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Meet the UKIPers


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You're absolutely right O&U, it was a total set up by the BBC. They got hold of a bunch, well it seemed to focus on four, people who have had little or no experience in dealing with the televised media. You don't know what was prompted off camera in an effort to get them speak 'out of line'. Why focus on Thanet South in particular instead of televising the more senior party representatives? Because they knew they would get what they wanted, which was UKIP members (well, one and she has since been expelled) saying things that can be twisted to make a whole party look extreme right wing. It's cods wallop and complete biased. If you honestly believe that it was a balanced and fair representation of UKIP, or if you think that the views of one person represent the entire party then you are as blinkered as I believe you to be.


Well said ! :good:

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And no surprises that halfwits will still vote for them.



wondering when you would show up mate, indeed thats true but then now that nigel wont be a mp due to it being unlikely he will get thanet south with that shower of loons the chances wern't good before the show but they blew it, what to do :lol:

That would be easy enough to do. It would just be the same bit of film for all three of them but they would just change the colours :yes:

would be funny mate

Edited by overandunder2012
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Why on earth did UK allow it? What on earth did they think they would get out of it? I would never put anybody in front of a camera who hasn't been media trained.


Unless Nigel thought it would appeal to the mass population as UKipers being real people not politicians.

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wondering when you would show up mate, indeed thats true but then now that nigel wont be a mp due to it being unlikely he will get thanet south with that shower of loons the chances wern't good before the show but they blew it, what to do :lol:


from what I saw of it, the shower of loons comment equates to the general population of the area.



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from what I saw of it, the shower of loons comment equates to the general population of the area.



quite possibly unfortunately for nigel theres not many kippers in thanet to choose from, seriously mate would you have let any of them run a bath let alone ukip thanet south where your hoping to get elected?

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Why on earth did UK allow it? What on earth did they think they would get out of it? I would never put anybody in front of a camera who hasn't been media trained.


Unless Nigel thought it would appeal to the mass population as UKipers being real people not politicians.

lord knows you couldn't have made it up could you, its going to cost nigel thats for sure, they've blown it.

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lord knows you couldn't have made it up could you, its going to cost nigel thats for sure, they've blown it.

Maybe not, never underestimate the number of other people in Thanet that 'don't like Negroes'. Those hard of thinking folk with similar views now have an outlet to legitimise their world view, assuming they can find their way to a polling station, that is.


This isn't having a go at UKIP as I'm sure NF would agree that UKIP tends to be a magnet for nut-jobs which is a shame for the political debate as it deflects the attention from the more important issues that matter to lots of people, but a loony's vote still counts as much as any.

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Maybe not, never underestimate the number of other people in Thanet that 'don't like Negroes'. Those hard of thinking folk with similar views now have an outlet to legitimise their world view, assuming they can find their way to a polling station, that is.


This isn't having a go at UKIP as I'm sure NF would agree that UKIP tends to be a magnet for nut-jobs which is a shame for the political debate as it deflects the attention from the more important issues that matter to lots of people, but a loony's vote still counts as much as any.

It was one woman stating her irrationality at disliking something that she as said in her own words could not understand or find reason for, she admitted it so were is the problem apart from being portrayed as supposedly being :lol: :lol: part of the UKIP hierarchy / national mentality, simple case of straws grasping and outright fear from the media driven luvvie left, and not a little worry from the cons ( as seen on question time via Tarzan's comments) lets just see in may who has the last laugh.



Edited by kdubya
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Harriet Harman, Ed Milliband, Yvette Cooper, Ed Balls, Nick Clegg, John Bercow, Andrew Mitchell, Diane Abbott - I think the other parties have their own fair share.

Theres nut jobs and theres nut jobs. If half the folk on that programme went on the nut jobometer it would have to go up to eleven to accommodate their nut jobbery.

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Theres nut jobs and theres nut jobs. If half the folk on that programme went on the nut jobometer it would have to go up to eleven to accommodate their nut jobbery.

I would suggest ( as demonstrated often on this forum) that the nut-job level factoring has a common denominator i.e Kent.





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That may be her biggest flaw, as ably demonstrated by those established bastions of public service, riffkind and straw.





Might i suggest its her second biggest flaw, her biggest is clearly a dire lack of intelligence. There was a chuffing camera rolling!!!! Ay carumba!!!

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