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Beware, it is that time of year again.


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This is not a sporting picture but I thought that it might be useful to PW members who have dogs.


On the outward journey of my walk with Jasper and Bounder this lunchtime I followed a blood trail. It looked recent. It was so recent it was happening as I watched. Jasper's paw was covered in blood. Not being far from home I returned quickly and hosed the foot down with cold water. I could then see a raised area like a pimple. Digging away with tweezers I extracted the grass seed shown in the picture. It must have been in for some time and yet Jasper had shown no sign of lameness.



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My spaniel suffers from bad front paws. She has benign growths that swell up and down.

She ran into a pile of old half burnt fibre glass as a puppy, my fault entirely. I got most of it out but I knew not all of it. I also knew it would raise its ugly head in later life.

I regularly have to treat with poultices now.

She is semi retired now, a hard worker she was too. Bless her.


Well spotted jdog.

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My spaniel has got a lump developed on top of his paw these last few days. Had him to the vets yesterday and they puzzled by it!

She doesn't think where it is it will be a grass seed but can't be 100% so she given him antibiotics for a few days to see if it improves if not they going to have to investigate further!

Seems to have got bigger over last 24hrs too!

Edited by James1983
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Without wanting to sound dramatic, please be very careful of seeds. A friend recently had to have a young bitch put down because the vets removed a lump from her side, but missed the cause (a grass seed) the seed continued to work its way into, and around her chest cavity and by the time she showed any outward signs of illness she was basically a walking bag of pus.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry to drag this up but while at work tonight my partner messaged to let me know the dog had developed a limp, on arrival home he was indeed limping, now he never makes a fuss of any injuries so I had a poke around and a squeeze but couldn't find anything obvious and almost assumed it was a sprain and left him to rest it, then I noticed a little clump of wet fur ontop of his foot between the toes (webbing) I carefully cut the fur back and there it was..... Tip of a grass seed!!!! Removed it with a pair of tweezers, poor little ****** had about 1cm of seed in his foot! Cleaned it up with salt water and cut the fur right back so I can keep an eye on it......


He is my first ever dog and a fantastic shooting buddy, words don't really do the relationship between a man and his dog justice!


A Massive thank you to the person who posted this thread.... Without It I would never have thought to look so hard and my dog could have ended up a lot worse off!


Thanks again :)


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My spaniel has got a lump developed on top of his paw these last few days. Had him to the vets yesterday and they puzzled by it!

She doesn't think where it is it will be a grass seed but can't be 100% so she given him antibiotics for a few days to see if it improves if not they going to have to investigate further!

Seems to have got bigger over last 24hrs too!

I have seen sore lumps develope on the top of paws in kenneled dogs.

Sometimes caused by washing the runs daily and putting the dog back in a wet run.

Might not be the cause in your dog, but worth being aware of.

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So after a good day out the limp came back!!!

His foot looked fine and there was no sign of any issues other than skin abrasion caused by grass and things from where he has no fun on that foot....... Checked again in the morning and there was now a lump. But no weeping or anything!

Called the vets a went down there.

Long story short....




I had obviously just pulled the husk of that grass seed out a week ago. Its totally my fault and fortunately he will be fine.




All joking aside I suffer from hay-fever really bad and now my dog is getting beaten up by the same stuff!

Who would have thought GRASS can render me and my dog temporarily lame!


Keep an eye on your dogs people :)

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