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If your into planes watch this video


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Have done that.......in a Chipmunk along Hadrians Wall from RAF Ouston. :lol:

Ahhh them were the days, walking out in a most peculiar fashion with the parachute strapped to your back :yes: happy memories of waiting in the flight cabin for the cloud base to increase :)

Ha ha, do you remember the preflght training film? 'Jump jump john'

"JUMP JUMP SIR" :lol: Edited by shoot and be safe
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I used to do that...

At 85 knots - flat out - in an Auster Mk IX with the Army Air Corps.

Not quite the same set of problems though. We had, relatively, lots of time to think about the problems but none of the power to get out of them.

We would always fly hard up against one side of the valley - so we had room to do a 180 degree turn in case of trouble, bad weather or a dead end due bad map reading, around the next bend.

No Satnav in those far off days.

Didn't have the performance to outfly the rising ground.

Would love a trip in one of these new machines though. Pity it is never going to happen.

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Ha ha, do you remember the preflght training film? 'Jump jump john'

:) Remember waddling out to the plane with the chute strapped to my ****; straps pulled so tight I couldn't get my leg up onto the wing. Blokes in stores always had our best interests at heart, 'if it don't work bring it back and we'll give you another one', bless 'em. :) 'You have control' ....'pardon'. :sad1:

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Yes just imagine!


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Deff 70s porn star tache :lol::lol:

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Well me and you could just jump in and have a go!? How hard can it be!!! I read in GQ magazine what u could do if u one 100 million on the lottery, it was basically saying normal people buy these driving days, rally days, BASE jumping etc and there a fighter jet flight training (somthing along them lines) and was about 14,000 can't remember if it was dollars or pounds and was an actually training combat flight.

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