reason? ???


Whilst i share your sentiment Pavman, NTTF does state that a permit was issued due to the Cat in question repeatedly feeding on a herd of beef cattle.


That is one hell of a cat (Assume Puma/Mountain Lion??), wouldn't like to come across that whilst camped out in a hedgerow shooting pigeons. Don't think the 12g would help much :o


SS :unsure:

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:oops::oops: That is one fine cat. :o


You can see why it got that big, feeding on them beef cattle, it looks to have done really well.

How many cattle did it take?


Did you manage to preserve the skin?


Who eventually shot it and with what?


Sorry for all the ?? NTTF :unsure: , just amazed at the site of that fine beast, not use to things like that over here in bog ridden wet Ireland. ???



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:lol::lol: That is one fine cat. ???


You can see why it got that big, feeding on them beef cattle, it looks to have done really well.

How many cattle did it take?


Did you manage to preserve the skin?


Who eventually shot it and with what?


Sorry for all the ?? NTTF :o , just amazed at the site of that fine beast, not use to things like that over here in bog ridden wet Ireland. :oops:



:unsure: frank take a breath :oops:

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:lol::P That is one fine cat. ???


You can see why it got that big, feeding on them beef cattle, it looks to have done really well.

How many cattle did it take?


Did you manage to preserve the skin?


Who eventually shot it and with what?


Sorry for all the ?? NTTF :o , just amazed at the site of that fine beast, not use to things like that over here in bog ridden wet Ireland. :oops:



:unsure: frank take a breath :lol:


:lol::lol::lol: I know that if i was out lamping and seen that coming at me, i would be a wee bit out of breath, yes. :oops::lol:



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I am sorry I do not have all the details on that particular cat. I do know that it was repeatedly at the cattle and with the length of time it takes to be issued permits I imagine it had its fare share of beef.


You can be assured that the skin and head went to a taxidermist as if not a record book cat ...which I believe it is....it is a very fine trophy.


The most common round out there is the 7mm Rem, so there is a good chance that is what it was shot with.


As for the shooter it was a client of Byron Stewarts who is an outfitter and guide in the area. Those are his lion hounds that you see in the picture. Byron has excellent hounds and accounts for more trophy class lions than anyone else I am aware of.


There are lion permits granted each year to allow for a certain number of cats to be harvested in each wildlife management unit. This is to control the cat numbers and to keep the population healthy and in check. In addition when a problem animal such as the one above, or one that decides that stocking school children and pets is an easier life, arrises a harvest permit is issued for that cat aswell. Usually it takes a set of cat hounds to tree the culprit so that it can be harvested. This does not mean that cats are not shot in self defence or the protection of livestock though, as this is also perfectly legel, just takes a little more justification :unsure:


Oh and just so you know most cats that are harvested are eaten :o






:oops::lol::lol: I know that if i was out lamping and seen that coming at me, i would be a wee bit out of breath, yes. :oops::lol:






You should try running behind a pack of lion hounds on a fresh track through snow all day through the wee mountains and see how out of breath you are. ???





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there you go again see Alberta triple "A" beef NTTF, the only way to eat, i beleive that cat did extensive damage to livestock in drayton valley, one of the owners has a Bison ranch there and had relayed the story,

its not uncommon for the larger cats to become comfortable getting into the ranches for quality feeds.


to side with Paveman, i hate seeing them shot, superb creatures.


to agree with NTTF they do cause problems as do the bears, when they've found a good source of food,you'll never get rid of them, they have to be taken out.



sea turtle ????:oops: nothing to do withthe suit Pavman is it :oops: another story right :unsure: :o



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cheers dan thats interesting i like horse meat

i have eaten it in france but would not have had

a clue if i hadnt have asked its not every day you

can ask someone what mountain lion tastes like

and get an answer back. well ive learnt something

new again. fair play dan and cheers.



regards paddy.

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