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Foxing with wi-fi


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I'am sitting 25ft up my mobile tower looking out over a field holding 25,000 geese waiting for a fox. And amazingly picking up a wi-fi signal from the farm office which must be 100 yards away. Got the gas heater on and a flask of coffee, luxury foxing.

Now that's my kind of civilised shooting. Might be worth chucking in a mini-bar and start looking into extensions for the hot-tub.

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Guest iFerret2

Now that's my kind of civilised shooting. Might be worth chucking in a mini-bar and start looking into extensions for the hot-tub.


is that supposed to be funny?


that is an innovative bit of kit that shoud be praised - good on yer bornfree :good:

does it come off the traler?

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Guest iFerret2

Put your handbag away princess. I also said it was my kind of shooting.

I would think twice about throwing out comments like that with a post count of 19 dude :no:

I am sory Methusulah

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Yes out of an old trailer and some scrap steel laying about the farm.

Brilliant : Could you knock up another 50 and station them round the south coast from, say, Margate to Portsmouth. :)


(also impressed by the WiFi range, do you think it's the hide it's self acting as an aerial or just the height and the open space?)

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