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It's been many years but is Porthoustock the place with the quarry and few places to fish with really deep water at your feet?


Its pretty deep yeah or you could be thinking of the next beach around porthkerris, thats a similar setup with better fishing off the rocks (if you like mackerel and dog fish). Check my pics earlier in the thread.

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Here's my Nab 21 "Misty Lady"


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I like!

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Its pretty deep yeah or you could be thinking of the next beach around porthkerris, thats a similar setup with better fishing off the rocks (if you like mackerel and dog fish). Check my pics earlier in the thread.

That sounds better. Porthkerris. Came across it when adventuring around the coast with a girlfiend, love adventuring around the West country. Had to tie some shiny stuff to some hooks cos didn't have the proper gear, caught loads at my feet. Magic!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some 580's here




Why the 530? there doesn't seem that many about.


We hung out on the same reef for a few days with a guy who had a Jeanneau Merry Fisher and got chatting to him (which is a bit weird when you're 2 miles out), you know, the usual boaty friendliness , any excuse to talk boats...it was certainly a nice boat and loads of space on board considering its size, the only thing I wasnt sure about was the patio type sliding doors.

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Thanks for the heads up. The 530 HB is a good bit lighter than the 585 (660 kilos versus 880 kilos). That makes for a cheaper trailer and easier towing and launching. Not looked closely at a 580, to be honest.

The open back of the pilot house of the 530 means that as skipper you are not removed from what's happening on deck in the same way as you are when behind the patio doors of a larger Merry Fisher.

I missed out on a 530 in Plymouth because I just couldn't get to look at it last weekend. If I don't get fixed up soon, I may end up with a Cap Ferret 502 (again).

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I think the Ferret looks nicer :)


Where you going to keep it?


My refit continues, loads done but still a fair bit to go, at least I've finished the nasty job of rebuilding the engine leg (major corrosion)! Next its to build in a stern splash well and refurbish the entire interior. :/

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  • 4 weeks later...

What no boating stories yet?


The mighty Sea Dog went out for a season maiden on sunday, with a steady easterly and big tide pushing the sea up it was pretty rough out there but nothing the old girl couldnt handle. We covered 40 miles, got wet, sun burnt, beat up and loved it!!


Finished the day with a pint on the pub pontoon :)

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Got our back in this weekend and the inboard fired up first time after I cleaned the antifreeze out of it.


New deck paint, new ropes and fenders, new cockpit seats and cushions and just ordered a new canopy.


I should be on it it now but work is getting in the way of my social life again.

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We stopped in gillan creek on sunday to dry a bit after taking a soaking coming around Nare point, I could have saved getting wet by doing it in displacement mode but weres the fun in that! I did think about going out Monday, the sea was certainly more friendly but time ran away with me.


Heart set on a Merry Fisher? nothing else that takes your fancy? Sort yourself a little boat you can sling off the beach (or anywhere if you keep it trailered), good cheap boating fun without all the cost and worry of a boat on a mooring.....after all, the bigger the boat the less you use it :)

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