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when a bargain keeps getting better

Lord Geordie

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Took a walk to meet my GF from the supermarket, had a mooch waiting for her to finish. I found 2 500g packs of beef mince down to £1.05 each. A few mince and dumpling meals there! I also found a pack of pork sausages down to 50p so bangers, mash and gravy for another day!


Gets to the checkout, and another 48p came off the mince as apparently there is a buy 2 get % off. So I got a kilo of beef mince for £1.62.


Result. Only way I can shop at the mo, but I am doing alright at it. Got a few hours overtime this week, so should be able to get a bit more than usual next fortnight.


Mince n dumplings for tea tonight! Costing under 80p per head for 4.

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go to the well known supermarket about 8.30pm you can fill your trolley with cheap as chips bargains every little helps

tried on a few occasions. Once I was waiting patiently for the chap to finish reducing a tray with about 30 packs of king prawns. Just as he finished a Chinese woman barged past, lifted the tray and POURED the whole lot in her trolly. I was gob smacked. The chap offered to get some back off her for me! I wasn't going to start WW3 over some prawns. I have also seen people physically PUSHING people out of the way. They are like animals. Hard to believe they were human at times! Once the jostling starts I just walk away. I used to do OK at the ASDA just near the blyth turn off. They did a really good reduction down to 10p. Gosforth one doesn't do that. Nor have I seen it at the metro centre. Morrison seems to do OK after a certain time. I just stock up and freeze a lot down. Liver, Fish, Pies, and when the veg is OK I blanch it and freeze that too.

Edited by Lord Geordie
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You cant beat reduced shopping! I got £70 worth of chicken breasts last weekend for £15. People that say they can not afford to eat well are talking pig swill just shop wise and cook yourself rather than reaching for menus and mobile £20 for a meal for two. No thanks! Good on you Lord Geordie

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asda burton a whole fridge of chickens 1 pound each as the asda woman moves a chineese bint tried grabbing the lot but sh,eed barged mrs clakk out the way ,BIG MISTAKE oooi mush shoved ere good and we brought 6 chickens for the price of 1 and mrs ignorant *** got free bruises for her cheek.

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I'm not above grabbing a bargain myself, however the reduced section in the supermarket I affectionately refer to as the ‘Carrion Counter’ not because of what is on offer but due to the hordes of human vultures hovering over it ready to fight to the death to save a penny! :)

Edited by STOTTO
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asda burton a whole fridge of chickens 1 pound each as the asda woman moves a chineese bint tried grabbing the lot but sh,eed barged mrs clakk out the way ,BIG MISTAKE oooi mush shoved ere good and we brought 6 chickens for the price of 1 and mrs ignorant *** got free bruises for her cheek.

A friends son works at Morrisons - told us that they had to call the police on xmas eve when two ladies got into a fight over a cut price Turkey :)

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