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How will this work then?


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Yes but they will not be allowed to smoke in the car afterwards if one of them is 16/17.

That is an important point. I can just see police pulling over a lot of A-level students who are legally allowed to drive but if they dare light up in their car they will be breaking the law. Hillarious. Then again British Laws in the last 10 years have bordered on the ludicrous and tyrannical.

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I think the law would be hard to enforce and might cause friction between friends, but is there anyone - honestly - who thinks it's okay to smoke with children in their car?


I think it is incredibly obnoxious to be in a car with a smoker, it is rude for any smoker to smoke with anybody in their car and not just kids.


However it is still a bloody stupid piece of legislation.

Edited by grrclark
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Richie and Steppenwolf - were are honoured to have the presence of two of the UKs leading lights on asthma and the legal system.


Steppenwolf - care to elaborate on which laws that have been passed in the last 10 years are tyrannical and ludicrous.

As our laws are an act of state, headed up by the monarch, could tyrannical laws be described as being Tyrannicus Rex. Some people do say that our law makers are dinosaurs :whistling::whistling:


I am getting my coat, it was a dreadful pun.

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Richie and Steppenwolf - were are honoured to have the presence of two of the UKs leading lights on asthma and the legal system.


Steppenwolf - care to elaborate on which laws that have been passed in the last 10 years are tyrannical and ludicrous.

Anti-terrorism laws, libel laws meant to stifle free speech, smoking ban in pubs need I go on...

I never said I was a leading expert on asthma or the legal system.

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I've been fighting a battle with the fags for the last 10 years, I've just started again,,,, (don't ask) I have never smoked in the house or around my kids and never would especially in a car,


Anyone who smokes shouldn't inflict this habit on others, those who do are just not right in the head,





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No offence gents, but with the exception of one or two, namely grrclark and Gordon R, we're missing the point I raised.

I'm not concerned with the legislation about stopping smoking in cars occupying children under the age of 18 ( I think it's a good idea personally but how it will be enforced is another matter ) but rather with the onus for stopping the act being on another adult passenger in the car to the extent they can be fined for not doing so. There will be many instances of blokes for example who smoke in their cars while children are in it, whose wives don't smoke. These proposals now mean she is potentially to be faced with a £50 fine each time they go out as a family if the husband refuses to stop smoking in the car. How can it be right to hold one adult responsible for the actions of another?

For example, my missus could tell me to stop smoking in the car while the kids are in it, but she couldn't physically stop me. But she would now be liable to a £50 fine for not doing so. Neither of us smoke; it's a potential scenario.

I'm just amazed that this proposal has actually been suggested.

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Anti-terrorism laws, libel laws meant to stifle free speech, smoking ban in pubs need I go on...

I never said I was a leading expert on asthma or the legal system.


There are much worse countries to live in in this world. Feel free to question their laws and see how long you last.


At least you get the right to debate the law in this country. It might not always go your way, but no one stops you from protesting or writing a letter to the lawmakers.

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Actually just about everything, they knew of the effects from as early as the 1930's passed legislation in 1964 and banned tv advertising in 1970, if not for the tax it would have been banned years ago.



I wonder how the tax stacks up against the cost to the health service,

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I wonder how the tax stacks up against the cost to the health service,

depends on which lobby group print you see, but this is the best I have found as it also takes into account manufacture, distribution, and selling as tax sources (though does not give figures ) rather than just the cost of a packet of fags





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depends on which lobby group print you see, but this is the best I have found as it also takes into account manufacture, distribution, and selling as tax sources (though does not give figures ) rather than just the cost of a packet of fags





Thanks KW an interesting read, I assumed tax revenue would be greater than cost but the final assessment suggests otherwise and a tax increase of 5% would pay for the difference, I personally think a 10% increase would be in order then we could build a new hospital or two or pay a better wage to nurses, but then I'm a non smoker now !

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