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Paris this time


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We have a Crimean Muslim working on site. nice affable guy, likes a joke, uses the site office to pray. helps out anyone so is well thought of. I told him about the attack and the supposed reason his response was " good".We then had a heated debate and he went off on a rant about religion, the middle east, killing children the whole nine yards. absolutely stunned by his fanaticism. ( no, he's not a threat, clearly he is deeply religious ) he ended by saying Islam means peace if left alone and respected

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We have a Crimean Muslim working on site. nice affable guy, likes a joke, uses the site office to pray. helps out anyone so is well thought of. I told him about the attack and the supposed reason his response was " good".We then had a heated debate and he went off on a rant about religion, the middle east, killing children the whole nine yards. absolutely stunned by his fanaticism. ( no, he's not a threat, clearly he is deeply religious ) he ended by saying Islam means peace if left alone and respected

If he has had family killed by indiscriminate bombing etc, i have some sympathy.


This then leads us to the question:- were things better before Bush and Blair stuck their noses in?

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If he has had family killed by indiscriminate bombing etc, i have some sympathy.


This then leads us to the question:- were things better before Bush and Blair stuck their noses in?


this all started long before that.



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Second and final reminder. If we have to edit any more posts to remove swearing or other content that would not otherwise be allowed on the forum, people will be getting warnings and the thread may be closed.

can I ask why my post was edited then? as I assume it was the tat on the arm? If so have seen far worse allowed.





When do you think it started and what started it?


PM sent



Edited by kdubya
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I'm not condoning these actions but why did the newspaper feel the need to provoke these people by caricaturing Allah in the first place? I'm all for free speech but if I deliberately wound you up about something fundamental to you and you punched me in the face would you be wrong to do so?


Because I am rude about your imaginary friend I should expect you to respond by murdering me, everyone where I work and two policeman?


The world has gone mad.


Salmon Rushdie's statement of today is 100% bang on:



Religion, a mediaeval form of unreason, when combined with modern weaponry becomes a real threat to our freedoms. This religious totalitarianism has caused a deadly mutation in the heart of Islam and we see the tragic consequences in Paris today. I stand with Charlie Hebdo, as we all must, to defend the art of satire, which has always been a force for liberty and against tyranny, dishonesty and stupidity. ‘Respect for religion’ has become a code phrase meaning ‘fear of religion.’ Religions, like all other ideas, deserve criticism, satire, and, yes, our fearless disrespect.

Edited by Mungler
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can I ask why my post was edited then? as I assume it was the tat on the arm? If so have seen far worse allowed.






Yes, the picture you posted contained swearing that would not otherwise be allowed on the forum. If you see "worse" being allowed then use the report button.

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Yes, the picture you posted contained swearing that would not otherwise be allowed on the forum. If you see "worse" being allowed then use the report button.

ok I will edit the tat




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They had a getaway car and driver - ditched the car and commandeered another along the way. They appear to be wearing masks, fairly will planned, and the fact they had AK's (banned in France) means they had access to armaments from outside France.

Wrong- the AK is not banned in France

Its available with Authorisation in Semi Auto form as is pretty much every other rifle.


But, a huge problem was the supply from former Baltic states and the former Yugoslavia. Guess thats the problem of un manned borders.

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If you listen to some scholars it all goes back to the moors being driven out of Europe.


When I grew up in the 60's/70's the only time Islam/Muslims made the news was when Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammed Ali and Cat Stevens became Yousuf Islam. Fundamental Islam was never on the public radar.


There's no doubt that western foreign policy has led to the situation we find ourselves in now.

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nows not the time mate

so why say "people like her" then.




When I grew up in the 60's/70's the only time Islam/Muslims made the news was when Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammed Ali and Cat Stevens became Yousuf Islam. Fundamental Islam was never on the public radar.


There's no doubt that western foreign policy has led to the situation we find ourselves in now.

it has not helped and the attacks are growing exponentially but it was indeed making the news.as with keg PM sent.



Edited by kdubya
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I hope this is not too contentious but anyone who can say what happened today is 'good' is warped. Nothing involving the savage and dispassionate murder of innocent civilians is anything other than despicable and inhuman no matter what the cause.

Dont forget these people were so - called 'soldiers' out of uniform, trained, savage, merciless.

I also dont approve of stonings or beheadings or amputations of kneeling defeated men. Religeon - no.

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If he has had family killed by indiscriminate bombing etc, i have some sympathy.


This then leads us to the question:- were things better before Bush and Blair stuck their noses in?

he is adamant things were different before The Gulf War, he is a very intelligent guy and talks a lot if sense about people's interpretation of the news they are fed. He isn't a fanatic he's just exasperated by the portrayal of all Muslims being terrorists. If I was religious he's one guy I could have a reasoned discussion with. totally anti alcohol etc. weirdly racist as hell !

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they printed this a while ago, I dont recall "annoyed from upminster" hopping on a ferry and seeking revenge with the help of an RPG and an AK47



[image removed]


this all started long before that.



I think maybe this is the point we are drifting away from.


Whether or not they were right to publish those pictures the response has been massively disproportionate and we should not try to excuse, or even rationalise it.

Edited by DeepThought
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If he has had family killed by indiscriminate bombing etc, i have some sympathy.



There is and can never be ANY justification for this event it really is as simple as that.




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Wrong- the AK is not banned in France

Its available with Authorisation in Semi Auto form as is pretty much every other rifle.

But, a huge problem was the supply from former Baltic states and the former Yugoslavia. Guess thats the problem of un manned borders.

Military calibers are banned.

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When I grew up in the 60's/70's the only time Islam/Muslims made the news was when Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammed Ali and Cat Stevens became Yousuf Islam. Fundamental Islam was never on the public radar.


There's no doubt that western foreign policy has led to the situation we find ourselves in now.


Same here, what with the Berlin wall and the Cold War going on, fresh out of Vietnam where we narrowly managed to keep the Commi's from changing our way of life :rolleyes: . Then one day there were no enemies to hate and well the rest is .......................real time history. Funny timing that.

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No worries. Sad day indeed. discriminate killing in broad daylight. I hope that they are caught soon dead or alive. The footage is something I wish I hadn't seen. journalist, police whoever do not deserve execution in such a cold blooded or any way. RIP

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I Disagree, you can still have free speech within the race relations bill. It stopped ignorant people saying things like " No Blacks or Irish" in Hotels and other groups claiming that Black and Asian people were inferior.


What we have now, today is a world away from that.


What radical solution do you propose?


Shoot the terrorists- I would agree with this but this generates martyrs. The Muslim council of Britain have already stood up and condemned this, making them potential targets.


Truth be known, i do not know what the simple answer is.

Agreed, and that is what free speech is all about. It's a fine line to tread.

Though in the UK it is interpreted like this?




Slippery slope.

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