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A night on the pigs

Rim Fire

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Hi all a late report last Thursday we decided to have a look to se if we could get a Boar on my mates ground one went down the bottom and two of us stayed up the top after about an hour we then we had a text saying that a boar was shot good start to the night then we had anouther text saying he had to go so off he went we stayed up the top everything went quiet for a bit but then i seen a pair of eyes with the bresser hand held NV we could see two pigs about 100 lbers my mate said to hang on and see if anything else would show and it did this big boy came out



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My first post, so go easy on me, but I do have some experience on these in the east of our Island .270 and above is recommended but only recommended, think you will find its not enforced! The animal was clearly near enough for a well placed neck shot and remember the neck on a Wild Boar is bigger and less mobile than a Deer, I am sure Rim Fire would of not taken a heart & lung shot, placed correctly then a 100 grn 243 will do the job as the picture testifies. By the way I do use a larger calibre as recommended.

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Yes you can shoot Boar with a 243 and no it is not illeagal as i was told by myFAO you wont be grantee a 243 to shoot boar as said 270 min but as Boar are not on the list as yet they are classed as a pest so your nor breaking the law as i went in for a 308 last year and the land i got boar on the landowner was out of the country for a couple of mths and i had this disscusion with him my FAO why do you think i put on here a 243 knowing i would have stick so get your facts right first

Edited by Rim Fire
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My first post, so go easy on me, but I do have some experience on these in the east of our Island .270 and above is recommended but only recommended, think you will find its not enforced! The animal was clearly near enough for a well placed neck shot and remember the neck on a Wild Boar is bigger and less mobile than a Deer, I am sure Rim Fire would of not taken a heart & lung shot, placed correctly then a 100 grn 243 will do the job as the picture testifies. By the way I do use a larger calibre as recommended.

SWH you are a 100percent correct i have seen a Boar carry a 150 grn with a hart lung shot and when they run they run hundreds of yards and where we shoot its all down hill and you dont want to go looking for them in the dark wounded its a head shot or nothing even with a 308 diffrent with flat ground to many people on here dont know the facts or the law befor they start typing

Edited by Rim Fire
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https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wild-mammals-management-and-control-options#managing-wild-boarWe know they make it up as they go along but I highly doubt they will let you shoot boar with a 243 even if you nut shot them


My point was it is just a recommendation not the law, as stated on that link


"Police guidance suggests a minimum calibre of .270 Winchester, its metric equivalent or larger for wild boar"

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My point was it is just a recommendation not the law, as stated on that link


"Police guidance suggests a minimum calibre of .270 Winchester, its metric equivalent or larger for wild boar"

Wasent refering to you as said it is only a guide line they wont give you a ticket to shoot Boar under a 270 when i had this conversation with my FAO this is what he said if i was to dig a pit and a Boar fell into it i wouldnt be breaking the law if i was to use a 22 rimy and it took 100 shots to kill it but it would be looked upon by the animal right brigade i dont think alot of people know what is right or wrong when it comes to shooting boar its a diffrent catogory to Deer where you need to have AOLQ or named on your ticket like i have

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Quite confusing for some people trying to differentiate between the law, which is a legal requirement and a guidance or suggestion.


Upgrade to VERY ........


I plan to use my .275 Rigby with either 162 grain or 175 grain bullets.


A friend used his .270 with 140 grain bullets in the Forest of Dean last Saturday and took a 140 KG boar (I think it weighed in at) ..... its size amazed me ...... enormous


The deer initiative say this....



- Minimum calibre to be used against wild boar is the .270 Win.

- Muzzle energy of 2,700ft/lb, but it is recommended that a calibre of no less than 7mm with a bullet of 160 grains- plus should be used.
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Sorry m8 lost it a bit there mabe there should be a section on the rights and wrongs with diffrent species where you could get BASC to confirm the law on things

No worries mate I have learned something new and think there should be a section on this type of thing. Personally I wouldn't shoot a boar with a 243 i wouldn't be comfortable doing it that's why I have the 308 for it and only ever shot two and they didn't argue at all with the boiler room shots but I am a novice.
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