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The Best Laid Plans

pigeon controller

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Friday saw us heading out at 12.00 and after four farms we had not seen a bird, at the fifth we found some cut wheat which had about fifty birds down and others joining . This field has a constant flightline out of the city and is usually better in the afternoon. We phoned the farmer and he told us it had been cut Thursday but before we set up to look at another field down the lane. So we headed to the other field which had no birds on it at all. As I tried to turn round in the road I lost all steering with the steering wheel just turning to no effect, a quick look underneath the Disco and the track rod off the steering box had decided to part company. I managed to push it back on to move the vehicle to the side of the road. Every time I tried to move the wheel the ball joint would pop off so with a bit of fence wire and a para cord sling to hold the track rod up into the joint I managed to drive the twelve miles home. I managed to get a replacement and fitted it before tea but no shooting. At 157K I suppose you expect some wear and also I work it hard off road.


Saturday we set out at 11.00 and had received a phone call from Bunny Blaster that he had seen birds on one of our farms on cut wheat , so we headed in that direction only to find anther shooter scanning the fields , we spoke to the farmer and DB remind him of the thousand shells he had used on the crows when I was away with two two hundred bags and at least three one hundred bags. The farmer said that he had phoned earlier and said he would be over to shoot so that was that.We headed to the field we had seen the day before and we hoped that they had fed on it hard yesterday so would return today. As we drove on the stubble we were shocked to see it bailed as this would have taken place yesterday and disturbed the birds feeding. We watched it for twenty minutes and it had a good flightline crossing it but none down. The flightline was high as if they were on a mission to other fields so we followed it but they went passed the field and then went to trees around the edge of the ajoining field. So we set up between the two fields with ten on cradles and two on the magnet which we place on the field behind us . As we shot birds we built up the pattern behind us , as the flighting birds were still very high crossers and did not committ to the decoys . The more birds we shot and put out as stand ups the more the birds decoyed. We packed up at 18.00 and picked up one hundred and thirtyfive birds and found another when we picked up the Disco. But at least we had managed to get out after the problems on Friday.




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Reminds me of when the front drag link ball joint collapsed on my earlier 300 tdi and i had to use a ractchet strap to repair it and get me home!

Your quick thinking got you out of trouble and home safe.


To go out and shoot a ton + today and still manage a smile is amazing. Well shot PC and as usual a nice write up :good:

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Well done PC a decent bag and a good boy scout repair on the motor .

I had a track rod end drop out once as I was going around a roundabout , fortunately it was 6 am and there was no other traffic, my solution was to force a plastic cap off a pen I had in the motor onto the thread :lol: it got me home though.

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Great day there PC looks like lovely scenery in the back ground.

Just a quick question though, do your dead birds that you add to your pattern throughout the day get covered in bluebottle flys/eggs ? If they do is your game dealer happy to take them still ?,

Today we had no flies about , I tend to find the flies like the shade and if they are in the pattern I only get wasps on the eyes. Before we pack them into the bags or the photo I check and remove . From memory I can only remember one occasion when the game dealer found one with fly blow when we were packing them into crates from being laid out on the garage floor.

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