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Ah well; that's that then.


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Wilman has quit and May reckons he isn't going back without Clarkson,so that's that by the look of it.

The BBC however, have stated Clarkson will be returning to the corporation. How that sits with them morally, having already sacked him for assaulting one of it's employees I have no idea, but like they say, money talks.

Edited by Scully
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It's all in the technicalities. they've cancelled his contract for Top Gear, and only Top Gear. So they're happy to lap up the viewing figures when he's on Qi, Have I Got News For You and all the other serious things he's done (arctic convoys and the like) but won't have him running amuck on his own show!


They can't relaunch it without Wilman, Clarkson or May. If they do, it will have to be so totally different that it won't appeal to its heartland viewership. Their one shot would be getting a woman on who could do the blokey, ridiculous stuff, but also has credence in her own right. Jodie Kidd? Glamour model, Top Gear history and a massive petrol head

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I had to laugh at the 'who is going to replace Clarkson' threads on here, fb and just about everywhere else.

Who in their right mind thought he would be replaced and they would just carry on?

Even after James May said they are a team, people kept on discussing who the new 3rd presenter might be

Amazing really...

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Top Gear is finished. No one can take over or recreate it. The BBC may want to, but whatever they come up with, and I think they would be foolish to even try, it will be a poor parody of TG. Another programme could well be relaunched in the future, for another generation, with contemporary presenters, but this generation will simply compare anything produced now with TG, and it will suffer as a result.

It was the writing of Clarkson and the production of Wilman and the chemistry of the presenters which made the show the success it was. All that has now gone. I'm looking forward to see what they come up with next...if anything. And the book, of course.

I only wish Wogan would retire while he still has time to write his. :yes:

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