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Watch your backs Part 2.

jacob w h

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I have recently gained shooting rights to a decent wedge of land mainly because my grandad tried to buy it and his house backs on to it and is also good freinds with the framer i was out shooting targets yesterday just practicing as I am only a new shooter when other group of shooters who had permission to be on the land came over fuming about me being there, I then said sorry as they where on the land first, told my grandad about the incident he got on the phone to the farmer 10 minutes later he comes out to field in the landrover and tells the to **** off his land and not comeback I was well chuffed

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I have recently gained shooting rights to a decent wedge of land mainly because my grandad tried to buy it and his house backs on to it and is also good freinds with the framer i was out shooting targets yesterday just practicing as I am only a new shooter when other group of shooters who had permission to be on the land came over fuming about me being there, I then said sorry as they where on the land first, told my grandad about the incident he got on the phone to the farmer 10 minutes later he comes out to field in the landrover and tells the to **** off his land and not comeback I was well chuffed



If these people are local and anything other than gentlemen then I should be inclined to watch my back for a while, you all have to live together and its a small world.

You may well be "chuffed" at the moment but they may not take to being told to "go away and not come back" lightly, it pays to be aware of all possible scenarios. :angry:


:lol: D2D

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I have recently gained shooting rights to a decent wedge of land mainly because my grandad tried to buy it and his house backs on to it and is also good freinds with the framer i was out shooting targets yesterday just practicing as I am only a new shooter when other group of shooters who had permission to be on the land came over fuming about me being there, I then said sorry as they where on the land first, told my grandad about the incident he got on the phone to the farmer 10 minutes later he comes out to field in the landrover and tells the to **** off his land and not comeback I was well chuffed



If these people are local and anything other than gentlemen then I should be inclined to watch my back for a while, you all have to live together and its a small world.

You may well be "chuffed" at the moment but they may not take to being told to "go away and not come back" lightly, it pays to be aware of all possible scenarios. :angry:


:lol: D2D




Just thinking the same, put yourself in the same position as them. You may well be chuffed now, time will tell.



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I am local. But what you have got to remember is I was doing nothing wrong they just thought " hey a kid lets be big and brave by picking on him " and when I mentioned it to my grandad (farmers freind and drinking buddy for like 20 yrs) he didnt take it lightly



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I am local. But what you have got to remember is I was doing nothing wrong they just thought " hey a kid lets be big and brave by picking on him " and when I mentioned it to my grandad (farmers freind and drinking buddy for like 20 yrs) he didnt take it lightly





We appreciate what you are saying, but are only offering you the benefit of advice built upon experience,

Hope your not referring to us as grumpy old men :angry:


:lol: D2D

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If I were you, and it's only a suggestion, I would find out from your Grandad (via the farmer) who they were - approach them and try and make amends.


Hear me out here, I know you say they had "an attitude" and perhaps they should have been more diplomatic - the key here is if you smooth things over with the farmer for them, you can all enjoy the sporting rights and you will probably end up with some knowledgeable mates who can help you - and you might get some shooting out of it.


When I have seen other people on my permissions I am always cagey and some might see it as confrontational - just think, if you smooth it over it will be for the good of shooting, these lads could have worked very hard to get the permission and by the sounds of it were only trying to help the farmer by challenging you.


Take a moment to have a think about what I have said, it makes sense :lol:

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I know who the where and have known them for many years and they are snobs who hate everybody without a range rover vogue plus they have permission on each others land they are also farmers

Sounds to me like you have made some powerful enemies who will be only too happy to screw you at the first opportunity. You will find that as you grow older you will meet these people in every day life…..and they won’t be too eager to see you get on. :lol:

Make your peace or watch your back methinks.


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The world of shooting doesn't need us making enemies of our compatriots - there are more than enough who would see our sport's light snuffed gently out like some disliked church candle.


Sit there on your high horse with your Gramps pulling strings for you, hope you are proud of yourself.

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It seems that the other chaps are the ones that should be making the peace.


jacob w h was there with permission, they were the ones that approached him "fuming".

Perhaps they should have been more circumspect.


I have moved all the relevant posts here, because the other thread was in danger of getting derailed.

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They are not powerful enemies they didnt work hard to get there farms except for one the others where daddys untill he got to old and then it was there you go son


I'd make sure I was squeaky clean then, make one mistake and they will be on you like a tonne of bricks.

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I know who the where and have known them for many years and they are snobs who hate everybody without a range rover vogue plus they have permission on each others land they are also farmers



im sorry to say jacob im with pin on this one, its fair to say your in the right in that you were only plinking with your air rifle and they came on to strong obviously not knowing you were there by permission, (i would be asking anyone who was shooting on my permission if they had permission of the farmer to be there, and as i know for sure there is knowone else i would be reporting it to him).


cant judge people on being snobs just because they have a range rover, i go beating on a lancashire shoot and theres plenty of chaps there with vogues and there a grand bunch o blokes.


and lastly if i had plenty of land and a frend had also im sure we would shoot on each others land as surly thats what mates do.


come on jacob kiss and make up :lol::angry: without the kissing bit :angry::angry::angry::blush:

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It is the farmer who decides who he wants to shoot HIS land, these other chaps could not be doing such a great job if he was this quick to throw them off his land. I agree that they should all make amends but maybe it should be the other blokes initiating that. When I am on my permission I always approach others with courtesy and respect and would like to think they would do the same.

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always treat people as you would like to be treated , jacob w h was in the right here and alot have given him stick.

if i where you i would try and get the lads back on the farm if possible , but if you carn't don't worry they lost there permision not you .

lesson to be learned here treat people with respect . :lol:

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always treat people as you would like to be treated , jacob w h was in the right here and alot have given him stick.

if i where you i would try and get the lads back on the farm if possible , but if you carn't don't worry they lost there permision not you .

lesson to be learned here treat people with respect . :lol:


nicely said magman the voive of true reason me thinks

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It would be good to at least try to talk to them I think. If they are that rude to you when you do, then just tell them that you're trying to keep it friendly and it's up to them how they make the situation. You have nothing to be sorry for and the way I see it, you're not the one that's caused the problem. It doesn't mean that you can't fix it. Some people get really stroppy about others shooting their land. I prefer to think that if the other shooters will eventually share their land with you, maybe you will have more permission in the long run. If you can be friendly mutually, you may have a lot to gain and it shows you're being mature about it. Hope it all calms down ok for you :lol:

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It seems that the other chaps are the ones that should be making the peace.


jacob w h was there with permission, they were the ones that approached him "fuming".

Perhaps they should have been more circumspect.


I have moved all the relevant posts here, because the other thread was in danger of getting derailed.

I would'nt bother Jacob .............Anybody worth their salt would have gone about challenging you in a mature and constructive manner and I agree with this quote by Cranfield .


There must be some dodgy characters about if the majority of advice is to keep on the right side of people like this .I know I would'nt

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Its a hard one jacob, they were in the wrong for talking to you in that way.

I always apply the polite approach, even sometimes when people are are pig ignorant.

You may suffer later on when you start properly shooting and gainfully looking for permission. You may find they might put the spoke it in for you.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Jacob is in the right. The other people shouldnt have reacted the way they did, especially if they were older folk and Jacob is a lad. If i see people on my permission i`m always pleasant. They might have more right to be there than you have. Family member/ old friend or whatever who the farmer might have let on as a one off.


You can get all sorts of bods turning up on farms who you might think looks a complete cock but its always worth engaging them in conversation as they might be the ticket to more shooting. Having heard from "your" farmer that you do a good job they might want to see what you`re like for themselves before they trust you and are testing you out.

Got a couple of large packets of land like this, one of 2,500 acres from a keeper(just air rifle at mo), and might be getting a bit more.

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