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Cartridge Deflectors


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Anyone found a solution for autos chucking empties across the field? Reason I would like a deflector is for shooting rabbits off the back of a truck, I don't have to worry about empty cases littering the ground and also it would make it easier clearing up after a day in the pigeon hide. I like using autos as they are so point able, easy to load and have that vital third shot! Any thoughts or home made ideas most welcome :)

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The problem I found with this was holding a catch bag far enough from the ejection port to allow the bolt to operate, and to drop a cartridge into the chamber.

Disclaimer: my solution may not suit everyone - you may think it ridiculous, ugly, or ridiculously ugly, but it works for me.

It sits on my Baikal MP153, so I won't be surprised, or offended, if the opinion is expressed that it couldn't get any uglier...


I had a Weaver/Picatinny rail fitted, then added a couple of quick-release sling swivel mounts, replacing the swivel bolt with a flathead screw in each.

The alloy deflector plate is mounted on these, and the catch bag hangs on a frame on the end of the plate.

The bag is made from some goatskin left over from an armour project, and the whole thing weighs under 3 ounces.












The hollow centre of the mounts allows me to look straight through without interfering to much with the sight picture, and for lamping rabbits off a truck, with a light clamped under the barrel, it works fine. Wouldn't want to walk far carrying it, but horses for courses - it soaks recoil up like a sponge from any load suitable for bunnies.

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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The problem I found with this was holding a catch bag far enough from the ejection port to allow the bolt to operate, and to drop a cartridge into the chamber.

Disclaimer: my solution may not suit everyone - you may think it ridiculous, ugly, or ridiculously ugly, but it works for me.

It sits on my Baikal MP153, so I won't be surprised, or offended, if the opinion is expressed that it couldn't get any uglier...


I had a Weaver/Picatinny rail fitted, then added a couple of quick-release sling swivel mounts, replacing the swivel bolt with a flathead screw in each.

The alloy deflector plate is mounted on these, and the catch bag hangs on a frame on the end of the plate.

The bag is made from some goatskin left over from an armour project, and the whole thing weighs under 3 ounces.


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The hollow centre of the mounts allows me to look straight through without interfering to much with the sight picture, and for lamping rabbits off a truck, with a light clamped under the barrel, it works fine. Wouldn't want to walk far carrying it, but horses for courses - it soaks recoil up like a sponge from any load suitable for bunnies.&&0

It obviously works for you. I just wondered how the hell you hit anything while using it.

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It obviously works for you. I just wondered how the hell you hit anything while using it.

It actually looks a bit like a ghost ring sight in use - I'm looking through it, so not really conscious of it being in the way. It's not ideal, hence the interest in the magnetic jobbie, but it does work (15 bunnies for 18 cartridges last time out). As for the extra weight, again I don't really notice it, the gun being a heavy old brute to start with!
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It obviously works for you. I just wondered how the hell you hit anything while using it.

I am amazed that the whole thing can possibly weigh under 3 ounces. Rail, sheet, fixings frame and bag! An onion or orange net bag would suffice, unless near any prickles/briars.


That big neo magnet would be no good for brass, but does a good job.

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All the metal bits are alloy, and the plate is thin - the rigidity comes from the shape. The goat skin is also very thin, less than 1mm. The first attempt was much heavier!

Also have to admit I didn't include the weight of the rail - I don't know how much that weighs, although probably not much.

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It works well - it will hold 15 or so empties before it needs tipping out. The fore and aft positioning is surprisingly sensitive to loads - 32g loads need the bag 1/2" further forward than 28g. This probably means I made the bag mouth too narrow!


I have to say I like the design of the magnetic catcher, although the front mounting looks as if it would occlude the bolt release button.

I also need to find a couple of places on the side of the action body thick enough to take an M4 tapped hole, so I'm thinking about this one...

Edited by CaptainBeaky
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  • 2 months later...

Update - it is built and mounted, on M5 screws, using neodymium magnets. The Dutch chap who made the one in the video was very helpful when I emailed him :)

It catches ejected cartridges when manually cycled as far as I can manage - I'll hopefully get to shoot it at the weekend, so photos and possibly even video then.

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A few years ago my mate who died 6 years ago often used his 10/22 rugger in my motor and i was sick of the cases hitting the windscreen

and going down the air vent.

So i made a deflector we stuck some velcro tape on top of the gun and cut a piece out of a plastic milk bottle so L shaped

then stuck velcro on this.

So when we went out just got the piece of mike bottle out of his bag stuck the 2 pieces of velcro together, it worked a treat cartridges

dropped straight down on to the floor no problem at all..

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Ok, that didn't work too well - needed a lot of adjustment to get it to catch ejected shells without jamming. If it is set too low, it didn't catch every one. If too high, the second case bounces puff the first, back into the port, and causes a jam! I have got it working now, but it looks a bit second hand from multiple ...errrr.... adjustments, so I will be making another one, incorporating the proportions established in my extensive trials, and forgoing the layer of paint, which doesn't last very well :)

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