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Any heating engineers on here


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Guys none of my business I know and this is not directed at anyone , but three pages back the op asked a genuine question regarding boilers, not to have another thread locked :)

Good point

I struggle to take anyone seriously that can't differentiate between your and you're


Ironically it's the difference between knowing your **** and knowing you're ****.

swearing now? Luke whatever would mummy and daddy say

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Guys none of my business I know and this is not directed at anyone , but three pages back the op asked a genuine question regarding boilers, not to have another thread locked :)

sadly 3 pages back one could have predicted it, wonder why.



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sadly 3 pages back one could have predicted it, wonder why.



basically people don't like the truth, the thread asked for heating engineers and one "piped up" (shameless joke)

I suspect you have missed the point entirely, or I don't follow to what you allude to at all

well been a pipe monkey that has to work for other people i wouldn't would I

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well been a pipe monkey that has to work for other people i wouldn't would I

Where I am from "pipe monkey" is not an insult, it's interchangeable with "plumber" or "gas engineer"


It's not you working for someone I take issue with (I appreciate I alluded to this previously for which I am disappointed in myself as very "low hanging fruit") it's the God complex where no one else can even be considered for opinion regardless of background, experience, knowledge base, etc

Edited by LondonLuke
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Where I am from "pipe monkey" is not an insult, it's interchangeable with "plumber" or "gas engineer"


It's not you working for someone I take issue with (I appreciate I alluded to this previously for which I am disappointed in myself as very "low hanging fruit") it's the God complex where no one else can even be considered for opinion regardless of background, experience, knowledge base, etc

but they can Luke and ill accept it if they have something to base that opinion on, Like fitting boilers for a living,or repairing them or servicing them etc

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Thread locked.

Winston banned from PW

tell me del, does anybody actually take you seriously?

Its popcorn time on PW again !

I am off to put the kettle on , anyone for a cuppa ?


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no sugar leave the bag in

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but they can Luke and ill accept it if they have something to base that opinion on, Like fitting boilers for a living,or repairing them or servicing them etc


Maybe this is where we differ


I would personally value the opinion of someone who has ten flats and experiences the every day pitfalls of each make/model over someone who can tell me how easy they are to fit.


Every combi boiler is virtually the same to fit and although some are easier than others to work on it's the ongoing aspect that my clients prefer to hear about; and this is why we recommend the brands we do.


I meet a lot of guys who do installs and will give their opinion but who have little idea of the actual day to day reality of owning a particular model.


I hasten to add I am not saying this is you Winston, my only frustration with your comments from the start of this and other threads is the idea that everyone but you is wrong because they don't fit them

Edited by LondonLuke
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Maybe this is where we differ


I would personally value the opinion of someone who has ten flats and experiences the every day pitfalls of each make/model over someone who can tell me how easy they are to fit.


Every combi boiler is virtually the same to fit and although some are easier than others to work on it's the ongoing aspect that my clients prefer to hear about; and this is why we recommend the brands we do.


I meet a lot of guys who do installs and will give their opinion but who have little idea of the actual day to day reality of owning a particular model.

i personally have worked on a service, repair and replacement contracts most of my life, ive worked on combis as far back as the heatslave and the myson midas,for a company/service that has one of the largest housing stocks in the UK,we have installed and maintained many many different brands, as we are not allowed to show favoritism to one company, so to summarise ive seen a lot of boilers and i do mean thousands 10-15 repairs a day,5 days a week 46 weeks a year as you say im 42, ive installed for over 12 years so 1-2 combi swaps a day 5 days a week 46 weeks a year= a wealth of knowledge rarely matched, am i bragging yes,I know im good and proud of iti cant recall how many years ive spent doing each but say its 50 50 thats about 34500 repairs and about 4140 boilers installed wouldn't you say i had a good knowledge of boilers, ive also only ever worked for 3 companies so must have done something right

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i personally have worked on a service, repair and replacement contracts most of my life, ive worked on combis as far back as the heatslave and the myson midas,for a company/service that has one of the largest housing stocks in the UK,we have installed and maintained many many different brands, as we are not allowed to show favoritism to one company, so to summarise ive seen a lot of boilers and i do mean thousands 10-15 repairs a day,5 days a week 46 weeks a year as you say im 42, ive installed for over 12 years so 1-2 combi swaps a day 5 days a week 46 weeks a year= a wealth of knowledge rarely matched, am i bragging yes,I know im good and proud of iti cant recall how many years ive spent doing each but say its 50 50 thats about 34500 repairs and about 4140 boilers installed wouldn't you say i had a good knowledge of boilers, ive also only ever worked for 3 companies so must have done something right

Wish my guys could get through 10-15 repairs a day!


All very well and good and you have a good knowledge base, I never questioned that, regardless, for me it doesn't give any right to be the be all and end all of knowledge when it comes to gas/boilers/plumbing etc


There are some very high level shooters on this forum but they are encouraging of others and are very happy to hear the views of others and do not shoot others down when they have an opinion; perhaps I have just become too accustomed to a more welcoming nature on this site.


I personally think this is something as a "community" we should be proud of and certainly helped me getting into shooting in the first instance.

Edited by LondonLuke
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Wish my guys could get through 10-15 repairs a day!


All very well and good and you have a good knowledge base, I never questioned that, regardless, for me it doesn't give any right to be the be all and end all of knowledge when it comes to gas/boilers/plumbing etc


There are some very high level shooters on this forum but they are encouraging of others and are very happy to hear the views of others and do not shoot others down when they have an opinion; perhaps I have just become too accustomed to a more welcoming nature on this site.


I personally think this is something as a "community" we should be proud of and certainly helped me getting into shooting in the first instance.

if your guys cant get to 10-15 repairs a day and its not a london traffic issue id suggest they aren't trying,and are you telling me the "professional" shooters on here, welcome advice from none qualified etc? I dont believe you, I have been teaching ji-jitsu for over 25 years and welcome anyone's knowledge, as long as they can get on that mat and show me it works,Ditto boilers(obviously you cant fight a boiler,just saving someone the bother)

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if your guys cant get to 10-15 repairs a day and its not a london traffic issue id suggest they aren't trying,and are you telling me the "professional" shooters on here, welcome advice from none qualified etc? I dont believe you, I have been teaching ji-jitsu for over 25 years and welcome anyone's knowledge, as long as they can get on that mat and show me it works,Ditto boilers(obviously you cant fight a boiler,just saving someone the bother)

I sense this thread is becoming the Winston and Luke show but will continue


My guys work a nine hour day and given each repair takes around 30/60 minutes with London traffic they wouldn't even touch getting to ten a day. But we do have a good call out rate to compensate I guess.


EdOakley on here is a pro shooter, Bakerboy is a professional coach and they are just two off the top of my head - I have seen both of these encourage and discuss without being completely big headed or dismissive of others where they, probably rightfully, could be.


Edit - he isn't called Ed Oakley but his name escapes me!

Edited by LondonLuke
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I sense this thread is becoming the Winston and Luke show but will continue


My guys work a nine hour day and given each repair takes around 30/60 minutes with London traffic they wouldn't even touch getting to ten a day. But we do have a good call out rate to compensate I guess.


EdOakley on here is a pro shooter, Bakerboy is a professional coach and they are just two off the top of my head - I have seen both of these encourage and discuss without being completely big headed or dismissive or others where they, probably rightfully, could be.

well maybe that's where me and them differ,I would hate to see anyone given wrong advice by un-gifted amateurs, and I quote" a bit of a gap under your door" is acceptable for catalytic fires,this could cost peoples lives,and much more random **** spouted about "whats ok for gas" its all great until someone dies

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Entertaining as this thread has been, if the OP wants (yet) another opinion I can ask my brother if you like. He's a Corgi (or whatever it's called now) reg'd heating engineer and he runs a plumbing business fitting these things on a daily basis.


He's having a knee operation tomorrow but I'm sure he won't mind me asking.


If you have enough info then leave it, but if you want me to ask him then PM me :good:

Edited by Thunderbird
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I sense this thread is becoming the Winston and Luke show but will continue


My guys work a nine hour day and given each repair takes around 30/60 minutes with London traffic they wouldn't even touch getting to ten a day. But we do have a good call out rate to compensate I guess.


EdOakley on here is a pro shooter, Bakerboy is a professional coach and they are just two off the top of my head - I have seen both of these encourage and discuss without being completely big headed or dismissive of others where they, probably rightfully, could be.


Edit - he isn't called Ed Oakley but his name escapes me!

maybe you should employ me Luke, i could make you a lot of money, with a decent van stock there's not many boilers i cant fix in an hour, or of course quote an exorbitant ammount to replace because parts are obsolete,beyond economical repair etc etc whatever lie is preferred to extract money, a 9 hour dayyour a slave driver i require time and a half after 7.5

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