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Flight Of The Season ( so far )

marsh man

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At 3.40pm I had just finished a reply to " fenboys " post and I was undecided where to go for flight , with the weather being mild and calm I thought I would stand more chance for a goose than a duck with having a huge amount of geese in the area at the moment.


So 20 minutes later I was crossing the marshes five miles up Acle new road , already there were large skeins flying around joining the ones that were still feeding on the grass . I made my mind up I would go about four marshes over from where I left my car as several geese were already on the move as the light was started to fade , when I was getting near the seconded gate a skein of around 100 were coming straight at me around 35 to 40 yards up and dispite me still walking to the gate they came straight over top of me making a fairly easy shot which resulted with a big ole Greylag , which might explained why they kept coming while I was in view as I don't think Pinkfeet would have been quite so obliging .


I left that one on the gate post and made my way over to the next gate and then the flight really started there were geese all over the place , one big lot went to one side what must have consisted of 2000 or more and the sound of geese were everywhere , another lot came over me giving me another chance which I nearly made a lash up of resulting in a long retrieve for my dog, but before he was back with that one I had another one down behind me which was dead and wernt going off anywhere , by now it was nearly dark but there were still geese on the move and one little lot came from behind me which was a bit unusual giving my dog another one to bring back . With that one I had reached the clubs limit and I called it a day.


I now had the task of carrying them a long way back to my car in the pitch dark , it wasn't to bad until I had to carry the Greylag as well as the Pinks and with me creeping towards 70 I started to wonder if this wildfowling game is getting a bit like hard work but with the last gate in sight I knew I haven't got far to go , I then realised for the first time since I had been out the sound of geese have finally drifted into silence and they were at rest for the night .


Nearly every year I put in my diary at least once ( that was the best flight of the season ) and until now I have had some good ones but not what I thought was the best so far, that was until tonight and as far as geese goes tonight is up there in the top ten spanning the last 50 years.

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Well done MM certainly sounds like a very good flight , nice that someone is still getting among the geese , I hope I still have as much enthusiasm when I am your age, though of course i have to reach it first !

Well, you're nearly at that age already...


Well done, Marshman. It sounds like the perfect flight, to me.

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Well, you're nearly at that age already...


Well done, Marshman. It sounds like the perfect flight, to me.


Cheeky ***, my memory is still good though , I can still remember beating you at the xmas clay shoot , even with my poor old eyesight and slow reflexes :P


I would shoot more pigeons than you too but i am too old to carry them all :)

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Thanks chaps for your kind replys , I only wish at times like that some of boys could have been in my place and I would have got as much satisfaction watching you during the shooting than me during it . I am not saying I don't enjoy shooting them because I do and always have done but you cant bring back the buzz that the first ones give you and it would be nice to see the enjoyment it give to some bodies elses first one.


If any of you are thinking coming down our way to look round the area by all means get in touch and if we haven't got a shoot on I would be more than happy to show you around and who knows you might like what you see and sign up to one of the local wildfowling clubs.


This is a photo of last nights results with what my playground in the background.pinksphotos002_zpsf6c6d257.jpg

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Well done John, poor old George must have earned his keep , bad enough on pigeons but carrying those geese must really test him, as for the geese, I have about 500 pinks feeding on a large field next to my perm here in Hemsby but I cant get near them, they move off as soon as I get into the field , they are on some newly drilled barley which is permanently flooded at the moment, I was shooting pigeons last Saturday and the geese were driving me mad, every time I fired they would lift off , but dropped back on the same spot after just a few minutes, about 3 to 4 hundred yards away, noisy so and so's. :lol::lol:

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Well done Marshman good to see your still keen and getting out for a shot or two. I hope i have that much energy when im your age. My dad is 70 this year and he is slowing down from the geese he gets out on occasional trips he was out with me the other morning over the festive period and got 2 greylags so he was very happy mate.


Kind regards



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Well done Marshman good to see your still keen and getting out for a shot or two. I hope i have that much energy when im your age. My dad is 70 this year and he is slowing down from the geese he gets out on occasional trips he was out with me the other morning over the festive period and got 2 greylags so he was very happy mate.


Kind regards



Thanks Calum......And its lovely to hear you and your dad are spending some quality time out together, and for him to get two Greylags he done very well and I wish him a very happy 70th birthday and I hope you and your dad keep well and enjoy more time out together in your lovely part of the country..............All the best to you and your dad..........John.

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A nice looking lab you have there MM , has similar looks to my own though I expect your perhaps is better behaved !

Si is that Breydon water in the back ground ?

I have often marvelled at the geese along the acle straight when I head up that way fishing , give me a twitchy finger just driving past :lol:

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A nice looking lab you have there MM , has similar looks to my own though I expect your perhaps is better behaved !

Si is that Breydon water in the back ground ?

I have often marvelled at the geese along the acle straight when I head up that way fishing , give me a twitchy finger just driving past :lol:

Hi fenboy....yes he fairly well behaved and at the moment he allowed to run in when I am after duck , in fact hes sometimes there before the bird have hit the ground :yes: but then next month when I start shooting pigeons again I put a loose lead round his neck when hes in the hide and he know then he have to stay there until I tell him to go.


Yes that is Breydon in the background and this morning when I walked up there the duck were sitting close to the wall where I took the photo yesterday but with it being a reserve now there is very little shooting go on up there now , the duck can become quite tame and you can often get within shooting distance where there is no shooting allowed and the duck seem to now it as well.


If any time you fancy coming down for the day I will be happy to show you around , in fact as you are used to walking we can get the train to Berney Arms and walk back along the top of the wall , it take ten minutes to get there and just under two hours to get back..and if the pub is open I will buy you a pint .



Anyhow I am now going to put my water profs on and go and see whats about tonight as there is a nice wind blowing and my dog is looking out of the window with a smile on his face . ...............All the best....M M

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